Miko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Singer 2021



In the 2020th, at least two Kazakh performers could boast that Russian tickeners were more often dancing under their tracks. Raim, working in a duet with Artur, worried the second wave of the popularity of his single "Move", who diligently moved to David Manukyan with Dina Sayeva, and Evgeny Plushenko. And Miko pleased first of all the female audience, writing an incendiary "girl in trend."

Childhood and youth

At the beginning of the fall of 1993, on September 7, a resident of the village of Chapaev, located in the West Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan, Rope Zhumayev (the real name of the singer) received congratulations on the birth of the firstborn of Azamat. The next year, on December 30, 1994, the beloved spouse presented him with the second son of Meiramebek (real name).

With such a name, consisting of two words, made a child who has emerged on a festive day. Maeram means "Holiday, Celebration, Fun", and "Beck" translates as "the ruler, prince, Mr.".

Both brothers connecting warm friendships, subsequently chose the music of the whole life. The senior is the soloist of the Batyssstar group, and the younger, who has loved vocal art from childhood, stopped on solo executive.

After completing his studies at the local secondary school named after Mukhtar Auezov, the guy went to the city of Uralsk, where it was easily entered in West Kazakhstan University of Mahambet Utemisov. In the student years, he did the first samples of the pen and recorded in the studio ddrecords.

In 2017, at the end of the university, the graduate returned to his homeland, where he got a job in a specialty, and then became the official artist of Labela Ddrecords under the leadership of Daniyar Rakhmetzhanov.

Personal life

Miko is not in a hurry to replenish personal accounts on social networks by photographs sraising light on a personal life. For him, this successfully makes the elder brother. On the Azamat page in "Instagram" and now you can find pictures where Meyrambek is captured in the company of a pretty brunette named Aruzhan ("Beautiful Soul").

The girl diligently celebrates his beloved in his own profile under romantic drawings and videos with comments: "My love", "I love and love." The young man answers her with reciprocity, not bothering more than eloquent emoji in the form of red hearts.

It is also known that on June 3, 2018, the singer was born nephew Azat. Judging by the subscriptions in Vkontakte, the artist is a big fan of football (especially FC "Barcelona") and cinema, and also monitors the work of Russian colleagues.


Already the next year after Miko was on DDRecords label, a debut artist had a debut banging single "with ice", recorded with the assistance of Raim and Ramz. In the same 2018, Zhumayev himself helped Raim & Artur colleagues in creating the "Dogol" track.

In 2019, the very "girl in the trend" appeared on the world, which was in the top 20 of the best streams of the CIS, which exploded Russian musical charts and Titstok and received a 4-fold platinum in July 2020.

"That het Zhumayev is the track" Trend Girl ", in the chorus of which the" Titstok "itself is mentioned, and" husky ", and trends, and other attributes of life on the Internet. Naturally, there are also dancing, the main pillar of "Titque" is also determined the choreographic character of most video on the song, "writing the Internet edition of Meduza.

After the independent composition of Diva, the singer who had time to give concerts not only in the cities of native Kazakhstan, but also in Moscow, Stavropol and Krasnodar, in a duet with ADIL composed "Plive Wine." In the incendiary hit, the melodies of national instruments were clearly heard.

In parallel with the release of new works of Meyrambek, the vocal competitions also stormed the vocal competitions, becoming the finalist of the Republican project of young performers "Covers."

Miko now

In the 2020th Miko, the tracks recorded on a couple with ADIL, "Lunatic, added to his creative biography, was replaced by Retro, and after the Hamka settled Like.

In October, the Contractor pleased the fans with a cartoon clip on the Assalamualaikum song released in Tandem with Kally Oscar (Temirlan Kaliaskarov), on the Yutiub-channel DDRecords.

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