Eric Crypt - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Director 2021



The third decade of April is rich in the birthday of dictators. However, the screenwriter and director Eric Kripka does not seek to arrange revolutions and introduce a new order on Earth. Showranner creates fictional worlds and superheroes, in which the audience believe in all corners of the planet.

Childhood and youth

Eric was born on April 24, 1974 in the town of Sylvania - suburb of Tolido. Since childhood, he was fond of urban legends, the works of Edgar, and Howard Lovekraft, loved the serials in which cars played a big role. In particular, "assholes from Hazzard" and "Knight of the Roads". Boy parents - Larry and Joan - encouraged the fantasy of the son.

Studying in secondary schools of the Southwedty, a crippet with friends filmed amateur movies, which then showed classmates. During Eric's training at the University of Southern California, Gothic novels of John Bellars had a great influence on the guy.

Personal life

The director does not seek to put a personal life at the bottom. The news and jokes in Twitter Crippe shared more than family pictures in "Instagram". It is known that Eric is married with a woman named Diana.

On May 2, 2007, the son of Jack was born in Kripka. To the surprise of cinematographer and his wife, the baby was born on the same day as one of the two main characters of the "supernatural" Sam Winchester, the image of which for 15 seasons created Jared Padalekia. Showing the photo of Jack to journalists, Eric joked that he was worried about his spouse, as Sam's mother was killed in six months after his birth. But, to the joy of her husband and son, Diana Crypt is alive and now.


Debut ribbons in the filmography of Eric became a comedy "Battle of Floors" and "sincerely devotee", which Crypt has served in 23 years. The second of these short protrusions was awarded the Short Film Award and Audience Award.

Next for Erica followed the failure band. The series "Tarzan", to whom the script wrote a script, stopped existence after the 8th series, and the full-length horror "Bugimeman", although he collected a good cashier, received negative critics reviews. The scenario of thriller, the author of which was Eric, called shameless tasteless.

In 2005, Kripka presented a fantasy series "Supernatural", talking about the Travel of Sam's brothers and Dina Winchesters along the small towns of the United States, in each of whom they have to fight demons, ghosts and other paranormal entities. Eric calls his main brainchild in modern Western: in each of the series 2, the arrows come to the city, win bad guys, kiss beautiful girls and serve in the sunset.

After the 5th season, the project "Supernatural" continued sulfur Gamble, Jeremy Carvel and Andrew Dubab with Robert Singer. It is curious that the last of the listed Showranners in the series from the first season was the hero-tar - Bobby Singer, the image of which was created by Actor Jim Beaver.

The series "Revolution", created according to the script of the crip, turned out to be less long than the "supernatural", and ended after 2 seasons. The plot of the post-apocalyptic ribbon unfolds in a half decades after disconnecting on the third planet from the sun of all technologies associated with electricity. The Matsonov family owns a "golden key", able to return the benefits of civilization to humanity, and the authorities begin to hunt for relatives who have a superssense secret.

In July 2019, Amazon Prime Video introduced the series "Guys" on the script of the crip. The features of the tape on superheroes are its polygamy (there are elements of drama, thriller and comedy) and the moral obscurity of the main characters. Another highlight "Guys" is an international acting ensemble. Artists from different countries play in the series - from Israelin Tomer Capon to New Zerla Karl Urbana and Anthony Starre.

Eric Crypt now

On September 4, 2020, the second season of "guys" came out. Back in August 2020, it became known that in the third season, Jensen Ekls, who played Dina Winchester in the "supernatural", will join the acting of the series. On October 24, 2020, Kripka with Zavorbia, announced the death of the artist-director of the series "Patsans" Arvorder Grehenal.


  • 1997 - "Battle of Floors"
  • 1997 - "Sincere devotee"
  • 2003 - Tarzan
  • 2005 - "Bougiemen"
  • 2005-2020 - "Supernatural"
  • 2012-2014 - "Revolution"
  • 2016-2018 - "Out of time"
  • 2018 - "Mystery at home with a clock"
  • 2019-2020 - "Guys"

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