Yuri Cayurov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Yuri Cayurov - Soviet and Russian actor and cinema actor. The USSR film workers artist is known in the pictures of Vladimir Lenin. Theater lovers know him in the roles in Russian classics.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Ivanovich Cayurov was born in Cherepovets on September 30, 1927. Boy's parents - Ivan Dmitrievich and Olga Alekseevna - came to the city from the countryside, from Belozersk Vologda region. After the birth of the son, the family moved to Tikhvin.

In those years, Yura's mother worked as an educator in kindergarten, and his father worked as an employee. The man did not escape the repression of the 1937th, he was planted, but, not finding Kramol, released to freedom in 1939. With the beginning of the war, he entered the militia to protect the city, sending relatives to the village. Cayurs-senior died in battle in 1941.

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So in the hard wartime, Olga Alekseevna remained with two children in his arms. Yura, seeing the complex position of the mother, left school in the 7th grade and entered the craft school. After the translation into Vologda, the young man graduated from studying with the 5th Tokar discharge and in 1944 he fell on the distribution of the "Volcano" plant. The company supplied the front, but the son wanted to personally take revenge on his father.

The young man submitted documents to the Naval Aviation School (Kuibyshev). He took him to learn, but he did not have to participate in hostilities. The term of the Kayurova expired by 1949, when he was already in Leningrad. By this point, the man decided to enter the Leningrad Theater Institute named after A. N. Ostrovsky.

The former military accepted immediately to the second course, in the class of Elizabeth, Ivanovna Tim. The world of art, so unlike the former life of a provincial guy, Shalomil and shocked him. It was a completely new Kayurova biography page.

Personal life

The artist infrequently talks about his personal life. With the only spouse, he met in Saratov, fell in love immediately, but he cared for a long time for the girl. The wedding took place in the late 50s.

Valentina Leonidovna was a physician, after moving to Moscow, he worked at the theater by a dentist. The family of Leonid was born in the family, to whom the father after school recommended to enroll on the acting faculty.

Parents themselves did not believe when the young man became famous - Lenya began to film still as a student. Before restructuring a career of a young man, he was in the mountain, he participated in popular paintings. In the 90th, the son of the artist began to rush. By this time, Leonid Cayurs was already married to actress Irina Korytnikova, and for some time both families lived together.

Yuri Cayurs and his wife and son

But the guys could not get along with the older generation. He played the role and desire of Leonid to serve in the church. The party past of the Father did not allow this fact. Native people quarreled and argued, but still Cayurs junior insisted on his own.

Now he is a protodacacon in the temple of Arkhangel Mikhail. Yuri Ivanovich reconciled with the choice of the child, because the son is the only close person who has remained. The artist's wife died in 2005, the reason for her death relatives are not voiced.

Theater and films

In his youth, during military service, Yury Ivanovich was lucky to visit theatrical studio, which Vasily Vasilyevich Mercuryev and Irina Vsevolodovna Meyerhold. Famous spouses managed to donate in a young man craving for stage. Then he came to mind the idea of ​​entering the theater university.

After the diplomas in 1952, the young artist was invited to the Saratov Drama Theater named after K. Marx. Here he served 15 years, having passed all the stages of life on stage - from the crowd to the main roles.

With colleagues, among whom were Vaclav Nerotsky and Arkady Vysotsky, the actor had good relations. Directed by the Saratov Theater, Nikolai Bondarev, he also calls himself the most beloved for the entire professional career.

Cayurs participated in the productions on modern plays (Alexey Arbuzov, Vsevolod Vishnevsky, Alexander Stein). He also had roles in performances according to the classic works of Nikolai Ostrovsky and Maxim Gorky. In one of these images of the artist saw the director's assistants who were looking for the country of the artist similar to Vladimir Lenin.

Cayurs accepted the offer to be held in the film "At the beginning of the century" (1961). After a few years, he was invited to the same role in the picture "Through the Ice Mole" (1965). Over the actor fastened the movie the leader of the party. Up until the 1980s, he will repeatedly have to embody it on the screen in the "Exodus" and "Sixth July" paintings, Kremlin Quarandi, "Postal Roman", "Lenin in Paris".

Already in 1967, the artist, together with his family, moved to the capital. This was facilitated by his success in the role of the Soviet leader: seeing Cayerov in one of the films, the leadership of the Small Theater decided to invite actors to the play "John Reed" on the play Evgeny Simonov.

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The ministry in this kingdom of Melpomenn Yury Ivanovich was subsequently given for 30 years, introducing novelty to the former traditions. As in Saratov, he played contemporaries, went out in productions on the works of Maxim Gorky, created the truthful characters of the heroes of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

The artist was lucky to work with such mastitis director as Boris Lviv-Anokhin and Leonid Haifets. The roles played by him became theatrical classics - for example, the image of Vasilkova in the play "Mad money".

In addition to Lenin, there are other roles in the actor filmography. He starred in the dilogy "Missing Expedition" and "Golden River", the pictures "Flame", "White Snow of Russia". Cayurs participated in the filming of the ribbons and TV series "Widow", "My Anfisa", "And this is all about him," Petersburg Secrets.

In the 2000s, General Alekseev in the film "Romanov, became his noticeable Kinorol. Venetian family. "

Yuri Cayurov now

In 2020, Yuri Ivanovich, despite age, continues to go to the scene of the Small Theater, his photo is still hanging in the lobby. Audiobooks voiced by the voice of the artist. And journalists do not forget: actors are invited to participate in television programs, where he talks about creative activities, take interviews for newspapers and magazines.


  • 1965 - "Through the Ice Mole"
  • 1968 - "Sixth July"
  • 1973 - "Star Hour"
  • 1974 - "Flame"
  • 1976 - "Fire Bridge"
  • 1979 - "My Anfisa"
  • 1980 - "Chief Designer"
  • 1981 - "Lenin in Paris"
  • 1986 - "Says Moscow"
  • 1987 - "In the Crimea is not always summer"
  • 1994 - "Petersburg Secrets"
  • 2000 - "Romanovs. Venetian family "
  • 2001 - "Keys of death"

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