Ivan Kubrakov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus 2021



2020 turned out to be difficult for Belarus, however, despite the protest wave, who captured the country after the presidential election, life in it goes to her. Alexander Lukashenko, once again taking the powers of the head of state, continued to manage the territory entrusted to him, passing the orders for fresh appointments. Among those who have occupied a new responsible post, and Ivan Kubrakov, who changed the position of chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Minsk to the chair of the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Belarus.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Vladimirovich was born on May 5, 1975 in the village of Malinovka Mogilev region, which at the time there were 33 yards at that time, and now it is at all on the verge of extinction. Only a couple-triple houses remained in the village, and the buses do not go here, the trains do not stop. But the elderly fellow villagers willingly share the details of the biography of the family of Curbankov, from which the current head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus was published.

Parents worked in their native village: Anna Vladimirovna's mother was a veal, and his father worked in a collective farm brigade and shepherd. True, I also managed to serve on the bakery in the neighboring Belynkovichi, but in the end I returned to Malinovka. Cubrakov gave birth to six children, but the eldest daughter died in childhood. Five sons remained: Nikolai, Mikhail, Ivan, Victor and Sergey - all the intelligent, workers, non-drinking.

Senior Nikolai got a police station, the average went through the driver's line, and Ivan was smarter, after receiving the certificate received the Minsk Special Secondary School of Militia, and then to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus. The fellow villagers recall him as an educated, calm guy who treated everyone with respect. "Does not drink, no smokes", too, a weighty argument in favor of a positive image in the eyes of the older generation. The father of the brothers died early, without surviving and up to 60 years. But the mother managed to gladly glad the success of the Son, leaving the life in 2020 at the age of 80.

Personal life

The personal life of Kubrakov arranged in his youth. With the future wife, from the neighboring village of Belzynkovichi, he met at school, after the end of which they almost immediately got married. Two children have born two children - the son of Vladimir and the daughter of Elizabeth. It is said that the firstborn, inspired by an example of his father, went on his footsteps. Photographs of family members Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus prefers not to show.


A career in Ivan Vladimirovich began in 1995. Despite the admonition of comrades and colleagues, who tried to dissuade him, settled the plot and passed a real school of life. The work turned out to be even more difficult than the young policeman could imagine: cases came across uneasy, and Kubrakow had to be a criminal investigation officer, a representative of the traffic police, drug control, a lawyer and a psychologist in one person.

Thanks to this work, the future Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs learned to communicate with the most different people and delve into their problems. In the metropolitan central police department, the employee passed the way from the district police station. The next career step was the leadership of the Zaslavsky Department of Minsk RUVD. By 2017, Ivan Vladimirovich had already had the title of Colonel and was sent to Vitebsk, where he became the head of the regional police department.

A year later, in the 43-year-old, Kubrakov became Major General. He returned to Minsk, where he was headed by the GUVD City Executive Committee in March 2019. With external goodness, it is distinguished by stiffness in decision-making, as well as high professionalism and militia flair. The road from the precinct to the head of the highest link does not overcome, not having an iron character, his colleagues say.

Ivan Kubrakov now

During the suppression of the protests of 2020, Alexander Lukashenko had to change the leaders of almost all powerful departments. One after another was retired by the head of the KGB, the Security Council and the State Control Committee. October 29 reached the Ministry of the Interior, where the 45-year-old Major General Ivan Kubrakov came to replace the former leader Yuri Karayev.

In appeal to citizens after entry into position, the Minister identified the priorities of the upcoming work, among which ensuring the safety of the capital and the state, as well as the strengthening of the personnel potential of the departments entrusted to him. The President expressed the confidence in the new chapter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, stressing that with a difficult situation in Minsk he should cope with her, being "in the topic".

Kubankov managed to show himself during the suppression of protests and has a clear position in this matter. Ivan Vladimirovich assured that the Minsk militia is categorically against violence, many detainees for participating in unauthorized mass events were provocatives and former "criminals". It does not doubt that participation in rallies is paid, and on this occasion is being investigated.

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