Amy Koni Barrett - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Judge of the US Supreme Court 2021



Like the Russian Commissioner for the Rights of the Child, Anna Kuznetsova, Amy Koni Barrett, who became the fall of 2020 by the judge of the US Supreme Court, - the mother of seven children. It is not surprising that both ladies are an opponent of abortion.

Childhood and youth

The future American lawyard was born on January 28, 1972 in New Orleans, who is considered to be homely jazz. If Kuznetsova's parents were an engineer and builder, then Father Amy Vivian - Michael Koni, who worked at Shell's attorney, in 1982, was ordained in Deacon.

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The mother of Orleans Linda worked as a teacher of French, but mainly engaged in the house and family. In the family of Koni who confessed Catholicism, 7 children grew - 6 daughters and only one son. Brother and all sisters Amy Vivian younger than her.

After graduating from school in the hometown, the eldest daughter of Daacon entered the Rhodes College in Memphis, from where he released in 1994 with the degree of bachelor of arts. After 3 years, Amy received a doctorate degree at the South Bend city of Notre Dame, located 150 km from Chicago. As in college, in the university Miss Koni was recognized as the best graduate. In the student years, a native of New Orleans was the executive editor notre Dame Low Review.

Personal life

At the age of 27, Miss Koni marriage with Jesse M. Barrett, as well as she graduated from Legal School Notre Dame. The husband of Amy 13 worked by the federal prosecutor, served as a professor in their common Alma mater. Now Jesse is mainly engaged in children and a small farming in South Bend.

Two of the seven heirs of the four lawyers are adopted. Reception daughter, a native of Haiti, Barrett took part in 2005, and a foster son from the same country - in 2010.

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In the personal life of the Catholic follows the principles declared. During pregnancy, the younger son Amy found out that the child would have Down Syndrome, but did not take an abortion.

On family photos of Barrette, it is clear that all members of the society cell, regardless of the color of the skin and the number of chromosomes, are happy, love and support each other. Amy reported that he divides her home chinchilla with her family.

Mrs. Barrett - Lark, standing in 4-5 am. Million Amy spends in the gym.


At the beginning of the labor biography of the native of New Orleans, he worked as an assistant to two prominent American lawyers - judges of the US Court of Appeal Court of County of Columbia Lawrence Sillberman, and then an assistant of the US Supreme Court of Antonina Scalia. In the early years of Marriage, Amy was engaged in legal practice in Miller, Cassidy, Larroca & Lewin - a lawyers providing lawyers for legal proceedings in Washington.

After the birth of the first children, Barrett switched to teaching work. During the year, Amy worked as an invited Aduunkt professor and a researcher at the Law School of George Washington, and then returned as a professor in his native university, where the title "Best Lecturer of the Year" was honored. The popularity of Barrett as a teacher is explained by its intellectuality, justice and the desire to involve as many students present in the classroom in the discussion.

The scientific interests of Amy lie in the sphere of constitutional law and interpretation of laws. Daucion daughter is conservative and believes that the articles of the US Constitution should be interpreted in the same way as at the time of writing. Mrs. Barrett is an opponent of same-sex marriages.

In 2017, Donald Trump appointed AM to the Federal Court of Seventh County in Chicago. The road to work began to occupy a family of one and a half hour at one end.

The appointment was accompanied by the confrontation by Mrs. Barrett and the Ladies-Senator Daienn Finstine, who worried that the religious beliefs of Amy would affect its attitude to the law. Human Rights Campaign Human Rights Organization considers climbing a native of New Orleans on the career staircase "undoubted threat of LGBT rights."

Amy Koni Barrett now

After death in September 2020, the icons of feminism, judges Ruth Ginzburg, Amy became the chief candidate for nomination to the US Supreme Court. On September 26, Trump, contrary to the opinion of the opposition, which was considered that the appointments to the main American court should be engaged in a freshly elected president, put forward Mrs. Barrett to a vacant position.

A month later, the US Senate supported the presidential choice. All Republican Senators, except Susan Collins voted for AM. Against - all Democratic Senators. After approval in Senate Barrett brought the oath, which was attended by all members of her numerous family.

In the accounts of Americans in "Instagram" and "Facebook" multiply caricatures on Amy. In terms of the number of cartoons, Barrett will soon overtake its predecessor Ginzburg, who adhered to the opposite glances.

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