Mach Vacralonggcorn - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, King of Thailand 2021



Mahu Vacralonggcorn is called the most eccentric king of modernity. The number of scandalous facts in his biography causes concern from the inhabitants of Thailand. Others are confident that the progressive views of the ruler will have a positive effect on the country.

Childhood and youth

The place and date of birth of the monarch - Bangkok, July 28, 1952. He is the hereditary prince of Phuumipon Adulyadt, who spent 70 years on the throne, and the daughter of the Thai ambassador Sirikit. Mother before marriage had no title. And subsequently became the president of the Thai Red Cross, was engaged in the help of socially unprotected residents of the country.

In addition to the future king, another 3 daughters were brought up in the family - Ubollatan Rajakanya, Chulabhorn Valaylak and Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. The latter also had the status of the Criminal Princess. But the Constitution of Thailand recognized the championship of the male line in the question of climbing the throne.

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The eccentric behavior of the Royal Sibling is explained by the fact that during the period of the personality, he was not in his native country. After graduating from school, the only son of Phuumipon Adulyadta flew to the UK.

Higher educational institution, in which the student received a diploma of a military pilot, was located in the city of Canberra. A graduate of the Australian College went to work by profession in Bangkok, having previously received the degree of humanitarian sciences.

In 1975, Mach began military service. Being a simple scout, he rapidly grew through the career ladder. As a result, after 3 years, he took the position of chief of the royal battalion. Then, according to tradition, went to the monastery, having experienced the role of the Buddhist monk.

Vachiralongcorn personally participated in hostilities. We are talking about the suppression of rebels in the north of the country in the 1970s, as well as the conflict with Vietnamese partisans next to Cambodia.

Phuumipon Adulyades, being the current king, appointed his son to the heir to the throne in 1972. By the way, even then in society there was an ambiguous opinion about Prince.

Personal life

Even now, there are rumors around the personality of the new ruler, and the media accuses Mahu in denunciation and disorderly connections. In fact, the claims are more extensive. Nevertheless, some facts from Vachiralongcorn's personal life are already talking about him as a person brought up in free European ingredients. And the point is not even so much in the number of children and relations, but in the scandals that accompanied the loud divorces.

The first marriage of Mach concluded with his own cousin, niece of Sirikit, - IOM Luang SoamsAvykara. A year after the wedding, a daughter, Princess Bajratiyabha appeared on the world. And in 1980, the married connection actually sued no.

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The official divorce took place a lot later - in 1991. But the statute of a married man did not interfere with the cohabitation with the Thai actress by Yuvadhida.

During this civil marriage, Vacralongcorn became the father of five more children (4 sons and 1 daughter). However, the parents did not hurry their relationships. Only in 1994, the beloved of the heir received the title of princesses and the status of the official wife.

True, this time the wedding did not marked a long and happy marriage. After 2 years, Yuvadhid literally escaped from the country, rushing with children to the UK. All offspring, having received the status of emigrants, lost titles. The divorce did not cost without a scandal - the husband accused the downturn in treason with the Marshal Aviation. Moreover, the future king of Thailand posted a poster around the palace, which announced the cause of separation.

By the way, Mach still returned his daughter from the second marriage to his homeland. Now Syricovanavar Nariratan has a number of monarch functions, while engaged in design clothes.

For some time about the personal life of the Crown Prince there was no information. And even the third marriage with Proshraphong named Sriras Akharaphongprich was not covered in the media until 2005, although by that time the couple had already noted the 4th anniversary of the wedding.

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The reel for publicity was the birth of a son - Dipangcorn Raspoty. Then Phuumipon Adulyadded granted the title daughter-in-law. And the new father said he wants a full-fledged family. And claimed - this marriage will be the last for him.

These relationships truth last long. But in 2014 there was a loud scandal. Prince of Thailand accused the relatives of the spouse in slander to the monarch of the family. Brothers Sriras received a prison sentence. Same Akharaphongprich's voluntarily refused to title.

An old age was not placed on the King of Thailand again to find himself in the status of the groom. This time, the chief of the eccentric ruler became Suthide Tiji, who had previously headed the personal guard of Mahi. Vacralongcorn's wedding announced on May 1, 2019. Then Suthide received Taning title.

Board and scandals

Phuumipon Adulyzhet died on October 13, 2016. His son climbed onto the throne, becoming the frame of X. The coronation itself was repeatedly postponed and took place only on May 4, 2019. On the official website of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin congratulated the successor with climbing the throne and expressed the hope of developing Russian-Thai cooperation.

Of course, not all subjects of the new king demonstrated joy. In comparison with the dead father, Mach did not possess such charisma. And the scandals associated with it have greatly influenced authority.

The political activity of the new monarch was also repeatedly criticized. The first thing that Vacralylongcorn did, going on the throne - liberated many prisoners, declaring a large-scale amnesty. Then engaged in resuscitation of personnel policy. In particular, with his filing in the country, the post of Supreme Patriarch again arose.

Not without change in the Constitution. They touched the regulations for holding elections, as well as the level of king's intervention in public affairs. However, as well as the predecessor, Rama X sought not to participate in political disputes.

The reason for the arguing behavior of the monarch analysts is called that in the youth, he formed completely different values ​​and principles, while abroad. In the media, he was also accused of cooperation with the opponents of Phuhumipon Aduwadet. A rather big role in the ambiguous image of the ruler also played a series of terrorist attacks on Phuket Island, as well as in Surathathani and Huahin.

However, without this, Vachiralongcorn gave a reason for the perekov. For example, in local newspapers, as well as on social networks, including "Instagram", a photo of the visit appeared even then the Crown Prince with his wife to Germany. He was dressed in jeans with a low landing and descended from the plane in the topic, who exposed his tattoos.

The love of the royal person to the four-legged was ridiculed, his poodle fu-fu was known. The dog's birthday was considered almost a public holiday. The pet participated in all official ceremonies - he was sewed even a parade uniform. And after his death, the owner arranged a four-day mourning.

Maha Vacralongcorn now

In 2020, the monarch again provoked the wave of discontent inhabitants of the country, this time due to a pandemic of coronavirus infection. It is known that the ruler was self-injected in Bavaria, at the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl. At the same time, settled on the 4th floor of the building along with the harem - according to the staff of the institution, there were 20 concubines satellites.

Returned to Maha's homeland only in October to participate in a mourning ceremony on the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Rama IX. Thailand at this time stirred the action of peaceful protests. One of the requirements of the protesters is to reduce the powers of the current king. Its tight connection with the army leads to the undermining of democracy, participants of the movement are considered.

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