Roman Budnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter 2021



Roman Budnikan calls themselves leading by calling and a musician in the shower. In the second half of the 20s of the XXI century, the name of the seats of the Shaten, whom the audience of the first channel see on the screens in the morning, turned out to be associated with scandals.

Childhood and youth

The future TV host was born on June 14, 1973 in the city of Engels Saratov region. The population of the city, named after the creator of dialectical materialism, from the moment the novel appeared to the light increased by one and a half times and is now 227 thousand people.

The father of the young resident of Engels, the musician by profession, left the family when the son was 5 years old. Mother, teacher of geography, raised Romu and his younger sister Olya alone. Budnikov's teenage age fell on a restructuring, and the guy did not bother to join the Komsomol. At the age of 15, the Roman found the father guitar and began to delight classmates chords, and then graduated from a music school.

According to the Council of Mother, the young man went to the highest education at the Geographical Faculty of the University, but one score did not get on the entrance exams. As a result, Budnik's youth combined his studies in the Saratov School of Culture with the game in the music groups "Noah's Ark" and "Anapa".

In 25 years, the novel moved to the capital of Russia and at the turn of the Millennium musitis at weddings and corporate countries. One day, Tamada was late for a banquet, and Budnikov replaced him with success, after that retraining in the leading all sorts of holidays.

Personal life

Roman Vladimirovich was married twice and, although both unions ended with divorces, retains with former wives - Galina and Catherine - a friendly relations. A large place in the personal life of the leader is communicating with the only daughter Alexander. Budnikova page in "Instagram" is filled with Sasha's pictures and photos of joint travels with the heir.

A man continues to be musitizing. Engels's native created a group of "Nebudni", whose business card became the song "When With Me,", and Budnikov plays on the guitar previously owned by the soloist of the White Eagle collective Alexander Yagye. The favorite cat lead called the blues. The sphere of interest Roman Vladimirovich includes a sauna, table tennis and carpentry work on the house.

In the spring of 2017 of the TV presenter, with a height of 175 cm weighing 80 kg, the masseuse named Anastasia accused of rape and beating. Roman Vladimirovich explained the accusation by the desire of a young Muscovite to become famous and said that the girl did not give rest of the "Lavra Diana Shurygin". When the verification of the investigative committee did not establish the guilt of Budnikov, the presenter appealed to the court for moral compensation in the amount of 1 million rubles. However, the lawsuit of Roman Vladimirovich was not satisfied.


The television career of the entertainer began on the Capital Channel, where the novel led a consonant name of the program "Weekdays of the Capital". After a series of television channels in 2012, Budnika debuted on the first channel. In the transfer of "Fazenda", Roman Vladimirovich changed the old lead - actor Sergey Kolesnikova, who became famous after the main role in the film "The little things of life", in which Alexander Lazarev-senior was shone, Maria Zubareva and Irina Apksimov.

In the transfer of "Good morning" Budnika "sat down" of another artist - Boris Shcherbakov. The star of the series "Detectives" and "Soldiers" called the novel, since 2014, regularly biddly Russians in Anastasia Tregubova, Olga Ushakova and Yulia Zimina, a uninteresting faded man.

In April 2016, Budnikov, together with a friend of "Good Utra", Timur Solovyov took part in the program "Who wants to become a millionaire?". Already on the question worth 25 thousand rubles. Leading resorted to the "Call to Friend" tip. Thanks to the help of Svetlana Zeynalova, along the coincidence of the circumstances in the studio of intellectual quiz, the morning leading was correctly told in what their four films of Mark Zakharov "Many Gregory Gorina, many Gregory Gladkov and a little Alexei Tolstoy".

With the help of the leading "phasenda", the tandem guessed that it was precisely for the provision of a garden car in public transport of Moscow. And Timur realized that only Joseph Stalin on the monument in Sochi was depicted in the headdress. The question of the vessel made in the form of horns, Budnikov and Solovyov took, using 2 tips. Due to the help of Hall Maxim and Roman overcame the bar 400 thousand rubles. And, not finding the answer to the question about the name of Symphony of Peter Tchaikovsky, took this amount.

Roman Budnikov Now

In 2020, Engels's native not only continues to lead a "good morning" on the first, but also continues to visit Konstantin Ernsta Channel Program. In February, Budnikov and Timur Solovyov came to the transfer "Fashion sentence" with a request to transform Svetlana Zeinalov. In August 2020, Roman again became a participant in the quiz "Who wants to become a millionaire?". A pair with Zhanna Apple TV presenter won 200 thousand rubles.

And in October 2020, the only daughter of Roman Vladimirovich debuted on the first channel. On the blind auditions of the show "Voice" Alexander performed the song "Drunk Sun".

I did not have time to pass and ten notes, as Basta turned to her. After a second, the opinion of the colleague was supported by Polina Gagarin, in the future, who informed that he was signed on the Instagram account of the contestant, and hesitates its vocals. Sergey Cers, although he turned out longer than the two first mentors, he managed to press not only his button, but also the button Valery Sutkin - the only one of the members of the jury, which was a stupid on Praise Alexandra.

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The behavior is usually strict judges amazing and outraged viewers, which in the comments on the project site are called the executive manner of Budnika meowing. Russians remembered the "victory" at the children's "voice" of the daughter of the singer Alsu. The Communist Party, headed by Maxim Surajkin, called on to close the vocal show of the Channel One, as the child of rich and influential parents always wins on it.

Basta spoke in defending against Alexandra, whose team entered the team, and the leading TV channel "Russia" Vladimir Solovyov. The arguments of the defenders of Budnikova have been kept to the fact that kinship with the celebrity should not be for the talented young men and the girls stimples, putting the cross on the artistic and singing career. Basta also reported that at the time of the blind auditions did not know about the existence of Budnikov's novel and his daughter.


  • "Large people"
  • "Weekdays of the capital"
  • "Fazenda"
  • "Good morning"
  • "Who want to be a millionaire?"
  • "Fashion sentence"
  • "Good afternoon"

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