Mikhail Segal - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Director 2021



Russian cinema, often sticky by the audience as stupid and invisible, evolves. First, black dramas began to get, then sports biographies. And always at the peak were psychological films, exposing philosophical thoughts. A bright example will serve the work of Mikhail Segal - director from the provincial city. Previously, he removed the music clips for BB-2 and "Casta", and now it will easily create competition Fedor Bondarchuk and Yuri Bivkov.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Yuryevich Segal was born on January 3, 1974 in Orel, the provincial city of the USSR. Now it is the "heart" of the Central Federal District, remote from the capital of Russia by 356 km.

Back in school years, Segal felt the creative veil. He went to the theater circle of the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. Yu. A. Gagarin, himself put the performances and composed the plays. To the literature, the director began to feed love thanks to the books of the children's writer Vladislav Karapivina.

In 1994, Mikhail graduated from the Director of the Faculty of the Orlovsky State Institute of Culture (OGIK). And in 1995 he entered the All-Russian State Institute of Cinema (VGIK). S. A. Gerasimova, but after the course threw and focused in practice.

Personal life

In the films Segal depicts women nearlyaky, fell on material values. But there is no speech about sexism and menohenavitarism in this case. After all, the director himself believes on the contrary:"In my stories - both in the movies, and in prose, are women wiser and smarter than men."

Despite this, Mikhail's personal life. And not because there was no possibility to create a family - to start my wife and children. In an interview with "Snob", the director said that people of their level with which could be associated with fate, "met a hundred times." And any of the stories could end happily.

"The difficulty is not that this person is unique and difficult to find it. The complexity is that anyone can be this person. Not in the bad sense of the word - "A, yes, what hit, with anyone I will", - and in good. You can appoint anyone to the person of your life, and he will become so, "said Mikhail Segal.

But it was not found, apparently, the woman, which the director would want to make his own.

Mikhail leads a ascetic lifestyle. In an interview, he does not give out the scope of discussion of creativity, he has no profile in "Instagram". Therefore, news about the premieres and plans, fresh photos can be drawn only from the Internet.


The creative climb of the segal began with music clips. For the first time, they spoke about him after the video of the "Earring" team in 1996. Work at work - And here, the native of the Eagle is already removing "my rock and roll" for "Bi-2", "Romance" for "Spleen", "Our young funny voices" for "foot drove!", "Around noise" For the "caste", "catastrophically" for "night snipers" and other iconic video clips.

Over time, Mikhail realized that he was closely as part of a short meter. So the debut film "Franz + Polina" appeared (2006). The basis of the story of Alena Adamovich "Mute" about the love of the SS soldier and the Soviet girl fell. The drama was rated not only in Russia, but at the international level - in Germany, Portugal, France, Belarus, China.

Following the directorial triumph, Segal decided to become famous as a prose. The debut book "Youth" (2010) advertised the musicians for whom he shot clips.

In the 1.5-minute clove of Lev Bi-2 and Shura Bi-2, Vladimir Kristovsky, Maxim Pokrovsky and others are trying to find a suitable rhyme for the word "youth". As a result, they call Mikhail Segal. And he, demonstrating his book, explains:

"The thing is that" youth "is a prose."

The collection "Youth" united the story of the same name and stories. All of them were warmly met by literary critics and readers. Mikhail Segal realized that since the ideas like them, they could also be embodied in cinema. So there was a short film "The world of fasteners" (2011), awarded awards at the "Kinotavra".

Over time, the "Mir of Fasteners" is complemented by other novels - "Circular Movement", "Energy Crisis" and "Flame" will marry. They are combined in the most famous film Mikhail "Stories" (2012).

A filmmaker accompanied the release of the 2nd book of the director - also "stories" (2012), which united the entire prose, including the story-anti-nightopy "new lives".

The next work in the filmography of Stegala became "Cinema about Alekseeva" (2014). This is a touching melodrama about the old man who recalls his youth. The main role was performed by Alexander Zbruev. Similar nostalgic feelings causes the film "Elephants can play football" (2018). True, Mikhail Segal adds a pinch from Lolita to Vladimir Nabokov to this picture.

"Stories", "Cinema about Alekseeva", "Elephants can play football" - completely different and on topics, and by mood movies. At first, film critics were surprised: did Mikhail segal so multifaceted director? But it turned out that he would give rise to contrast work precisely because he catches himself on repetitions. Looks - and the idea has already been somewhere. And translates the plot into a fundamentally different sphere.

In an interview with "Snob", Segal explained that there was nothing criminal in the selfover. Quentin Tarantino knows as the author of violent-criminal comedies with long acute dialogues, Woody Allen - thanks to romantic melodramas with a jazz chance. Thanks to this docking, the directors and receive their viewer.

But still there are points of contact and Mikhail. His films are not a comedy, but serious work, during which is often funny.

"There is still such a technique, as the defective sincerity," the director himself adds.

Mikhail Segal now

On October 22, 2020, the premiere of the contradictory and scandalous melodrama "Puzhbit!". In the center of the plot - the director dismissed from the "Chief Theater of the country", which circumstances are thrown into the porn industry. Accustomed to tragedy and psychologism, he forces actors to play according to its rules: subtly, truly, as Konstantin Stanislavsky bequeathed."Pornography - initially a genre, devoid of any psychology and depth, and how it would be great if she was there," Mikhail said in an interview with Novaya Gazeta.

In the impossibility of combining the two of these concepts - films for adults and psychological motivation, - and a comic element is born, which spins the film.

To large rental "Puceby!" Rated at the "Kinotavra". Segal noted that the reaction of this public does not mean anything at all. She looks at the video, on the acting game and on the idea as a whole. And ordinary viewers can go to the cinema due to the fact that the poster remotely reminds of Pornhub.

The main roles in the melodrama "Puceby!" Alexander Pal, Lyubov Aksenova and Oleg Gas. Igor Vernik, Sergey Burunov, Anton Lapenko and others appear in the frame.

Mikhail created a kind of franchise: "Puceby!" Continuing the line of "stories", discussing about the same topics. And there is also a binding character in these films - President of Russia performed by Igor Ugolnikov. Despite its commitment to United Russia and politics Vladimir Putin, the actor agreed to a risky dialogue about dismissal. By the way, it was for this scene Segalu had to fight.


  • 2006 - "Franz + Polina"
  • 2011 - "Fasteners Mir"
  • 2012 - "Stories"
  • 2013 - "Sheep"
  • 2013 - "What are our actions?"
  • 2014 - "Cinema about Alekseev"
  • 2018 - "Elephants can play football"
  • 2019 - "6 years without sex"
  • 2020 - "Deeper!"

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