Ashley Biden - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Daughter Joe Bayden 2021



In Instagram-Account Joe Bayden, elected in November 2020, the 46th US president, the politician is characterized by the words "proud husband, father and grandfather, ready to build a better future for all Americans." Among family members who are proud of the American leader is his daughter. Ashley Biden is a fashion designer, an activist and philanthropist, following the example of a mother who devoted life to social work.

Childhood and youth

Ashley was born on June 8, 1981 in the east of the United States, in the city of Wilmington, entering the agglomeration of Philadelphia. Now most residents of Wilmington are African Americans.

At the time of birth, her father turned 39 years old, and Mother Jill Biden is almost 30. The ripe age of parents is explained by the fact that for each of them the marriage in which Ashley appeared, the second. At the end of 1972, a tragedy happened in the personal life of Joe Bayden: the first wife and one and a half year old daughter were killed in the car accident. On the hands of a young senator, two miracles of surviving children were left - Sons Joseph Bo and Hunter.

Ashley's mother in his youth was married to the football player Bill Stevenson. With Joe Biden, the woman met on a duty blindly in March 1975, when it was already broken up with her husband, but did not yet arranged a divorce. After dating, the senator invited Jill to the movie for the film Claude Lelouch "Man and Woman", and then spent to the house and granted his hand to the goodbye. The future mother of Ashley was so impressed with Joe's manners, which called the mother and exclaimed: "Finally, I met a gentleman!".

However, Jill responded by Conaling Biden only to the fifth proposal of the hand and hearts. Chosen Joe agreed to become his wife only when he was convinced that he loved not only a man, but also his orphaned sons. Brothers Bo and Hunter stood at the altar during marriage together with the newlyweds, which was imprinted on wedding photos.

Ashley is raised in the Catholic faith. In school years, Daughter Joe Biden played in Likrox and hockey on the grass. In 8 years, the girl learned that Bonne Bell's cosmetic firm tests products on animals. Ashley wrote a letter to the company demanding to stop cruel experiences. A little later, the young economist inspired her father on lobbying in the Senate of the Dolphin Protection Act.

Higher education in the specialty "Cultural Anthralopology" Ashley received at Tulean University. During the years of study, the girl worked by the counselor in the scout camp, and after the completion of the university, he gave tribute to the native city, worked out a couple of months in Wilmington's pizzeria.

Then Biden moved to the city of Kensington and began to work in the Northwestern Human Services Children's Reach Clinic clinic support service. The Ashley functions included ensuring adolescents and their families with material resources and help of therapeutors and psychiatrists.

Personal life

At 18, Ashley was arrested for storing marijuana. The charges were removed, and the girl was freed, but after 3 years the daughter Joe Biden was again arrested, this time for the resistance of the police.

Another scandal broke out around Biden in 2009. A friend of a young social worker offered a NEW YORK POST tabloid to buy for $ 2 million video on which Ashley "was indulged" by cocaine. The newspaper regretted money, but published a story about the alleged incident. After 5 years, Brother Ashley Hunter Bayden was excluded from the US Navy reserve for the use of this particular drug.

In 2010, a girl with serving Joseph Bo Bayden began to meet with a plastic surgeon and a otolaryngologist Howard Crane. Relationships lovers weaken at the interfaith wedding ceremony in 2012. The Catholic Mass was told by the priest David F. Murphy, who helped Rabbi Joseph Foreman.

Howard and Ashley live in Philadelphia. Crane helped his wife to survive the death of a brother: in 2015, Bo died from brain cancer. In 2016, the spouses were present at the audience given by Pope Francis Biden's family.

Ashley - an opponent of the death penalty. The corresponding statement activist did in 2014.


Among the initiatives of the Ashley, implemented over a half of the decade of its work in the Delaware Department of Families, Children and Youth, - the SWAGG project: Student Warriors Against Guns and Gangs, aimed at preventing violent crimes and banditry among young people of New Castle.

Biden founded the [Email Protected] program, providing young prisoners and investigative insulators to create picturesque canvas and sculptures that are implemented at charity auctions. In 2010, Ashley received a master's degree in social work in Pennsylvania University.

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In 2017, at Fashion Week in New York, Crane Biden presented a Livelihood brand, created to combat racial and social inequality. The company's products are made of environmentally friendly cotton, and funds from its implementation are transferred to public organizations in Washington and Wilmington.

Ashley Biden now

In June 2020, Crain Biden presented a uniform for Hamilton's personnel in the capital of the United States as a branch of the Livelihood collection. Hotel as a sign of gratitude donated $ 15 thousand charitable foundation.

In August, before the nomination of the Father, the candidates for the presidential post, Ashley spoke at the congress of the Democratic Party and organized the event "Women Wisconsin for Baiden". On November 7, 2020, the fashion designer, together with his brother, mother and numerous nephews, attended the Saturday's appeal to the Favorites President to the American Nation.

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