Vitaly Savelyev - photo, biography, personal life, news, head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation 2021



At the end of the autumn of 2020, Vitaly Savelyev became a man whose candidacy for the post of Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation was supported by the deputies of the State Duma. The CEO of Aeroflot deserved the confidence of the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishoustin and other government members as a supporter of continuous updates, volitional hard leader, a talented negotiator and a devotee United Russia.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Gennadyevich Savelyev was born on January 18, 1954. The biography of the future chapter of Aeroflot began in Tashkent, the capital of the Uzbek SSR.

The boy was born in the usual family of Soviet citizens. In early childhood, for unknown reasons, he lost one of the parents - father. Mother, formerly a professional filmologist, did everything in order for half a orphaned child to feel comfortable in the society of peers of different nationalities. Grandmother who lived with his daughter and grandson helped in everything.

From the young years, women surrounding Vitaly saw in him a man of art. It is likely that from a boy who participated in kindergartens could have a good singer or a musician. However, the lack of funds for tools and professional teachers did not allow the development of early talents early, and Savelyev was given to an art school, where high budget costs were not required.

Love for painting and graphics took place in the youthful age, but in the younger grades of the secondary educational institution of the boy, the boy was considered a master of portraits and still lifes. Other guy's hobbies, well-known basic items, were mobile team games, freestyle wrestling and the popularity of eastern martial arts.

There is information that the dream of a governing position originated from Savelian in childhood. In the lesson, the boy repeatedly depicted a multistage staircase, which denoted the movement to the cherished target.

In practice, the rise in the top began in the 1970s, when a graduate, received a certificate of maturity, went to Leningrad and entered the Polytechnic Institute named after M. I. Kalinin, subsequently became the university.

Knowing the subtleties of mechanics and engineering, the young man was preparing to take a place in a large state company. Following the appearance, in the breaks between lectures, he walked in the pool and went to the boxing section. A member of the student team speaking in the rings of the university, received the title of candidate for the master of sports and a number of youth competitions.

In 1977, on the task of the Ministry of Energy and Electrification, the USSR Savelyev went to the construction of Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power plants. In the village located between Khakasia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a graduate of the Leningrad University passed the way from the ordinary engineer to the lead designer of one of the subsidiaries of the KrasnoyarskGesstroy association.

In the same period, the future general director of Aeroflot, who wanted to get out of the leaders as quickly as possible, received the second higher education in the walls of the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmyir Togliatti (subsequently St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University).

Career and politics

Siberian practice has beneficially affected the future of Savelyev. Returning to Leningrad, he became Deputy Governor of Svozapmetalurgmontazhtrazhstavtroy and Glaveningradinzhstroy.

Young entrepreneurs, with whom Vitaly met at work, forced to think about their own business. As a result, on the initiative of Savelyev, a joint US-Soviet company Dialog Invest, which was engaged in the supply of computers, office equipment and expensive software.

The next stage of the career growth of a native of Tashkent was the post of head of the Board of the St. Petersburg Bank "Russia", supervised by high-ranking members of the current government. With the advent of the new chapter, the company, issued loans, has intensified work on ensuring the borrowed means of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and allowed to organize the Menatep division, with time the given under the power of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

In the mid-2000s, the post-president of the United Company Gros LLC brought Savelyev's long-awaited fame and the possibility of entering the political arena. An entrepreneur with technical education received an armchair of the Deputy Minister of Economics and Trade in the Department, headed by Herman Gref. He followed the program of caps, supervised the customs service, and also dealt with stabilization of the country's external economy.

In 2007, Vitaly Gennadyevich left the civil service and became the vice-president of the analytical financial company "System". By studying the assets of large Russian telecom operators, he entered the board of the Russian telecommunications company MTS and the Board of Directors of Komstar-UTS.

After a couple of years, Saveliev was at the helm of the largest Russian airline, competing with firms, which were in the rating of Skytrax. Many considered that this is the peak of a professional career of a person, photographed with a blogger Nick Belotserkovskaya.

At the post of Director General of Aeroflot, the native of Tashkent paid attention to such moments as the aircraft park update, improving the quality of service on international and domestic flights, reducing the cost of tickets and training stewards and stewardess.

As a result, the carrier, considered unprofitable, was published in the leaders in the Russian market and in the course of the crisis twice received the AIR Transport News Awards award. In addition, thanks to the efforts of Savelyev, the interviews for the film Journalist Naila Asker-Zade, the company acquired a batch of modern aircraft and put the goal to enter the number of the best world air carriers.

Personal life

In an interview with the media representatives, Vitaly Gennadevich willingly talk about labor achievements, while the personal life of a political figure remains a mystery for journalists. The public knows that Saveliev has a family consisting of a wife and daughter, but in "Instagram" and other social networks of men records and photographs confirming this data, no.

Vitaly Savelyev now

Now Savelyev, who craving for knowledge in youth, has the status of a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization, the title of Candidate of Economic Sciences and a Master of Business Administration. After a number of internships in Columbia University, Vitaly Gennadyevich can be reckoned with a 100% educated specialist in the field of finance, economics and marketing services.

In the middle of 2020, the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishoustin called Vitaly Savelyev as a candidate for the post of head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. In November, the head of state, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the appointment of the Aeroflot general director for a government office.


  • 1996 - Medal "300 Years Russian Fleet"
  • 2003 - Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg"
  • 2004 - commemorative medal "In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the ITAR-TASS agency"
  • 2005 - Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
  • 2005 - FSIN medal "For strengthening the penitentiary system" (2005).
  • 2006 - Order of Honor
  • 2007 - Medal "For Interaction with the FSB of Russia"
  • 2010 - Medal "Federation Council. 15 years"
  • 2010 - Medal of CVR of Russia "90 years IO - PGU - CVR"
  • 2010 - Medal of the Union State for impeccable service
  • 2013 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2014 - Order of Friendship
  • 2018 - Order of Alexander Nevsky

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