Ulf Mustafin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Head of the Ufa Administration



Ulfl Mustafin was appointed Mayor of Ufa on October 29, 2018. He stopped driving the city exactly 2 years later, and the reason for this was the tragedy: 61-year-old politicians died. He was remembered as a wise, restrained and responsive man, despite the high position, which preserved the simplicity and love of people.

Childhood and youth

Ulfat Mansurovich was born on May 4, 1959 in the Bashkir village of Staroichsanovo Chekmagushevsky district. Parents were children of war. Milyaush Muhamatshipovna's mother left without a father who died at the front in 1944, and since childhood he worked in a collective farm, helping the family. In the 2020th woman turned 89 years old, and she continues to live in a village surrounded by family portraits and rewards of the Tar worm.

Together with her husband Milyausch Muhamatshaipovna raised three sons. The early biography of the Ufa Mayor developed on the usual scenario of the Soviet young man: first the end of high school, then study in the technical school, then service in the army. Ufa technique of light industry guy eared, already giving the debt home. He received a specialty technique technique of the cotton industry in 1981.

Even in his youth, went to work for production, and earlier the years had already taken years later: in 1992, Mustafin came out with a diploma from the walls of the Ufa State Aviation Institute. In parallel with the career of a businessman continued to raise the level of education and engage in scientific activities. In 2005, Ulfat Mansurovich received the degree of candidate of technical sciences, defending the thesis dedicated to pipelines of gas supply systems.

Personal life

Having entered the position of head of the Ufa administration, Mustafin raised the page in all popular social networks to establish an operational channel for direct dialogue with the people. He regularly shared news and photo, but did not touch his personal life, and therefore the pictures of his wife and children did not appear there.


The path to managerial vertices Ulfat Mansurovich began from the lowest. The first time worked in the city utility housing and communal services of the 4th category, then became a master. Already having received a higher education, became the main engineer in the same system of housing and communal services. It is noted that Mustafin has always been far from politics, fully focused on economic issues.

Uphinez headed Zhue-40, after which he was taken to the mayor, where he became deputy head of the management of housing and utilities enterprises. However, in the mid-1990s, Ulfat Mansurovich changed the housing sphere on the oil and gas. The man built a career in Gaz-Service LLC, in the structure of various managerial posts. He was responsible for capital construction and laying gas pipelines in non-geoped areas.

Ulf Mustafin and Radia Habirov

In 2003, Mustafina was invited to head the Financial and Economic Department of the Administration of the President of Bashkiria, which he was engaged in five years. Then he moved to Rosatadzor, where he served as a regional assistant manager and the head of the department of organization of control and supervisory and permitting activities. Since 2013, Ulfat Mansurovich again began to work in the structure of Gazprom.

In 2018, Mustafina chose the head of the administration of the capital of Bashkiria. Encouraging, the mayor took up the mass improvement of parks and squares, the construction of social facilities in new residential complexes. The main tasks of the managers identified the solution of transport issues, the modernization of utility networks and the fleet of technology, the construction of bridges and overpasses.


From September 26, 2020, Ulfat Mansurovich stopped appearing in the public, going into the regime of self-insulation after contact with the carrier coronavirus infection. The state of his health in the media was not yet applied for a long time, but the information was leaked that the mayor was not just like a quarantine. His duties in the administration temporarily performed Radmil Muslimov. The official confirmation that Mustafin is sick of pneumonia, was received from the press service of the mayor's office only on October 23.

About the severity of his states spoke only on the eve of death. The head of Bashkiria Radii Habirov in the official speech on October 28 reported that the colleagues had a serious lung defeat and the disease occurs hard. However, the fact that the 20th of the 20th Ulfat Mansurovish was delivered by a specialist in the resuscitation of Moscow, also chose not to voice the public. It was there on October 29, 2020 politician aged 61 died. The cause of death became complications caused by COVID-19.

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