Gleb Glinka - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Lawyer, Husband Elizabeth Glinka 2021



About his life with Dr. Liza Gleb Glinka responded as a certain miracle. They did not swear, lovedly loved and supported each other. The spouse did not try to change the habit of wife to sacrifice himself. After all, I understood that it would not be able to do in a different way. He himself was content with great happiness to be support for this amazing woman.

Childhood and youth

About the biography of her husband Elizabeth Glinka is not known as much - both spouses at the very beginning of relations decided not to advertise a personal life. Nevertheless, some facts from childhood lawyer are available.

It is known that he was born in 1948 in Belgium. His father is the famous Soviet literary man, the poet and journalist, during the Great Patriotic War, captured. Because of the repression, it was forced to stay abroad, there he met the second wife, according to the nationality of the poison.

Some time lived in Belgium, where Gleb Glebovich was born. When the son turned 9 years old, the family moved to the United States. According to the memoirs of a lawyer, the Father did not love someone else's country, in the soul, remaining a Soviet man.

In the USSR, the writer left the daughter from the first marriage - Irina. When years passed, she learned that the biological father did not die during the war, and wrote a letter. By that time, the son was already adults and expressed a desire to get acquainted with a pivot sister.

Before that, a US citizen has already managed to get an education - graduated from college in English literature, and then entered the legal school. Subsequently, it was done by this.

Personal life

Familiarity with the future wife, Elizabeth Petrovna, Gleb Glinka is obliged to a summary sister. Irina - Girlfriend Lisa, expressed a desire to submit a young doctor suddenly acquired brother.

About himself on the transfer of "alone with all" a US citizen said the following. He was a convinced bachelor, such a "man of a written table." There was only a career on the plans for life, and the marriage and children seemed absolutely alien to his personality.

The meeting took place at the exhibition of expressionists. And in a week, both future spouses understood that she was no closer. Almost immediately began to live together. The man who has acquired happiness expressed a desire to stay in Moscow. But Lisa began to discourage the lover, because she was sure that the American would be difficult to stay in a foreign country, not during the restructuring.

As a result, the young doctor convinced the spouse to leave in the United States in the early 90s, when they had already born the eldest son Konstantin. He is by profession the artist, is now engaged in tattoos. Alexey younger bone for 6 years. The second heir was partly followed in the footsteps of the Father - it works as a private detective in the commercial field, investigates cases related to the leaks of funds.

In fact, three sons grew in the family. The youngest - Ilya is a reception. The decision to pick up the boy parents took immediately (in 2008), when they learned that the child was orphaned. Now he lives in Saratov, he already married and raises his daughter.

Having moved to the USA, Gleb Glebovich advised the spouse to continue their education. Elizabeth followed the Council and received a specialty physician in the field of palliative medicine. Soon it began to help the patients in the local hospice.

But still, the spouses returned to Russia. In many ways, it was associated with a severe Mother Lisa disease - a woman was in a coma after a heart attack. Then the lawyer's wife took up help in need, founded a charity foundation.

Glinka did not try to convince the spouse to "live for himself." He admired her dedication and sacrifice. Although terribly worried when she left for hot spots to help the patient.

The tragedy happened on December 25, 2016. Dr. Lisa was on board the aircraft, which transported medication in Syria. Gleb Glebovich well remembered the last conversation with his wife. She promised: this is the last time. And joking that he would fight and be engaged in his family.

And then followed the terrible news from which the lawyer from the USA is not able to recover today. In an interview, he talks about how the door will still be waiting for the door and his wife will enter the house, live and healthy.

The happy marriage lasted 29 years old - the photo from the wedding in 1987 is in the Personal Archive of Widset. In 2017, on the anniversary of the tragedy, the book was published about Dr. Lisa - "I am always on the side of the weak." Gleb Glebovich was asked to write afterword to her. Of course, he agreed, having started memories from the phrase - "I divided my life with her ...".

And the case of Elizabeth Glinka is alive. A charity foundation, created after her death, continues to help in need - homeless, refugees and people in a complex social situation. On the official page in "Instagram", news regularly appear on the activities of the organization, as well as post-memories of the deceased Doctor.


Even in the youth, Gleb Glebovich decided to build a career in jurisprudence. Prior to the conclusion of marriage with Elizabeth Petrovna about his professional biography.

But it is known that the knowledge of the laws of the spouse helped Dr. Lisa in its foundation. Holinka himself also demonstrated philanthropic inclinations. For example, he helped at the homeland of his father - in the city of Ulyanovsk, organize free legal assistance for socially unprotected citizens.

When he managed to win a grant for several million, he preferred to help his wife in charitable needs. Also for this money, young lawyers from Russia were able to go to the internship in the United States.

It is known that Dr. Liza's husband has repeatedly traveled on working cases to the CIS countries. For a while I had to stay in Kiev - in the same place his wife opened the Hospice. While in Russia, Glinka served as director of the American Association of Lawyers of Russia.

Already at the age of 60, Gleb Glebovich passed the exam on the bar. Judging by the official data, since 2011, he is registered in the Bar of the Moscow Region.

Gleb Glinka now

An important event in the life of the widow was to enter the large screens of the art film "Dr. Lisa". On the wide range of film was released on October 22, 2020. And at the premiere display on the 31st "Kinotavra", the work of Oksana Karas was awarded the prize of visual sympathies

Chulpan Hamatova played a major role in the film. And the image of her husband - Philanthropus demonstrated the Polish actor Angeha Chira. In addition to them, Konstantin Khabensky, Tatiana Dogleva, Andrei Burkovsky, Julia Auga are involved in the project.

Naturally, Gleb Glebovich himself took direct participation in the shooting. Suggested some of the wife's replicas for the script, worked with Chulpan, helping that better to get into the role. Granted a joint apartment with Liza for filming.

Before the start of production, it was repeatedly met with the performer of his role - Andrheheh Khyr. The actor asked many questions, trying to feel deeper than the character. After the release of the film, the widower admitted that on the screen he came out less nervous than in life.

The picture made an indelible impression on the lawyer. And most of all I was struck by the incredible similarity of Chulpan with the deceased spouse.

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