Mellstroy (Mellstroy) - biography, personal life, photo, news, stream, girls, court, beating, hit 2021



Mellstroy managed to escape from poverty and ease the life of parents, but acquired an ambiguous reputation on the network. Because of the provocative content, the blogger has repeatedly dedicated to the exposing articles, the authors of which accused him of promoting alcohol, corruption of the younger generation and even the destruction of the Institute of Family, which did not prevent the Internet star to acquire loyal fans.

Childhood and youth

Mellstroy appeared on December 15, 1998 in Gomel, Republic of Belarus. The real name of the online star is Andrei Burim. The boy grew in the work family: the father was a mechanic at the factory, and the mother was a seller in the kiosk. Money was constantly lacked, so the future blogger had to keep clothes for the elder brother.

In school years, the biographies of Andrei became interested in the popular game Minecraft. At first, the drum spent pocket money on her, and then decided to create his own server and start receiving income. The young entrepreneur reacted seriously and threw all the forces on advertising.

To minimize costs, the schoolboy created several accounts in Vkontakte and left comments with reference to the server in each group dedicated to the game. It took all his free time, because they had to spend about six hours a day, but as a result, a small business began to profit.

True, Soon Andrei tired Minecraft, because he became interested in "dota". But this passion of the young man managed to turn into a profitable case. He took up trading - selling and exchange of things and items from the 2nd part of the game. But when such entertainment stopped bringing pleasure, Mellstroy decided to temporarily leave the Internet.

Personal life

Buris is not shy to put a personal life at the bottom, telling about sexual exploits, but at the same time does not hurry to associate itself with relations. According to the memories of the guy, in school years, he met with a girl, because of which he got into a fight and received a concussion of the brain. Then, lying in the hospital, Andrei thought about becoming a blogger on Yutubeub.


The first video that Mellstroy created for the Youtyub Channel was the exposition of the popular player in Minecraft. It scored about 30 thousand views, after which Buris decided to shoot streams, periodically making compromising videos about other Internet stars.

To gain the audience, the blogger succeeded after he began to host ethers in which she asked for girls to undress in exchange for subscriptions and huskies. Since some of the participants of the frank videos were minors, the Belarusian law enforcement guards drew attention to Andrei. He was accused of spreading pornography and spent a search in the apartment, during which a computer seized.

Buris even visited an insulator of temporary content, from which he had a negative impression, but later it was closed. Despite the fact that Mellstroy pages were blocked, he returned to the creation of provocative content, because it made it possible to quickly type views and increase the audience.

On the new channel, Andrei led Stream, on which he got acquainted with the girls, pretending to the son of a businessman or sick cerebral palsy, and watched their reaction. Such a video had a lot of fans, and soon Yutubabe began to earn money on advertising. The guy was engaged in promoting the online casino, which was repeatedly subjected to condemnation from other bloggers who believe that he deceives subscribers. In no less reliable Internet community, the draws were made, which were carried out in the Burima Telegram Channel.

Over time, the video of Youtyuber became all provocative, but it did not bother Andrey to gain an audience. Mellstroy moved to the Russian capital and began to shoot a video in the "Federation" Tower in Moscow-City, demonstrating its luxurious life.

He invited girls and online stars on the streams, which offered to fulfill the tasks for money. Cyril Tereshin, Edward Beel and Katya Anokhina visited Belorus. Often, the desire of the Buris was intimate character that only heated interest.

Mellstroy now

In October 2020, a video hit the network on which a blogger beat a girl who had become a gost of his stream. The victim was Alena Efremova, who stated that she was submitted to the court to the court, uniting with other victims of Youtyuber.

Mellstroy and Alena Efremova

The conflict occurred due to the fact that Alena asked the guy to undress and demonstrate torso, because in one of the video he allegedly boasted a sports form. First, Mellstroy demanded to show this video, and then hit the table several times on the table and rushed rudely from myself. Later, the girl published in the "Instagram" a photo on which the bloody lips demonstrated and told about headaches.

Andrei fans immediately stood on his defense and stated that Alena himself provoked such a reaction. Comments from other users were ambiguous, and Journalist Maxim Kononenko also called Buris more cruel than Mikhail Efremov.

In July 2021, the court issued a decision on the beating of a girl during a stream - 6 months of correctional work and compensation for the victim in the amount of 72 thousand rubles.

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