Maria Nahapetova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Designer 2021



The youngest daughter of the faith of verbal and Rodion Nakapetov infrequently induces subscribers by photographs on their page in the social network "Instagram". But Maria works regularly there and publishes pictures of his beloved mother on her birthday and the day of departure, accompanying them touching comments and words of gratitude. She does not forget to congratulate on personal holidays and grandmother, two fathers, sisters, niece with nephews.

Childhood and youth

The familiarity of future spouses occurred on the set of drama "on the edge of light ...". According to one of the versions, faith, Glagolev, randomly produced at Mosfilm with her friend, noticed a film operator. On the other, the director Rodion Nakhapetov himself saw in the buffet, who had long been looking for a "spiritual, devoted, good provincial girl" on a major role.

A 17-year-old girl who made serious success in sports and not thinking to become an artist, agreed to play the actor who claimed reincarnation in Volodya. As a result, she not only starred in the film, brought recognition and love of the public, but also married his creator for the next year.

Two children were born in marriage. Anya was born on October 14, 1978, Masha - June 28 of the Olympic 1980s. Father adored daughters, the mother was distinguished by rigor and restraint in emotions.

"She never praised us. Moreover, she does not praise us now. And, probably, this time comes when you already do not expect this. Mom, which is suitable, will hug, kisses, say: "How I love you!" - We never had this, "Anna said in 2016.

Maria added then that the parent was busy all the time and disappeared at work, so the grandmother Galina Naumovna answered the upbringing of granddaughter. The actress itself called himself a "calm mom and grandmother":

"I can not say that I am a crazy grandmother, like mom. I am a normal person and realist, and I will not shout at every corner that my grandchildren are the best and beautiful. I advised the daughters more closely reading the book of Benjamin Spock, where you can find answers to any questions about raising the child. "

Despite the seeming idyll, in the late 80s the star couple broke up. A man at the invitation of a friend moved to the USA, where he met Natalia Shatpnicoff, and remained at permanent residence. Soon arranged a personal life and the star "Marry Captain" with a businessman Cyril Shubsky. On November 16, 1993, Chet welcomed the heiress Nastya - the current spouse of Hockey player Alexander Ovechkin.

Personal life

For the first time, Maria married an American entrepreneur, a leaving from the Soviet Union, who owned his own photo studio. Unfortunately, soon the relationship between spouses spoiled, and the divorce followed.

After an unsuccessful attempt to build a family of Nahapetov returned to Russia, where in Moscow, the businessman's wife on the surname of Dzur became. On September 19, 2007, the spouses took congratulations on the birth of the first guilty of Kirill, and on March 6, 2013, Junior Son Miron was rejoiced on March 6, 2013. Now the boys learn in the gymnasium "Zhukovka", pleaseing the father and the mother to successes at school.

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The senior heir showed excellent results at the British Bulldog British Bulldog International Gaming Competition in 2018. And in May 2019, he won the International Intensive English Olympiad and took a prize in the school stage of the All-Russian Biology Olympiad.

In the 2020th, again participating in the last competition, he demonstrated good knowledge in the field of history. His brother then distinguished himself in the nomination "His Majesty Sosmos" on the creative view dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics.

Parents took care that children will have to visit Italy, Germany, Turkey, Mexico, in the Maldives and Cuba. Adults try to instill love for sports - horseback riding and, thanks to Alexander Ovechkin, of course, to hockey.


Each of the daughters of the faith of verbawa, despite different interests, starred in the cinema.

In the filmography of Anna Nahapetova, the ex-ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, and now the artists of the Roman Viktyuk Theater, - Sunday Dad, "Russians in the city of Angelov", "From the legs on the head", "Mystery of the Swan Lake", "One War" and others . In the 2020th, creative biography was replenished with a detective "burning bridges."

Anastasia Shubskaya model, who studied on the producer in Vgik, appeared in the melodrama "Damn Wheel", received a major role in Ka de Bo "and flashed in the series" The woman wants to know ... ".

Maria also only once went on the set, reincarnated to Tatiana Mikhailovna Ogunov in the thriller of his father "Infection". But its main passion since childhood was visual art. From an early age, the girl diligently visited a special studio at the Pushkin Museum and Art School.

Subsequently, she graduated from the corresponding faculty of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after Sergei Gerasimov. And at the School of Visual Effects Gnomon in Hollywood acquired knowledge in the field of design, animation and computer graphics. For a while, the woman was engaged in paperwork, and then took up writing paintings.

Maria Nahapetova now

Maria Rodionna monitors children and teaches the eldest son computer graphics. He shared their first independent works in 2019 on a personal page in Instagram.

A woman supports close relationships with sisters, the biological father of Rodion Nakhapetov and the robbing her Kirill Shubsky, as evidenced by rare pictures in the same social network.

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