Julia Zhukova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Dom-2 2021



The participant of the famous television trip on TNT Julia Zhukova is one of those who decided to experiment in personal life for the second time. And if the first parish on the "House-2" was for her hell on earth, now the girl thanks fate for the decision to return.

Childhood and youth

It is known about the early biography of Julia that she was born on March 28, 1994 (on the sign of the zodiac Aries) in the Bryansk region. The girl finished the school with honors, so all the roads were opened for her.

Thille thinking, the graduate decided to enter the educational institution of the northern capital of Russia. As a result, the heroine of the project did not want to stop at one highest - in its portfolio in the line of education there are 2 diplomas. One specialty is associated with an economist profession.

Information on the second education is known from the Zhukov Questionnaire on the online service for Casting Casting. In it, the applicant pointed out that he graduated from the St. Petersburg School of the Academy of Fashion and Design at the Sewing and Design.

There you can also look at the information about growth and weight - 178 cm and 58 kg. The same data from Zhukov confirmed live in his blog in "Instagram".

Until the first coming to the TV project, the future participant was careful. For some time she worked in a company that exported packaging equipment abroad. In addition, it has repeatedly mentioned that he tried to become leading.

Of course, its appearance played a big role in the professional biography of Juccov. Thanks to the attractive features of the face, long hair, high growth and sports figure, she performed a fashion model.

Personal life

Despite the beauty and mind, the long-awaited happiness ran away from the natives of the Bryansk region. And the point is not in the absence of fans - the model did not suffer from loneliness.

But in her life there was no one man with whom she would agree to the notorious "and in Mountain, and in joy." Outside the telestroy, Julia remembers only three serious novels. In some respects, it came even to a joint stay. However, after a couple of years, such a civil marriage, Zhukov realized that her classmate was not suitable for her husband's title.

Another character's heroine calls a certain Italian, who met in Cyprus. Initially, between two young people, there was not even a hint of something serious. However, by returning to St. Petersburg, the travelers rested in the Mediterranean suddenly began to receive messages from a new acquaintance.

Julia Zhukova to plastics and after

And soon the man came to Russia himself. Attempts to create a family stopped after a year and a half. After that, the model stated with confidence that he would now consider close relations exclusively with Russian guys.

Now Julia admits that in choosing a partner made mistakes. First of all, it was associated with its criteria. The girl first sought to appreciate the literacy of the candidate on the hand of the heart, then his age. A kind of "puncture" was that she did not even consider peers - only men from 30 years.

Also for it, hobbies were important, the scope of employment. Over the years, Zhukov began to understand - the list of her claims and requirements is only growing. In "Instagram", the blogger admitted that he wanted to find someone who would like on her deceased father. And it was strongly frustrated when the image was drawn in the head did not fit reality.

"House 2"

For the first time, showers of the show got acquainted with the new participant at the end of January 2018. Julia came to the project to Andrei Denisov. However, the relationship between the two young people did not work out.

However, such a story was a history of almost every heroine "House-2". But the further stay on the telestroyka for the model turned out to be impossible. She literally fled from there, leaving a colorful review from staying in this "hell."

Julia was seriously given a non-vital, and the lack of opportunity to evolve. For all days, I had to deal with only the discussion of someone else's personal life, and looking for the most unpleasant parties. All this former participant called dirt and zoo. And not a minute regretted the minute, when he decided to leave there, so without trying to find love.

And after 2 years, a triumphant return of beauty took place. This time, Nikita Umansky attracted her. But the guy's heart did not succumb to Charm of the young resident of St. Petersburg. Then Zhukov revised his views, paying attention to another participant of the show - Igor Grigorieva.

The guy admitted that he initially considered I was impregnable and arrogant. And I am sure - the perimeter would be afraid to approach her. On the show, it was better to know each other better, and he understood: a new participant is another person.

The project's heroes declared themselves a couple in April 2020. Since that time, their relationships only developed. In addition, lovers participated in the "Wedding Million" competition, but did not win.

Yulia's stay on telestroy did not cost without scandalous situations. The first was connected with the fact that they, together with the boyfriend, beat Selena Mayer under the cover of the night. Igor did not try to justify himself, informing the leading reason for what had happened - alleged Mayer had long provoked the guys endless insults.

Another curious story was associated with Vlad Kadoni. In September, rumors crawled down that Zhukov changes Grigoriev with the leading. And allegedly collects things to leave the project and move to the lover. Gossip was first amused by Kadoni, but in the end he could not stand and denied such specles about his personal life.

It turned out to be a lie and the news that the girlfriend Igor again is going to leave the telestroy. On his page in "Instagram", the participant assures - there are no such plans yet. She is happy in new relationships, and "House-2" helps her understand and correct mistakes.

Julia Zhukova now

Now the heroine of the project is concentrated on his own health. The blogger shares with subscribers by heavily lost - by 10 kg for 1 month. And the reason for changing weight calls the nervous state due to the quarrel with Igor. But at the same time it did not cost without a personal cosmetologist and sports.

Julia Zhukova and Vlad Kadoni

However, the changed figure of Julia does not hide - puts photo in the swimsuit in the "Instagram" account and continues to give advice to subscribers regarding nutrition, regime and physical exertion.

About the career plans of Zhukov Solidarna with the Beloved. Both dream of opening a bakery after a perimeter, however, for this they need to collect initial capital - 2 million rubles.

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