Irina Sidorova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



November 7, 2020, after 4 years, the long-awaited continuation of the Mystical TV series "Anna-Detective" came out at the TV Center. Spectators who love to ripped nerves, again waited for a meeting with familiar characters, in which the actors of Alexander Nikiforov, Dmitry Frid, Sergey Fri, Irina Sidorova, Andrei Ryklin and others. The first season was successful not only from the domestic public, but also in foreign - in the summer of 2019 he was recognized as one of the most popular Russian projects on Amazon Prime Video.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born in the 3rd Oktyabrs Day 1971. From early childhood, the girl dreamed of shine on stage, so in parallel with the middle general educational diligently attended music school and dance studio.

The thrust for art did not dry up and as they grow up, and, having received a certificate of maturity, the girl was easily entered into the Schepkinskaya school at the acting faculty. Together with her, Andrei Ryklin, Gleb Podgorodinsky, Mikhail Shevchuk, Anna Bulklovskaya, Maxim Dakhnenko, Andrei Bolsunov, and Dmitry Pavlenko, and Dmitry Pavlenko, also familiar to the Russian television viewer, were studied at Professor Vladimir Safronov.

Immediately after graduating from the university, the talented graduate took into a strong embracement of the metropolitan dramatic theater "Sphere", where the celebrity serves now. Here she was entrusted with a reincarnation in Nabokovskaya Lolita in the play of the same name (the prize for the "best female role" of the Moscow Theater Festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the writer) and in Magda in the "Little Mark" ("Chamber of Obscrew").

Irina was lucky to play Cleopatra in the production of "Caesar and Cleopatra" Bernard Shaow, Crasress in Troil and Cresan, William Shakespeare, cook at the Vishnevian Garden of Anton Chekhov, Felisatu Mikhailovna in the "Uncle Slow" Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Personal life

Irina Nikolaevna rarely gives interviews, but in a conversation with a journalist "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in 2010, the facts of biography and personal life declassified. The woman revealed the secret of warm relationships with children, shared their successes and told about how joined free time passes."I do not bring children, just friends with them. They are wonderful, wonderful children, very beautiful and talented. With them, we walk together, chat, watch movies, dance. I appreciate communication with them - we are a family, we team. We never interfere with each other, we are together, but everyone can do what he wants, "the celebrity explained.

The actress did not forget to mention that both heirs were engaged in Taekwondo and received awards, and suggested that they would stand on the acting path. So came out. Artemy Bordachev, which appeared on March 24, 1997, entered VGIK and starred in the films "Time of Happiness" and "My Mom - Snow Maiden".

Elizabeth Bordacheva, born on October 24, 1999, released from the Institute of Contemporary Art, flashed along with his brother and mother in the last movie film, lit up in the "Life and Adventures of the Japanese Bears", "Varenka" and "Alibi for two". In addition, judging by the pictures of the girl in "Instagram", she feels comfortable and in the role of fashion model.

The daughter and son gladly visited performances with Sidorovo and highly appreciated her game:

"Mom is best! Undoubtedly! This is not discussed! They from the earliest childhood "live" in me in the theater. But they do not associate me with roles. Although ... when there was a year 3, I should have given a slap on stage, he shouted to the whole hall: "Do not dare beat my mom!". "

As for the spouse, it is only known about him that the chief of artist is not related to creativity.


Simultaneously with the theatrical creative way, the graduate of the famous "pinch" began both cinematic careers began. In 1993, the premieres of the Mystical "Anti-Faust" and comedy "Russian business" took place with Sidorovo. Having played the wife of Marina Businessman Nikolai Petrov (Igor Livanov) in the "Piece for the Passenger", the artist made a 5-year-old break in the shooting.

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Before getting a major role in "such common life," she appeared in the episodes of the TV series "Barvikha", "at the corner, in the Patriarch - 2," "True hides a lie", "North Wind". In 2011, the filmography of the actress was replenished with "Life and Adventures of the Japanese Bears", where the director Sergey Ginzburg entrusted the colleague reincarnation in the wife of the police chief Nikolai Gelovani.

The following leading characters of Irina Nikolaevna were Vera Gromov in "Plot", Inga in "Babiy Bunte, or War in Novoselkovo" and Maria Timofeevna Mironova in Anna-Detaitee. The attentive viewer also remembers her and in the "Legal", and in the 3rd seasons of Sklifosovsky, and in the Night Swallow.

Irina Sidorova now

Irina Nikolaevna, flashed in the "secreys of Mrs. Kirsanova", after a biennial break returned to television screens in the TV series "Anna-Detective", where her husband played a former classmate.

Fans of actress who could not wait for so much time to see the favorite, came to performances in the "sphere", where Sidorov shined. In the theater, the artist is engaged in the production of "Forest", "Cressy", "Dachniks", "Ordinary History", "Penelope for all times", "Little Prince" and others.


  • 1993 - Antifaust
  • 1995 - "Passenger Piece"
  • 2003 - "Good luck to you, a detective"
  • 2007 - ""
  • 2010 - "Such an ordinary life"
  • 2011 - "Plot"
  • 2012 - "Night swallows"
  • 2012 - "Bone in the snow"
  • 2015 - Baby Riot, or War in Novoselkovo "
  • 2016 - "Anna-Detective"
  • 2018 - "The Secrets of Mrs. Kirsanova"
  • 2020 - "Anna-Detective-2"

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