Elbrus Nigmatulline - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Athlete 2021



Elbrus Nigmatulline is a Russian athlete, a socio-political figure, actor, record holder of the Guinness Book of Records. Known achievements in power sports - weightlifting, arm wrestling, Powerlifting. As Strongman participated in many spectacular shows.

Childhood and youth

Elbrus Khamititich Nigmatulline was born in the village of Chubars on March 30, 1974. The parents of the boy were engaged in agriculture. Mother, Farida Yalalovna, worked as a militant, then headed the brigade. Father, Hamit Vytevich, worked by Kuznets.

The newborn had standard parameters - the weight of 3.7 kg and the growth of 51 cm. In childhood, the boy did not have sporting achievements, even tightened on the horizontal bar. Having experienced failure, he decided to engage, raising the father scrap as a tart of 10 kg as a bar. The teenager built a horizontal bar, began working with weighting. In addition, he played basketball, engaged in athletics.

It turned out that the dream of a young man serve in the landing troops is impracticable due to health problems. Therefore, after graduation, Elbrus went to Chelyabinsk, where he entered the school. Having learned on a carpenter's carpenter and the 4th category carpenter, he decided to receive another profession and became a specialist in the installation and repair of equipment of engineering enterprises. In the future, the athlete entered the Ural State University of Physical Culture. The graduate diploma said that he was a coach-teacher of physical education.

Personal life

The record holder is married since 2013, two children will grow in the family: daughter Valery and son David. Mary's athlete's wife for the formation of a medic, worked as a redefinor doctor in an anti-tuberculous dispensary. Like a spouse, a woman is fond of sports, and while studying at the institute even worked as an instructor of fitness.

In Instagram-Account Selub you can find photos and video materials about his sporting achievements. In addition, there are archival pictures and publishing some moments from personal life. In 2020, married couple with children moved to Ufa, where Nigmatulline plans to engage in social projects.

Champion growth - 180 cm, weight - 139 kg. By nationality he is Bashkir.

Career and Sports

The first sports victories of Elbrus began in youth. He received a teenager 1st place by defeating the Sabanta adult athlete, champion games. At 18 years old, the guy won a silver medal at the district championship, and in a year he received the category of sports masters in Powerlifting. Following him assigned the title of champion of Russia.

The problem of hypertension, because of which the athlete had to make adjustments to the biography, retreated. All accumulated forces Nigmatulline gave new achievements. By 2006, in his asset was the title "The strongest person of Russia", the title of sports master on arm wrestling, victory in the All-Russian Stroke Tournament and much more.

By this time, the man became Strongman, one by one by putting spectacular records in a car pool. He alonely pull buses, river vessels and trams, shifted the ferris wheel, kept two horses and raised camel.

All this could not leave indifferent entertainment industry figures. For example, the athlete became the hero of the program "Comedy Club", where the heating was solely and raised the club residents of the club. Later, one of the comedians, Ruslan White, unflatterily spoken of the People's Bashkir Hero, for which Elbrus Hamitovich demanded an apology from him.

Champion began to shoot not only in transmissions, he twice performed as an actor. With the participation of Nigmatullin while two films were shot: the documentary essay about Salavat Yulaev "I did not die, Bashkira" (the main role) and the Master Series Tape "Yellow Dragon", filmed by Alexey Kuzmina's book "Sun and Snow". Here Elbrus had a chance to play masters of eastern martial arts.

In addition to participating in competitions, Silacha began to promote the ideas of a healthy lifestyle and sports in the mass. He founded and headed as President of the Regional Arm Wrestling Federation, entered the Directorate of the Federation of the Grandous Attractions of Russia, created and stood at the head of the Sport School of Power Extreme ELBRUSTEAM, made a co-founder of the regional fog of belts (Kuresh).

Under the leadership of Elbrus Khamitovich, several famous athletes grew. Among them, there are Mikhail Koklyaev, who, before walking in boxing, was Strongman and trained at Bashkira.

Public and political activities

In 2002, Nigmatullina elected the representative of the 2nd World Kurultay Bashkir. Since 2006, he has a member of the youth public chamber. The record holder promotes occupations by national sports, organizes competitions, works with young talents of sports, culture and art. Also on the shoulders of Salik now building relationships with Bashkirs living in other regions of Russia and abroad.

Elbrus Nigmatullin now

In the fall of 2020, the champion set a new world record: on the flight field of the Ufa airport he managed to drag 36-ton "Boeing" for 44.58 seconds by 25 meters. In training, according to the wife of Nigmatullina, it was easier, as another plane was used there. This event athlete discussed in November with Ivan Urgant in the Evening Urgant show studio.

The achievement of Bashkira, which he dedicated to the mayor of Ufa Ulfhant Mustafine, was planned to nominate to the Guinness Book of Records. Fixed the process of Vasily Grishchenko - a representative of the Federation of Power Extreme Russia.

Now the champion is developing in Bashkiria Scandinavian walk. He organizes meetings with those who want to do this sport and conducts master classes in the sports bases.


  • 1994 - Russia champion in power six
  • 1997 - Champion of Russia for Powerlifting among juniors
  • 2001 - Winner of the All-Russian Tournament Strong on the prize of the company "Tolstik"
  • 2001 - Winner of the Titans Urals Tournament
  • 2005 - Vice-Champion of the World Strongman in Parach (with Mikhail Kokleyev)
  • 2006-2008 - Winner of the Tournament Sodly "Bogatyr Baikal"
  • 2008 - Reference of the world in hold on the shoulders of the Land Rover SUV (2.2 tons, 20 seconds)
  • 2009 - the record of the world in the river dry car head "Nagatino" (760 tons of 20 m)
  • 2010 - the record of the world in the attachment of the An-124 aircraft "Ruslan" (195 tons of 6.4 m)
  • 2013 - the world record in the trams of 7 trams in the coupling (127 tons of 7 m)
  • 2013 - the world record in the electric traine (320 tons per 10 m)
  • 2014 - the world record in full turnover of the Ferris wheel manually (36 tons, diameter 32 m, in 8 minutes)
  • 2016 - Piano "Elegy" (280 kg 110 m)
  • 2020 - the world record in the BOING-737-500 aircraft (36 tons per 25 m)

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