Jill Biden - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Joe Bayden 2021



On November 3, 2020 - the day of the presidential elections in the United States, where Donald Trump advanced from the Republican Party, and from the Democratic - former Vice President Joe Biden. While they claimed the chief leadership post, Melania Trump as the first Lady of the United States sought to change the doctor of humanitarian sciences and a teacher of Public College Gill Biden, and she succeeded.

Childhood and youth

Jill was born on June 3, 1951 in the family of banking cashier Donald Karl Jacobs and his wife Bonnie Gin, who devoted himself to raising five daughters. The eldest of them became the future second Lady of the United States, which was born in Hammontone, New Jersey. At the debt of the head of the head of the family, Jacobs often moved, and childhood daughters took place in the town of Will Grove, which is in Pennsylvania.

Later, Jill moved to Philadelphia, where she became a fan of local sports teams and kept her loyalty, even leaving the region. She adored public life, was not a painka and painstaking student preferred communication with peers and out-of-school events. However, the English literature studied with extinguishing, and therefore in college focused on this discipline.

Even before the admission, Jill managed to work as a waitress, because he always sought independence. To receive Higher Education Jacobs decided in Pennsylvania, however, the changes in personal life have made an adjustment to the course of events, and she moved to Dela Wara University. The bachelor's diploma of the Humanitarian Sciences USA received in 1975.

Personal life

Jill first married in his youth. Her elect Bill Stevenson was the Brandywine Junior College Football Star in Pennsylvania. They got married in 1970 and moved to Delaware, where the husband opened his own bar, which gained popularity among student youth. There were often the concerts of famous groups. The young wife was engaged in studying, in parallel, working on the model in the local agency.

Advertising posters with a smiling blonde decorated the streets of American cities, and they say that Joe Biden in absentia fell in love with Jill, seeing her on one of them. By that time, she was already divorced with the first spouse, having been married for 4 years. And the future vice-president by the time managed to become a widow. His first wife Nelia, along with Naomi's daughter, died in a car accident in 1972, and the sons of Bo and Hunter miraculously remained alive.

The 30-year-old Joe was left alone with two children in her arms, and the concern for them came out for a man to the fore. In 1975, Biden went on a dating blindly with charming and smart jill, which immediately conquered him. However, first did not accept the proposal of the hand and heart from the widow. First, she knew about the political ambitions of the partner, but herself had avoided publicity, and secondly, doubted that he could take over the upbringing of young children who survived the injury.

Nevertheless, June 17, 1977, they got married a chapel with the United Nations in New York. Jill did not adopt Bo and Hunter Bidenov legally, but considered them with their sons, but they called her mother. On June 8, 1981, the total daughter of Ashley Biden was born.

The sons presented the parents of seven grandchildren, but in 2015 the misfortune happened to the eldest son: 46-year-old Bo died of brain cancer. He built a political career and served as the Prosecutor General of the Delaware State Prosecutor. Hunter also tried to achieve managerial heights in state structures, but repeatedly became the hero of political scandals.


Jill always sought to build a career, and therefore the husband did not want to sit at home on contentment. She took a two-year pause in her work after the birth of her daughter, and everything else was studying and taught. At first, Biden worked in a public college, and then in a psychiatric hospital for adolescents and in high school. An American calls teaching not by work, but by calling. That is why she did not leave the department after her husband began to hold the post of vice president.

Before her, the first and second ladies of the United States invariably ended his own career, focusing on the formation of the political image of spouses. Jill had time to support her husband, lecture and receive scientific degrees. She called on the spouse to run into the presidents back in 2004, when it was outraged by the actions of George Bush - the youngest in Iraq. Then American believed that Biden was obliged to intervene to change the situation in the country and the world.

Jill Biden now

In 2020, for the first time in a long time, Jill moved away from teaching to support her husband in his election campaign. However, in case of victory, the spouse Biden was intended to return to work:

"I will continue to learn. I want people to appreciate teachers. "

Not being a professional speaker, the wife's wife has already participated in Joe's support campaign activities and showed himself as a hot speaker who knows how to establish communication with the audience.

On November 7, it became known that the victory in the election got a spouse Jill Biden. A woman is confident that her husband is worthy to take the presidential post, because it has sufficient experience, qualifications and desire. In turn, as the first Lady Biden intends to improve the position of public colleges and support the families of the military. News Biographies and Fresh photos of Jill now regularly places in "Instagram", which turned into an additional platform for communicating with supporters and supporting the work of the husband.

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