Ryze (Nikolay Clits) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Singer 2021



The young musician Nikolai Klysitsa became famous under the pseudonym Ryze. For the first time declaring itself in 2019, the guy began the way to success, promoting creativity through social networks, where his fans are calculated by millions.

Childhood and youth

Kolya was born on May 31, 2000 in Moscow. At the age of 4, he saw a movie where the youth group played on the guitars, and caught fire the idea to become a musician. Clicks began to engage in 6 years. At first, he, inspired by the trophim song about his homeland, began to sing, and then Grandfather taught him basic guitar chords. At that time, the tool was superior to the size of the musician himself, but Kohl did with passion.

But when parents gave the Son to the music school, his dust of Pugas: Gamma and Etudes turned out to be a boring occupation, so the boy even thought to quit his studies.

But the clicks still turned out to be a sorry of the spent effort, and in the end he received an initial 7-year-old education in the class of piano and guitar. In parallel, Nikolai became interested in kickboxing, but the mother stopped his son. She punished to take care of her head and hands, which to him as a musician would still be useful.

At first, Kolya loved the author's song and Chanson, and therefore you can meet a video in the network, where a chunky short-cutting boy perfects the songs of Stas Mikhailov and Sergey Trofimova. In 2013, Clits even became a member of the festival "Jurmala Chanson", where the composition "Motherland" sang, accompanying himself on the guitar.

Then he moved to the writing of his own songs, experimented in the genre of pop rock. The guy got to the school show-business Victor Drobysh, where he won the competition competition from Anton Box and came to his studio to work together and write the song "Bareskaya". Then Nikolai just searched for his style and performed under his own name.

Personal life

Ryze's loyal public found on the Internet. He spends all his time on social networks, saying: "24/7 I'm there." Live ethers, answers to subscribers questions, informing news and interesting biography facts turned into a singer in everyday life. He tries to make fascinating content, alternating photo, video and audio formats. "Instagram", "Titstok", "Vkontakte" regularly illuminate the creative and personal life of Nicholas. At the same time, the concrete girl of the clicks does not speak, intriguing the fan of the statement:"Every new track I'm in love."


The path to the riser Ryze began through social networks. There he laid out mixes and cavities on popular compositions that found a response not only at the listeners, but also among the performers. For example, Egor Creed three times replicated his songs in Clickov's processing, which provided a novice musician with a multi-thousand-based fan base. One day, Kolya quickly sketched the track of his own essay and posted a request to the network. This song was "you manit", instantly turning into a hit.

Prior to that, the singer composed completely different music, and then I decided to experiment with trends, including the bits, the elements R & B and Recutatives. It turned out in demand and the actual product, which asked the stylistry of further creativity. Nikolay fundamentally performs only songs of own authorship, and everything writes everything: melody, poems and arrangements. It does not consider his music to a certain genre, saying:

"I never positioned myself as a rapper, I just sing."

Clicks creates tracks to order, and after the popularity of "you manit" applications for the author added. Native performers and bloggers are often asked to write something similar turnkey, and he takes 20 thousand rubles for his services. At the same time, the material will sometimes get so good that Kola wants to leave him, but the desire to earn here and now takes his own.

Nevertheless, Ryze's own new songs appear regularly: "Davi on gas", "White Moth", "Girl-Coquette", "Love me so" try to beat the popularity of the first hit. In January 2020, Nikolai came to the Avtoradio broadcast on the Talk show "Let's go", the record of which is available on the Yutiub Channel Station. There, he first gave a great interview, where he told about the creative path and fulfilled his main composition.

Ryze now

Nikolai continues to write songs that promotes through social networks. He leads the sought-after heading "Song in 5 minutes" in the social network "Titstok", where the process of writing tracks and encourages subscribers to send him applications.

Obviously, the format liked the public, because the audience of the ticketer is calculated by millions. But for the release of ready-made and decorated songs, Clicks chose the platform "Vkontakte", hitting the chalk of which Ryze considers meril success.

In 2020, Nikolay released a number of singles, which have not yet formed in the album. The musician is full of ambitious plans, among which the start of discography, recording clips and performances with solo concerts.


  • 2019 - "Movement"
  • 2019 - "Love me like this"
  • 2019 - "Manyat" you "
  • 2019 - "Pati on Your Bed"
  • 2020 - "Why I love this fool"
  • 2020 - "Baby, Sorry"
  • 2020 - "White Moth"
  • 2020 - "Dawi on gas"
  • 2020 - "Girl-coquette"

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