Aaron Sorkin - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Film, Writer, Filmography 2021



Aaron Sorkin is American playwright, screenwriter and director. The work of the Hollywood Writer, known to sharp satirical dialogues, introduce the audience with the world's intrigues and entertainment industry.

Childhood and youth

Aaron Benjamin Sorkin was born on June 9, 1961 in New York and grew up in the suburbs of Scarsdale. By nationality he is a Jew. Boy's father Bernard was engaged in jurisprudence, specialized in copyright. Mother named Claire taught at school.

In addition to Aaron, the family had older children and Deborah. Parents often found intellectual conversations, which influenced the development of their younger son, and frequent hiking to theater attracted him interest to acting skills.

In the school childhood, the teenager, in addition to his studies, attended classes in the theater club and even held in him the post of vice president. Enrolled in the University of Syracuse, he chose a separation of dramatic art. The education and the bachelor's degree in Junior was received in 1983. The young man tried to continue the acting career in New York, but he achieved only participation in the troupe of the Children's Theater.

Career and films

For a typewriter, borrowed from a friend, a man sat down from despair and lack of earnings. Soon he wrote a few plays, theatrical performances for which they received a positive response from the audience.

In 1989, the "Some Good Guys" performances was released at Broadway Promotion for the next essay of the writer. The work was interested in film produces, and the rights to the decree were transferred to Tristar Pictures. The film, in which Tom Cruise and Nicholas Cage starred, was released on the screens in 1992. So Aaron was in Hollywood.

Until the end of the 90s, a few more films come to Sorkin scripts, most of which earned the favor of critics and the audience. For the series "Night of Sport", the playwright was nominated for the AMMI.

Meanwhile, a new job about the life of the American president came from under Aaron's feather. At the box office, this political drama with martin tire was called "West Wing". The picture received 6 AMMI premiums, including for the best scenario.

After that, a few walking works happened in the filmography of Sorkin, but in 2007 he again received congratulations to create a political comedy drama "War Charlie Wilson", in which Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts participated.

In 2010 and 2011, the playwright receives the next awards (Oscar and Golden Globe) for the scenario of the film "Social Networks" about the brand Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. Next year, the writer returned to television screens with the TV series "News Service" about the crowded cable channel.

By the time of this show in December 2014, Sorkin has already completed the script of a biographical film about the Creator Apple Steve Jobs. The picture with Michael Fassbender starred in 2015 and brought the playwright the second "Golden Globe" for the best scenario.

In January 2016, it was announced that Aaron debuts as a director with the screening of memoirs of the underground organizer of the game Poker Molly Bloom. To the film "Big Game" (2017), he also wrote a script and was nominated for the Golden Globe and Oscar.

In 2018, the premiere of the adaptation of the classical work of Harper Lee "kill the casting" (1960), in which the main role of Atticus Finch was performed by Jeff Daniels the main role of Attikus Finch.

Personal life

The man repeatedly told himself in an interview that his personal life and biography were generally suffered because of drugs. Once the playwright was even detained at the airport for prohibited funds. During this period, his wife was Julia Binhem - a lawyer with which he was married from 1996 to 2005. A couple born one child - Roxy daughter.

Also, the celebrity was associated with romantic relationships with actresses Christine Chenovet and Christine Davis, Morin Daud Observer.

At the Oscar ceremony in 2021, the director was seen together with the former supermodel Paulina Porizkova. Rumors about the relationship with the former wife of the late singer Rica Okarec had previously not commented. Now, when the stars appeared together on a red carpet, it was the official confirmation of what they meet.

Aaron Sorkin now

In 2020, the playwright returned to a large screen with the film "Court of Chicago Seven", in which he also made a screenwriter and director. The forensic drama was held on the Netflix platform. The tape has an official account in "Instagram", where you can see photos from filming and excerpts from the video.

The main roles in the picture were performed by Michael Keaton, Sasha Baron Cohen and Eddie Redmein. It is based on real events and talks about a group of political activists, which were tried for anti-war activities during the National Congress of the Democratic Party of 1968. On the film "Golden Globe" in the 2021st tape was awarded award for the best scenario.

The film also received 6 nominations for the Oscar premium, however, Sorkin left a red carpet without a single statuette.

The director announced the beginning of the production of the painting "Lucy and Daisy", which will be a continuation of the history of the pair of Desi Arnase and Lucy Ball, which began in the Sitkom 1951 "I love Lucy." For performers, Aaron chief roles chose Actors Javier Bardem and Nicole Kidman.


  • 1992 - "Some good guys"
  • 1993 - "Ready for all"
  • 1995 - "American President"
  • 1998-2000 - "Night of Sport"
  • 1999-2006 - "West Wing"
  • 2006-2007 - "Studio 60 on Sunset Strip"
  • 2007 - "War Charlie Wilson"
  • 2010 - "Social Network"
  • 2011 - "A man who has changed everything"
  • 2012-2014 - "News Service"
  • 2015 - "Steve Jobs"
  • 2017 - "Big Game"
  • 2020 - "Court of Chicago Seven"

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