Anna Aleksandrov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show "Voice" 2021



In October 2020, the next season of the project "Voice" started, disclosing all new vocal talents. Anna Alexandrov, who did not immediately chose a creative profession, decided to show themselves. Rosovchanka managed to sort a lot of specialties before singing on singing.

Childhood and youth

Anna's early biography is connected with Rostov-on-Don, where she was born, grew up and adultel, went to school and was determined with the choice of future calling. It was not obvious to the girl, since singing and performances that were accompanied by Alexander since childhood, did not seem to be serious enough to devote their lives. Although the example of a father - a talented singer, who spent at urban events, accompanied by the Rostov orchestra, invariably inspired Any.

In its educational piggy bank, the children's music school and the separation of pop-jazz vocals of the Rostov School of Arts. Her teachers at different stages were Julia Frolov, Nani Kotenko, Olga Muntean. At the same time, the higher education of Rosovchanka received in a distance from the music: she first studied for the marketer, and then on the director of cultural events.

Studying did not pass for Anna for nothing: as a director, she was able to develop a bright program for himself, but as a marketer - find tools for their own promotion. However, before you dedicate yourself to creativity, Alexandrov managed to work in various fields - from construction to advertising on the radio. The path to the listener of the singer was laid as part of the Leta's Band group, where came under the accompaniment of cello and saxophone. By the time Anna moved to Moscow.

Personal life

In the autumn of 2020, the singer married Alexey Alexandrova. Judging by the wedding video, the festive day passed luxuriously: on the ceremony in Barvikhe bride arrived on a black car Maybach. She thanked her husband for a fairy tale, which he gives her daily, and called him the best friend, the motivator and the inspirer.

With his example of persistence with experienced take-offs and falls, Alexey taught his spouse to optimism, love for life and latitude of views. Looking at him, she strives for constant professional improvement.

Anna does not hide the details of his personal life, generously divided by photographs of family and friends on the "Instagram" page. Here you often flash the pictures of the son, born before marriage with Alexandrov.

Show "Voice"

Anna watched the "voice" since its foundation and did not cease to admire the number of talented people who are coming to try their forces at the country's main vocal project. The singer dreamed that someday herself would go to conquer the metropolitan scene. Passing the stage of multistage castings, Alexandrov got to the blind listening, where he performed a Caver on the hit of the NO Doubt Don't Speak group.

The dramatic rocker song in reading Alexandrova overtook an unexpected jazz arrangement that there was a discourse with the head with the audience in the hall and judges who were caught by the energetic Waib Rosovchanka.

Anne turned Sergey Shnurov and Valery Syutkin, and Basta and Polina Gagarina expressed their respect for her skill. Despite the fact that in the singer's player on singer standings album Sutkin, as a mentor she chose the leader of Leningrad, because the cords are able to provide it to her insane, which the performer is configured.

Anna Alexandrova now

Anna continued speeches in the "Voice" project. The show helped the singer to reach a wider audience that she had a fresh project on her hand. Now Alexandrova is working on the development of a solo career, speaking under the pseudonym LETANA. In October 2020, she presented the debut single "Lotos" on all digital sites. Then the clip came out to the composition.

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