Daniil Dudin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show "Voice" 2021



Daniil Dudin is a musician, the author of the songs and the artist who became the participant of the 9th season of the TV project "Voice". Vocalist was lucky to attract the attention at once 2 mentors on the qualifying round, Polina Gagarina and Sergey Shnurov. Making a difficult choice, Dudin preferred the one who once represented Russia on Eurovision.

Childhood and youth

Daniel was born in Novokuznetsk on September 24, 1990. The parents of the boy were musicians, so no one was secret that Danya will connect a biography with creativity.

Daniil Dudin in youth

In childhood, Dudin Jr. developed musical skills, but did not forget about sports. The boy was engaged in swimming. Despite the fact that the family did not raise the framework for the choice of the future profession, he was sure that the music was the only correct choice.

Daniel graduated from the profile general educational institution, having mastered the clarinet, and began to develop skills to work with other instruments. It was best that he mastered the guitar, but piano and drums can use on speeches.

In 2010, Daniel Dudin became a graduate of the Novokuznetsk Council of Arts. The given diploma testified to obtain a specialty "Lecturer of Wind Tools". Daniel taught novice artists to the clarinet, but later disappointed in academic music and went into the commercial direction.

Show "Voice"

Autumn 2020 has become a sign in the life of Dudin. He threw a challenge by passing the selection on blind listening in the "Voice" show. For self-testing in front of the jury, a creative figure chose the song of the Muse, Starlight ("Light Star"), released by the team in 2006 on the Black Holes and Revelations plates.

Entering the team of Polina Gagarina, Daniel straight stated: he came to the project to become a star. The vocalist gave preference to the artist, because the personal qualities of the mentor turned out to be important for him. In addition, the performer highly appreciates her creative merit.

Daniel Dudin now

Daniil Dudin independently writes songs that present the public. Now he is a member of the Smile Inside Music Team, as well as a member of the Male Duet "Goodwin & Dudin".

In the company of like-minded people, Daniel records the arrangements and performs, performing trunks of Russian and foreign hits in acoustics. Both teams have their own accounts in "Instagram", where participants in groups are postponed from rehearsals and concerts. Daniil Dudin performs on corporate and commercial events.

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