George Nachkabia - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Husband Olga Seryabkina 2021



It would be possible to remain George Nachkabiya by a unlucky businessman and startup, if not marriage to the ex-soloist of the Silver Group Olga Salyabkina. The fact that the singer hid his marriage for a while, only heated the interest of the public to the biography of its chosen one.

Childhood and youth

According to the nationality of George Georgian, although it was born and grew up in Moscow. Date of appearance on June 16, 1988. The family lived in traditional way, where the father is a getter, and the mother is responsible for the management of the economy. And the eldest Nachcaybia mined is decently: being an entrepreneur, a man provided his son expensive and prestigious education abroad.

Georgy lived in Austria for more than 10 years. He studied at the Danube International Private School in Vienna. Despite the beauty of the European capital and the convenience of life, the guy later decided to return to his homeland. At the same time, as Internet media writes, acquired double citizenship and can afford to live into two countries.

Personal life

Personal life George to a meeting with Seryabkina worried about his own and his parents. However, journalists strained all their detective flair to spread the wrong Nachkabia. For example, they write that Olga in pursuit of his own happiness broke a strong loving couple. The singer herself tells that he has long been familiar with George, but there was no romance in their relations and speech. They intersect on working issues, supporting friendly and business format.

When Sergeyabkin deepened in a solo project, she felt that she would not hurt the help of an old buddy. From the very moment, frequent meetings and close contacts began, during which it became clear: they are special people for each other. Neither a star nor her chief advertised relationships and the intention to get married. Even when Olga began to order wedding dresses from designers, she pretended to sew clothes for the future clip. And before the fact that Nachcaybia ordered a luxury suit, and no one was doing at all.

The fact that Seryabkin became his wife George, the public found out only in the fall of 2020, while the wedding took place in winter. According to the reasons known only to her, the celebrity kept silence. But on October 30, the article was published in Russian Vogue with an interview with the singer and a detailed description of her wedding dresses, which turned out to be three at once.

It turned out that the ceremony was held in a small alpine town near Vienna, and a festive dinner for the closest took place in the Austrian capital. The choice of place for the wedding remained behind the fiance, and he stopped on the expensive places for him. It turned out simply, touching and tasteful. Photo of the cherished day Olga posted in the account in "Instagram".


Olga and George's meeting occurred thanks to Maxim Fadeev, because it belongs to the Malfa label, where at a certain stage, career worked by Nachkabia. The man was invested in organizing concerts, unwinding Russian performers, among whom his future wife fell. Subsequently, he became Serryabquina's concert director.

However, show business is not the only sphere of interest to the entrepreneur. He earns in high technology and neural networks, developing IT projects and startups. Despite the experience of life and work in Europe, George focused on business in Russia and decided to disclose local talents.

George Nachkabia now

Now George continues to do business, developing regular projects in the field of information technology. He has to put up with increased attention to the public, but he still adheres to an unmediautable strategy of behavior and does not seek activity in social networks.

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