Colin Jost - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Comedian, Husband Scarlet Johansson 2021



Colin Jost - American actor, comedian and screenwriter. Creative activity and biography of artist are more famous in their homeland. Russians Male primarily sign as a chosen actress Scarlett Johansson.

Childhood and youth

Colin Kelly Joot was born on June 29, 1982 in Stathen Island, one of the Boro New York, USA. The future comedian grew into Grahims Hill, in the family of Daniel Josta and Kerry Kelly.

The boy's father taught in high school, and his mother worked as the head of the New York Fire Protection Medical Service. The family has another son - Casey, who became an actor and writer as an older brother.

Joot attended the school at Manhattan, he also worked as the editor of The Owl newspaper. The young man constantly participated in college events, applying rhetoric skills, played on the school scene.

In 2004, Colin graduated with honors from Harvard University in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA). Here he specialized in history and literature, including Russian and British. The young man continued at the university and the literary activity of a young man: he worked at the University Humorous Newsman "Harvard Paskvil".

Personal life

Work is directly related to Jost's personal life. His wife Scarlett Johansson he met on the show "Saturday night in the lone of air." The couple met when the actress appeared in the night sketch show in 2010.

At that time, they were both serious relationships with other actors - Scarlett was married to Ryan Reynolds, and Colin met with Rashida Jones. There was no sparks between future spouses, but the creative script skills attracted the attention of Johansson.

The paths of artists crossed again, but for this it took time. Colin and Scarlett were spotted on a date in July 2017. This happened just a few months after the woman divorced the second husband, Romain Doriak.

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Then the couple first appeared in the public in the American Museum of Natural Science. In May 2019, the Scarlett agent finally confirmed that the pair is engaged. All this time, lovers kept most of their relationship in secret.

Like many other couples, Scarlett and Colin had to postpone the wedding because of a coronavirus infection in a pandemic. After the months of waiting, in October 2020, they decided to hold a modest ceremony with their nearest relatives. Now the tabloids are filled with headlines:

"Scarlett Johansson did not want her divorces to hurt her daughter. But she found a man who loved them both equally. "

Interestingly, in the Instagram account of the artist for all this time there were no photos with a future wife. The main content of its publications is devoted to work.

Humor and creativity

Professionally creative activities, Joot took up after Harvard. From 2005 to 2020, he wrote scenarios for the Sabbath Evening Evening show. In the project it was both a simple employee, and the cooler, and the main screenwriter.

For their work, Colin received several AMMI premiums. As a comedian and the host spoke in the program "Late night with Jimmy Fallon" and appeared on HBO and TBS channels.

Participation in the stands brought a humor of the title of Breakout Artist according to the CAROLINES club on Broadway. In 2009, Joot received the New Face Nomination Just for Laughs. Since then, he has played many times at similar events in Montreal and Chicago. Also, the writer is known for work in the Weekend Update show (2008-2017).

In 2015, according to Josta's scenario, and with his participation, the comedy "Summer at Stanten Island" was published. The film tells about two buddies who are trying to decide in life by setting up for the summer rescuers.

In 2016, Colin played a major role in the adaptation of the novel Liz Tucchillo "in active search". Together with him, Dakota Johnson, Rabl Wilson, Leslie Mann, Damon Wayans - Jr., Anders Hill, Alison Bri, Nicholas Brown, Jake Lacy, Jason Manzukas and Brent Maureen.

Colin Jost now

In July 2020, an American comedian released memoirs called "Very good person: Memoirs." Also, the actor participated in Doune's sounding in the comedy animation film "Tom and Jerry", which will be released in March 2021.

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