Svetlana Cambar - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Dance on TNT 2021



Svetlana Cambur - an experienced and versatile dancer with a flawless figure. Even before the light joined the "Dance" on TNT as a contestant, her choreographic etude appeared on a project screensaver.

Childhood and youth

The future participant of television dance show was born on January 11, 1992 in the town of Sergiev Posad near Moscow. The historical name of the Small Motherland Svetlana returned a year before her birth. From 1930 to 1991, the city entering the Golden Ring of Russia was called Zagorsk. It was in the year of birth of Cambur who has reached the maximum value of Sergiev Posada - 116 thousand. Now there are 100 thousand people in the city.

When the interviewers ask Svetlana about their parents, a girl with admiration speaks of a mother. The first children's memories of Cambar - she dances, and the mother plays the piano. Joint photos with parents regularly appear on the "Instagram" page. Moreover, as in the case of the new participant in the group "VIA Gra", Ksenia Popova, in the pictures Mother and daughter look like sisters.

Svetlana Cambur in childhood

At the age of 6 years, the light was given to dances, and after 4 years, the girl began to master Waltz and Tango in the Studio "Star" under the guidance of Galina Lazareva. Cambure seemed that peers would better own dance movements than she.

After some time, Svetlana and her partner archup moved to the better in the "asterisk" to the mentor Alexander Zaitsev. The girl was delighted with speeches, outfits and hairstyles. But the archup did not stand the loads and stopped classes. At the same time, a tragedy occurred in the personal life of the Cambur, under the wheels of the car died a favorite schoolgirl dog.

To get out of depression, the light began to engage in hip-hop in the studio "Triass", headed by Pavel Tkachenko, and Eastern Dances at School No. 8 in Sergiev Posad. Soon the schoolgirl began to work at the Triash reception. After 2 years, Tkachenko trusted Cambur to conduct classes in the group.

Svetlana's school graduated from external. The university decided not to do, realizing that he would not be able to remain 5 years as part of a single direction. Mother supported the choice of her daughter. Gradually, Cambur has become closely in Sergiev Posad as a dancer - the light knew in advance what would happen in the lesson. Then she began to look for dance studios in Moscow.

Personal life

Svetlana loves children and dogs. In addition to dancing, the girl is interested in psychology, cinema and reading biographies of celebrities. Light tries to avoid reception of drugs and, if he is injured or caught up, simply talks to the body and recover.

Favorite Writers Cambar - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Paulo Coelho, Richard Bach and Carlos Castaneda. A resident of the Moscow region is joking, which is guided by the motto "the worse - the better," and from the games prefers the game in silence.


In search of personal growth and try to unite the eastern dances and hip-hop Cambar began to study with the capital dancers Anna Delta and Evgenia Chausova. In the morning, Svetlana 2 hours spent a lesson with children in Sergiev Posad, then driving at Moscow on the train or bus, admiralized the experience of mentors and late in the evening returned to his hometown.

Also behind the shoulders of Cambur, experience in the Altero Theater (in the play "locked up") and participation in the Arena Moscow festival. In 20 years, Light acted as a contestant in the 5th season of the Ukrainian television show "Dance everything". The girl believes that "rushed under the requirements of the organizers and somewhat changed themselves."

3 years after the Ukrainian competition, Svetlana performed on the Russian television project "Dance!", Where her partner became a novel of dozens. Especially viewers remember the number of lights and roma to music from the movie "Life in Pink Color", telling about the biographies and works by Edith Piaf.

Cambar status as a dancer grew after speaking in the project of the First Channel, and they began to invite it to master classes in various corners of Russia. For example, in April 2017, a native of the Moscow region taught the basics of experimental dance of students of Ugra.

In 2018, Svetlana and four more young residents of Sergiev Posad became the heroes of the documentary film "Who are you. Five stories about choosing. " The premiere of the tape took place within the framework of the head of the Sergiev-Posad district "The Young Generation".

In 2019, Cambar participated in the play Laysan Umatasheva Bolero. The presentation was occupied and the participant of the Dance project Anton Panun.

Svetlana Cambar now

In November 2020, Svetlana entered the top 37 of the 7th season of the Dance project on TNT. According to the observers, Kambur is so self-sufficient that it does not compete with other participants, but considers its speeches as the ministry of choreography. According to experts, a resident of Sergiev Posada will reach the equator of the show.


  • Show "Dance everything!"
  • Show "Dance!"
  • Show "Dance" on TNT
  • Performance "locked up"
  • Performance Bolero.
  • The film "Who are you. Five stories about choosing "

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