Mikhail Serov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Cohabitant Sofia Konkina 2021



If at the beginning of the summer of 2020, Drunk Mikhail Efremov used the services of the "Sober Driver" service, tragedies in his fate and biography of the deceased driver of the van Sergey Zakharov could be avoided. If at the same period, the identity of the actor Mikhail Serov, working in the "sober driver," did not meet in Tinder, with the daughter of Vladimir Konkin, he would not be a defendant in the investigation and the hero of television gear.

Childhood and youth

About childhood and youth of the last beloved Sofia Konkina knows little. Mikhail was born in Yaroslavl. In the city, located on the banks of the Volga and founded in the XI century, now there are parents of a man.

The exact date of town of Serov is unknown. At the time of the death of Sofia, her close friend was 43 years old, therefore, Mikhail appeared in the 1977th or end of 1976. In the youth of Serov served on the fleet and considered the naval holidays with their own.

Personal life

Information about the personal life of the actual husband of Sofia Konkin is also stingy. In his youth, Mikhail was married. The former wife and daughter came to Serov to visit to his dating from Sofia.

Mikhail Serov and Sofia Konkina

Since the native of Yaroslavl did not use alcohol by moving to Moscow, he went to work in the service that delivers drunk car owners to the destination. However, the love of alcohol drinks of the daughter Vladimir Konkin did not pushed Mikhail not only from the novel with a new acquaintance, but also from living with her. What exactly conquered the heart of Serov - a slim figure of Sofia, her education or money father, to which Konkin Junior did not have access, is unknown.

Shortly after dating, lovers removed the apartment in the center of the Russian capital, opposite the Moscow Zoo. Paid housing, in which a private room was found for the daughter of Sofia Alice, it was Mikhail, he also repaired all the outlets in the apartment. Together with the girl on the zoological street moved her parrot. Serov, according to him, loves children and taught the schoolgirl to ride on the rollers.

Perhaps, Mikhail's chat with native Father Ruslana Podgornye was dictated by the concern for Alice. The lawyer of the Konkin family Yulia Nitchenko revealed that Mikhail was talking to the relatives of the ex-husband beloved, in particular with the ex-mother of Sofia. Ruslana Honored Artist of Russia considers a personal enemy and accuses to try to take possession of his apartment on Leningradsky Avenue.

Gradually, alienation grew between Sofia and Mikhail. Serov was dissatisfied with the use of alcohol with a conquire and its waste, increasing debts to the bank. The daughter of a well-deserved artist accused a man who almost became her bridegroom, in the misfortunes and unreasonable attacks of jealousy. Lie detector showed that by September 2020, Serov had no longer felt love for the cohabitant.

Mikhail Serov and Alice, daughter Sofia Konkin

Oils in the fire poured the death of a parrot, which Michael, contrary to the recommendations of veterinarians, allegedly faded the cookie. Serov and Konkin were thinking about parting. A man was going to go to Yaroslavl, and the woman sought a companion for a joint removal of the apartment.

On the eve of the tragedy, Sofia met with a former boyfriend, and then went with Mikhail in a cinema, where they were crowded again. In the night of the death of the Konkina, after she, taking a bottle of wine, went to the fitness center, Serov also left the apartment on Zoological Street. About this Sofia reported Alice in SMS.

Mikhail Serov Now

After the death of the Konkin Serov hurried to put a dishwasher for sale, which he installed in a removable apartment on a zoological street. Mikhail started an account in "Instagram", in which posted joint photos from the late sweetheart.

The main occupation of a native of Yaroslavl in October 2020 was to participate in television programs that find out who killed or pushed Sofia to suicide. The show of the leading Russian channels "in fact" and "let them say" in vainly invited Mikhail Serov on Ether.

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