Alexey Dreamnate - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Dancing on TNT, Dancer 2021



Alexey was loved to dance even early age and spent years, improving skill. He deserved authority in the dance environment and became a respected choreographer, but he became famous for the whole of Russia only after he became a member, and then the winner of the Dance project on TNT.

Childhood and youth

Alexey, a dream was born on January 18, 1990 in a small village Selizharovo. When the boy was 3 years old, the family moved to Tver. There, the parents were distinguished by the Son-Preschooler to the Studio of Aesthetic Education, where he first saw the performance of ballroom dancers and was impressed with this spectacle.

Later, when Lesha went to school, a woman came to his class, who distributed leaflets with an invitation to a dance studio. On that day, the dream came home and demanded to take to classes where the student had already promised a partner.

The girl with whom he got into a couple of a small dancer attended a group for more than a year and knew the basics of ballroom dancing. She fascinated a schoolboy with her beauty, and Alex began to regularly go to classes, enjoying joint speeches and fun music.

The interest in the most dance art appeared at the star only at the age of 14, when the teacher entrusted him to conduct classes. Then he realized that he wanted to be a professional teacher and lead to the success of students. Therefore, the young man has begun classes with even greater diligence, participated in tournaments and competitions.

In those years, he did not even guess how expensive his passion costs parents. Only at 20 years old, Lesha found out that they took a loan to pay for the classes to him and brother, who visited Karate Circle. Then the dreaming understood how strong support he receives from mother and father, and wanted to quickly return the funds spent on him, learning to earn with the help of dances.

During this period, Alexey began to think about the fact that there is not enough creativity in the ball. It is based on strict discipline, and all new bundles are built using basic movements, beyond which cannot be released. It was not satisfied with the guy. He concluded that he reached his maximum, and decided to say goodbye to the ballroom dances, which he devoted 18 years.

Some time, a dream study in Tver College of Arts. Although he did not graduate from the course, received knowledge about the features of the classic and folk dance, comprehended by the work of the choreographer-director and realized, in which direction wants to move on.


In 2014, Lesha moved to the wedge, but daily traveled to Moscow to visit master classes and get acquainted with other talented performers. There he gained like-minded people and became a member of the F.O.t team. Company under the leadership of Alexey Simba.

Continuing to improve the skill of the choreographer and dancer, the dream has become an active participant in tournaments and competitions. In addition, he, together with Anna, engaged in the organization of festivals Open Dance Floor. A feature of the event was that novice dancers could visit the classes of famous teachers for free.

Over time, Alexey also turned out to be among the demanded teachers, led in such Moscow studios as New York, Protatrans and MDC NRG. And soon the dancer got the opportunity to open his school in the city of the wedge, called Easy Dance Studio, which was the new page of his creative biography.

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Before that, Alexey managed to conquer recognition as head of teams Easy Kids and Easy Crew, which were the winners of the festivals of Open Dance Floor, Upgrade and "Reputation". Therefore, new students willingly walked into the group, inspiring an example of charming and talented choreographer. According to a dreaming, he prefers to conduct classes for beginners and small dancers to help them easily adapt and love dance art.

In 2020, the head of the Easy Dance Studio had to face difficulties due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, so classes in the studio were conducted remotely. Therefore, celebrities had to make efforts to keep their brainchild. But with the weakening of restrictions, the dance school re-opened the doors for those who wish.

But at the dancer at that time there was a chance to declare himself on the whole country, because he became a member of the 7th season of the Dance project on TNT. Before that, the teacher doubted whether he should come to the show, because he could have fallen out of dance life for a long time. But since because of the quarantine festivals were not conducted, the dream took advantage of the opportunity to work with other choreographers.

On Casting in Moscow, the participant performed a bright and cheerful room, which was then recognized as the best version of the major fan community of the program. The judges were impressed with the talent of the artist, and the audience brought him to the number of favorites. But many missed Alexey's arguments that he came to the project for the sake of earnings and advertising. Later, the contestant wrote on the page in Vkontakte, which first of all wants to develop as a dancer and create art.

On April 24, 2021, the name of the winner of the project became known. In the final, decent rivals met - Ksenia Goryachev (Team Tatiana Denisova), Damien (Miguel team) and Alexey. The pupil of Egory Druzhinin took the 1st place in the last season of a loved show. After the announcement of the results, the hall exploded with applause, and the native of the village of Selizharovo delivered a heartfelt speech to the audience.

A dreamable shared plans - won prize (6 million rubles) he planned to spend on his family, closing the debts and loans of the nearest relatives. Subsequently, in an interview with the artist admitted that a spectator decision was surprising for him: he saw the winner and sick for his competitor to Damien.

Personal life

Fate waited for Alexei in the capital - exactly there, among the colleagues in the team F.O.T. Company, he met the one with which he decided to divide the future. True, his chosen Anna Lyubimskaya at that time met with another young man. The conversation between the opponents did not take place: the girl herself decided in favor of a dreaming.

In the personal life, the artist was in no hurry to commit serious actions. As many as 5 years, Anna and Alexey learned each other both in dancing and in everyday life. In 2020, a solemn event was held, and lovers changed their statute on legitimate husband and wife.

The celebrity leads an instagram account, where it is divided with subscribers creative news and family photos. The loyal fans see that their idol really devotes all his time. Alexey and his wife try to visit friends and parents, and rare travels combine with the shooting of the next dance masterpiece.

Alexey Dreaming now

The winner of the last season "Dance" on TNT was pleased to return home to his pupils. Now the dreamer tries to transfer the experience gained on the show. Immediately after the end of the project, the artist opened new creative groups in Moscow for young talents.

The choreographer has planned not only to set the numbers, ride the festivals and shoot beautiful videos, but also organize musical performances, attracting both students and colleagues.

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