Alexandra Gurkina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show "You are super!" 2021.



Early years of biography Alexandra Gurkina were severe, but she did not break and was able to realize the dream to perform on stage. Young artist was famous thanks to the participation in the show "You're super!", Where the vocal talent has demonstrated.


Alexandra Gurkina was born on July 9, 2006 in Odessa, Ukraine. The girl grew in a disadvantaged family. Her father was almost 45 years older than Mother, he had a lot and could hardly take care of a little daughter, although she loved her.

Native Mother Sasha was not needed, she led a rampant lifestyle and appeared at home, only when money ended. Such days were rarely held without scandals, and Gurkina was worried about the health of an elderly father, the heart of which could not withstand.

Alexandra Gurkina as a child

Then the mother disappeared again, and Alexander was granted to himself. She grew out on the street, found toys on a landfill and drove friendship with local "beggars." Sometimes she had to act in this role in this role: if the parent lacked the money, she sent her daughter to bluff along the neighbors. Once the girl refused to do it, because she was ashamed, but the mother beat her belt much.

Gurkina's torment ended when police officers arrived at her to pick up a children's home. It happened to cold winter, after a 5-year-old baby wandered along a snow-covered street in torn clothes. Later, the mother called her and asked for forgiveness, but never came to pick up home.

The dream of a full-fledged and friendly family was carried out when Alexandra was 7 years old. On the birthday of Gurkin to the orphanage came a woman who congratulated her and gave a doll, and after some time he took the new home.

So the girl had loving parents and a summary sister, with which they quickly revealed. Sasha managed to forget about the serious childhood, she was not immediately shy and said little, but still she could trust the adoptive father and mother. Thanks to them, the little actress discovered talent to vocals. Previously she sang for himself, but did not belong to this passion seriously.

Soon Gurkin got the opportunity to attend music school, learned to play the piano and began to participate in vocal contests. In 2014, the singer spoke at the TV shows "asterisk", and a year later - in the 7th season of the Ukrainian Mait Talent program. On the stage of the Talent show, Alexander performed the song Zhanna Aguzarova "Cat", which helped her to go into the next stage. But it was not possible to become a winner of a small asterisk.

In subsequent years, Sasha continued to develop in the creative direction, because he decided that he would like to become a famous artist. She began to study acting in order to become more confident on stage, composed poems and recorded songs. In 2016, the performer presented to fans the clip on the composition "Mom", which was based on the events of a difficult period of its biography.

Show "You're super!"

In the fall of 2020, the show of the 4th season of the vocal project "You'd super!", Which Sasha became a member of which. For the speech, the singer's judges chose the composition "Plater" from the Kazka repertoire. According to the girl, she felt responsible before going to the scene, because the song in her native Ukrainian language.

Alexander managed to relax only during the performance, but her excitement remained invisible for judges and leading Vadim Takhangev. A Christmas tree was first put on the green button, which later noted the beauty of the participant's voices and its vocal potential.

Igor Krutoy called the composition in the genius and praised Gurkin for being able to get into the rhythm and feel music. Diana Arbenina positively appreciated the speech, but said that she bothered when Sasha straightened his hat during the song execution. Alexey Vorobiev did not agree with her, who took the touch towards the hat as part of the number.

Even after the positive feedback, the judges have no pleasant surprises for the artist end: the Christmas tree went on the stage to sing with her in a duet. At the end of the issue, it was she who missed the participant in the next ether, for whom Alexander chose the composition Someone You Loved Lewis Kapaldi.

After watching the performance, the steep admitted that his singer was fascinated, and Vorobyov was admired by her manner of performance. The Christmas tree noted: Gurkina looked at the stage confidently and made the impression of the artist on which it is possible to rely.

Diana Arbenina this time was generous for compliments and stated that for the sake of such numbers they gathered in the studio "Super!". It was closer to the completion of the release, she called the name Alexandra among the finalists of the season.

Alexandra Gurkina now

In 2020, the performer had to face difficulties due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, so it was forced to engage in vocals in the online mode and was delighted with the opportunity to reach the scene again. Now the young singer continues to engage in creativity. She supports communication with fans in "Instagram", where publishes photos and reports news.

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