Yakopo Tissy - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Ballet Artist 2021



His professional path began in Italy. Today, the Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Yakopo Tissy performs the main roles in performances, having received recognition in Russia. The young man is incessantly learning and believes that the main success is ahead.

Childhood and youth

Tissy comes from the small Italian city of Landriano. The future the future ballet artist appeared on February 13, 1995. And from the Small years, I hear music, I tried to show movements resembling dance passes.

The family was brought up by the younger sister. By the way, the parents of the boy were far from art. Father was engaged in the medical sphere, he worked as a manager. Mother - seller.

However, when the heir showed the desire to do dancing, those with enthusiasm supported the silence of the Son. In an interview, the Italian repeatedly talked about the impression that he made ballet on him. At the age of 5-6 years, Jacopo first saw him on TV and told the parents that he really wants to learn how to move the same way.

Mother and father wrote down their son to the local ballet school, there the boy fasted a difficult science under 11 years. And then came to Milan for a review for admission to the Academy of the La Scala Theater.

The trial of a young dancer passed with ease, and he was enrolled in a prestigious institution. At the same time, the family decided not to move - every day the Son was taken to classes, spending on the road to two hours.

At that time, Mahar Vasiev was appointed the head of the ballet troupe - he also took graduation performances from pupils.

Tissy liked the teacher - after the exams passed by the exams, Mahar Hasanovich suggested a former student to work in La Rock. But the 18-year-old guy refused. He then wanted to see the world, try to realize himself in other countries.

Therefore, after the end of the Academy, Jacopo moved to the capital of Austria. The year spent in Vienna became productive for a young artist. He received new impressions of life in someone else's country. As for development in a professional plan, he had to perform for some time as part of the corps. However, sometimes solo roles. A year later, Tissy decided to return home, where he continued to develop in La Rock.

Personal life

The young dancer leads the page in "Instagram" and "Facebook". I am pleased to share with the subscribers short videos from performances and photos of loved ones - parents and younger sister.

However, the personal life of the artist remains in the closed zone. Attractive appearance, high growth (188 cm), an athletic figure - in Russia, a lot of fans in Russia. But he does not set the goals associated with family and marriage, in the short term.

Now it is much more important to develop in ballet. In his free time, the Italian by nationality brings the video with Russian performances, reads books on the history of the country, improves language.

Lack of information about the presence of a girl in a young man gives the soil for rumors regarding non-traditional orientation. There is also no reliable evidence in favor of similar artist preferences. And during work in Vienna, he met with a beginner ballerina Martin Pasinotte.

Judging by the Tissy account in "Instagram", his forced or conscious loneliness compensates for friendship with a homemade pet. Jacopo started Pomeranian Spitz in Moscow and called him Leo.


Back in Milan, the artist met the specifics of the Russian ballet. For some time, His mentors were Olga Chenchikova and Vladimir Derevko. During the year of work in Italy, the dancer repertoire was replenished with such great works as "Nutcracker", "Cinderella" and "Don Quixote".

Person-Ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Svetlana Zakharova acted as a partner Jacopo in the "Sleeping Beauty". In an interview with Tissy, it shared that it became an incredible experience filled with unforgettable emotions. Already achieving the recognition of Zakharov helped a young colleague, and later in Moscow repeatedly went on stage with him.

By the way, the capital of Russia, Native Landriano already visited in 2014 within the framework of the speeches on the stage of the Kremlin Palace in honor of the anniversary of the MGAH. Master classes from the star of Ballet Nikolai Tsiskaridze crashed into memory. He demonstrated new combinations to foreign dancers, shared useful experience.

Already then, Tissy caught fire with a dream to speak in the Bolshoi Theater, although the building was only able to appreciate the building outside.

In 2016, Mahar Vasiev became the leader of the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe. The former mentor suggested that Jacopo taste forces in Moscow, and he agreed. So in 2017, the artist radically changed his life and moved to Russia.

Parents supported the Son, although they understood that the distance would be an obstacle for frequent meetings. And Tissy was involved in learning a foreign language - and after six months he could not only talk, but also to write in Russian.

Immediately after the move, Jacopo trained stubbornly, visited the play of the theater. The teacher for the Italian dancer was Alexander Nikolaevich Winds. And in 2017, he performed the leading party in the play "Diamonds" (on the music of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky).

Also, the artist tried out the role of Paris from Romeo and Juliet and the Prince of Nutcracker. In 2018, the repertoire was replenished with the roles of Prince Desire ("Sleeping Beauty"), Solora ("Bayaderka") and Jean de Biran ("Raymond").

Later, the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater tried the image of a fisherman in the play "Pharaoh's daughter", which greatly played this role in a duet with a young ballerina Alena Kovaleva. 2019 brought the young talent with the opportunity to show from the scene of the in love Romeo and Graph Albert from Giselle.

Show "Dance"

In the fall of 2020, a native Landriano received an invitation to enter the jury of the last season of the teleppet. And, of course, as a person inquisitive and vividly interested in modern trends, did not think to refuse.

For Jacopo, it became a stunning experience. He not only saw a lot of new genres for himself (Conmp, Tver, Pilon), and also tried out the role of an honest, impartial, but understanding the judge.

Italian organically fit into the unmensed team of mentors - Miguel, Tatyana Denisova and Egor Druzhinin. I struck all the knowledge of the Russian language and a not indifferent attitude to the participants of the show "Dance" on TNT.

Yakopo Tissy now

The role of Prince Siegfried in the ballet "Swan Lake" was significant in the creative biography of the artist, where his partner was the famous Russian audience of Ballerina Olga Smirnov. The premiere of the play took place in February 2020.

Naturally, in the pandemic period, not only performances, but also workouts were discontinued. Jacopo shared his impressions about this period in "Instagram", heavily surviving behind the loved ones, located at this time in Italy. Making self-insulation prescriptions, the artist supported the form of the house in Moscow.

After the forced break, the dancer returned to the scene of the Bolshoi Theater only in September, in the "ninth shaft" (as part of the one-acting performances "four characters in search of the plot").

Now Tissy seeks to complicate the parties already familiar to him and, of course, dreams of new roles. Italian feels in Moscow at home, wanting to develop in Russian ballet.

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