Nikolai Shulginov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation 2021



Nikolay Shulginov defended his thesis in the field of technical sciences and managed to become a specialist in the field of electric power industry. He built a brilliant career and proved that he was a suitable candidate for the post of head of the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Nikolay Shulginov was born in May 1951. About his early years in biography and family knows little. He spent his childhood in the village of Sablin, located in the Stavropol Territory. After receiving secondary education, the young man submitted documents to the Polytechnic Institute, which was in Novocherkassk, where he studied at the engineer. The university graduated with a diploma in the field of power supply, and then went to the service in the army.


Career Nikolai Grigorievich began in his youth, after returning from service, he received a job in the Pyatigorsk branch of the Selönergoproject, where he soon became a senior engineer. In the following years, Shulginov collaborated with Stavropolnergo and gradually moved through a career ladder, increasing income.

Vladimir Putin and Nikolai Shulginov

As a result, he headed the Central Dispatch service in the company, and in 1998, at the age of 47, began to work in the United North Caucasus Department of the North Caucasus, which is a branch of RAO UES of Russia, where the director was replaced.

After 4 years, the engineer was invited to the Russian capital, where the company "System operator UES" was created. There, for several years, he performed the duties of the Director for Technical Audit and was listed in the Board, then became the first deputy of the head of the Board.

And already in 2015, Nikolai Grigorievich was appointed to the position of head of RusHydro, on which he changed Eugene Doda. A year later, the official also entered the board of directors of the largest energy company PJSC Rosseti in Russia.

Although it repeatedly repeatedly arose rumors that Schulginov leaves RusHydro, he continued to work. For 5 years, during which the man held the post of Director General, it was possible to commission 4 object generation facility, among them Sakhalin GRES-2, CHP in the Soviet harbor, the first stage of the Yakut GRES-2 and the second of the Annunciation CHP. Due to the systematic work to improve production and financial indicators, as well as to optimize the costs, it was possible to achieve an increase in profits.

Personal life

In an interview, the official avoids talking about personal life, preferring to focus on career achievements, and does not publish a photo with his family. Therefore, it is now unknown if he has a wife and children.

Nikolai Shulginov now

In 2020, RusHydro had to operate in a pandemic of coronavirus infection, but in an interview to RBC Nikolai Grigorievich said that, despite the restrictions, they recorded growth growth. In addition, work continued on repair and construction, preparation for the winter season.

All this was achieved thanks to the adoption of measures to prevent employee infection, some of which were transferred to the remote mode. Also used methods of religion and the introduction of the watch with accommodation. Another spring leadership "RusHydro" decided to provide financial assistance to hospitals so that those purchased funds for doctors, medical equipment and necessary drugs.

As Shulginov said, even in such difficult conditions, he did not ask for the state of assistance for the company, since the energy sector should be able to survive in any conditions. It is not surprising that the job of the official received a positive assessment of the government. In September, it became known about the extension of the Contract with RusHydro for another 2 years.

And on November 9, 2020, Mikhail Mishoustin put forward the candidacy of Shulginov to the post of new head of the Ministry of Energy of Russia. Already the next day, Nikolai Grigorievich was approved by the decision of the State Duma deputies.

The appointment of the official approved the head of the State Duma Committee on Energy Pavel Zavalny. He called Shulginov one of the best specialists in the field of electric power industry, which helped achieve the current level of its development. The minister himself during the first speech in the new post said that he was going to move towards his predecessor Alexander Novakas.

Nikolai Grigorievich announced the need to develop a dialogue between energy suppliers and its consumers, as well as between businessmen and government representatives. He stressed that the ministry is interested in ensuring the energy security of the Russian Federation and upholding the interests of the state of the state.


  • The medal of the Order "For Services to Fatherland" II degree
  • Order of Honor
  • The title "Honored Energy CIS"
  • The title "Honorary Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex"
  • The title "Veteran of Energy"
  • The title "Honorary Energy"
  • Sign "Honored Worker UES of Russia"

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