Natalia Yezhzhina - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, Mikhail Civilin, in youth 2021



Natalia Yezhzhina - Soviet and Russian actress of cinema. The artist whose filmography consists of secondary roles, it turned out to be practically not in demand in cinema and television in 2000s, so it was realized on a pedagogical field.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Drozhzhina was born on June 26, 1948 in the Balt, the town in the Odessa region. About becoming an actress, a girl dreamed of young age, and fate gave her such a chance.

After graduating from school, Natalia entered the Moscow Theater School them. B. Shchukina. A talented student began to film still during training, and in 1970 he received a cherished document and became a professional artist.


Natalia Georgievna was not lucky to the main roles. Debuting in 1966 in the tape "Elder Sister", she was not even mentioned in the credits. A year later, the performer was casting for film "in the thirteenth hour of the night". In the frame, Natalia depicted a mermaid. Her partners in the court became George Vicin, Zinoviy Gerdt and Anatoly Papanov.

In the 1970s, the film "Drama on the Hunt" film was released on the screens. For his career, the artist never managed to attract the attention of directors who would have trusted her work on the images of the central characters. She participated in the filming of paintings "Seventeen Moments of Spring", "Kiss for Chanits", "Interdevechka", but the starry hour did not happen.

Natalia Yezhzhina - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, Mikhail Civilin, in youth 2021 4036_1

In 2010, the artist participated in the creation of a documentary tape "Lydia Smirnov. Woman at all times. " A year later - in the film "Stored Fate." Then followed employment in documentary projects dedicated to the legendary actors.

In 2019, the premiere of the tape "Viya Artman. Brilliant pretender "with the participation of yeast. Many actress colleagues during this period were involved in the series, but it was not invited to cooperate.

Natalya Yezhzhina taught at the University of Culture at the Academy of Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. On her account several government awards. The artist is the founder of charitable foundations, among which both BF "Help for forgotten actors."

Personal life

In his youth, yeast had a lot of fans. An attractive medium-sized girl was successful among representatives of a strong floor, but was selective. Natalia's happiness in a personal life was the lawyer Mikhail Civin.

After a few decades in an interview with the actress, noted that, despite the time, the fervor of her feelings to the spouse was preserved. She still considers her husband the main gift in life. The artist never was lucky enough to become a mother - she does not have children.

Batalov's inheritance

In 2020, the photo of the artist and her spouse appeared in the media because of the scandal around the inheritance of Alexei Batalov. Between Natalia Yehzzhina and Maria, a daughter of an actor suffering from the cerebral palsy, a life-lifelong rent agreement was concluded, in the presence of a notary Dmitry Bublia. Mother Mary, Gitan Leontenko, who was 85 years old at the time of the dispute, reacted with trust to Civin and Yeast, providing the opportunity to dispose of family property.

Actress and lawyer owned general power of attorney. Under the rent contract, they belonged to the former property of the daughter and the widow of Batalov. So Gitan and Maria lost money stored in accounts, and real estate in the form of a share in the 4-room apartment of Alexei Batalov, a workshop, 2 apartments in the capital.

The victims wrote a statement with a request to initiate a criminal case against offenders. One of the reasons for the decision was the fact that on behalf of the Aleksey Batalov Foundation in various instances came letters with requests for financial assistance. They were attended by signatures of heirers who did not belong to them. Director of the Foundation, contact persons called Mikhail Civin. Gitan Leontenko discouraged and the fact that the daughter was going to take under custody without her knowledge.

On October 26, 2020, Civilin and Drozhin were charged under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud".

The Khamovnichesky Court did not arrest spouses, they were obliged to be on their first demand and banned themselves to communicate with other defendants of the case. Now the investigation of the case continues, faster than new details, have personal secrets of actress and lawyer. The verdict on such an article suggests 10 years of imprisonment.

The public died in Civin and Yezzhina with sinists, and the media accurately followed the development of events.

As the scandal develops, it became known that the story with Batalov was not the first to account Mikhail Civin. He allegedly owned 17 apartments in the capital acquired fraudulently. In an interview, the lawyer explained incomes earnings received in the past. Civin assured: He acquired a state as a deputy director of the Mercedes car maintenance station and the Director General of the enterprise that collaborated with foreign companies. The presence of such a number of apartments in the property Mikhail deny.

It turned out that the spouses often turned out to be near the artists who needed support. The couple helped Olga Balantheva after the death of the mother, the actress Svetlana Kharitonova, and offered to sell an apartment. Natalia Yezhzhina participated in the funeral of Natalia Kustinskaya. Together with his spouse, Natalia Georgievna has more than once visited such events, a new acquaintance with mercenary goals. Their repeated presence on a farewell with famous artists confirmed the composer Irina Gribulina.

Domrabotnitsa Drozhini confessed in an interview that was aware of the machinations of employers. Tatyana Savenkova knew about the scams of fraudsters with real estate and told the media, as the owners supported contact with the elderly and the pool artists.

Natalia Yezhzhina now

NTV employees found former daughter-in-law Natalia Georgievna, Irina. Women's spouse, brother actresses, died in strange circumstances. It is worth noting that Vladimir Drubzhin had alcohol problems.

In an interview with "New Russian Sensations", Irina told that the actress refused to register her in a new apartment purchased for Vladimir, so offended woman was gone. And after a few months I learned that the husband died. "It was possible to save anyway, he was not quite due to the money," the former relative is sure. - And I stayed without housing. "

Natalia Georgievna has another terrible mystery - marriage with Boris Buryac, Civin is not the only stars husband. This was told by the nephew of the famous soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. When Galina Brezhneva's favorite was planted for the embezzlement of diamonds, Yezhzhina came to the beloved to the settlement and became his official wife, "three days the whole prison was standing on the ears."

According to the nephew, the actress and suggested a scheme with apartments of lonely artists, to which a criminal spouse replied that a good lawyer needs a good lawyer. So, Drozhin found Civin and married him in 1983. Nestykovka is that they got married in 1985 with Burya. The media confidently declare: spouses complied the facts of biography.

In March 2021, a cousin of Yehry, Elena Novikova, appeared in the release of the transfer "Direct Ether" with Andrei Malakhov. She said that the mother actresses - Gypsy, and with an offense he remembered that Natalia always noted that she had no one and her relatives.

From the release of the transfer "Let them say" on March 18, it became known that Civin was configured to give a decisive rebuff to everyone who "wrinkles his name and name of his cost half."


  • 1966 - "Elder Sister"
  • 1968 - "In the Thirteenth Houch Night"
  • 1970 - "Drama on the hunt"
  • 1973 - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"
  • 1973 - "Silence of Dr. Ivex"
  • 1974 - "Difficult floors"
  • 1974 - "Kiss Chanits"
  • 1975 - "Diamonds for Mary"
  • 1989 - "Interdestochka"
  • 1990 - "Nikolay Vavilov"
  • 1990 - "Peace in another dimension"
  • 1992 - "Your way out, girls ..."
  • 2011 - "Stored Fate"

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