Irech Faizullin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 2021



According to changes in the Constitution of 2020 and the Law on the Government of the candidacy of the heads of non-powerful departments should be approved by the arted deputies. The approval of Irka Faizullin to the post of new head of the Ministry of Internal Association did not find objections among the members of the Lower Chamber in November 2020.

Childhood and youth

On December 8, 1962, a future builder, an engineer, candidate of economic sciences and politician Irek Envarovich Fierzullin born in Kazan. The whole life of a man and his working biography are connected with Tatarstan. In his youth, he received a higher education at the institute in parallel working at the construction site.

Having a specialization in the field of civil and industrial construction, after graduation, the young man worked in his native university. Here he knew as an engineer.

Then Irek Envarovich 10 years has served main positions in organizations that led architectural development, design and construction. The results of the practical work he led, defending his thesis.

Scientific labor was devoted to the regulation of the work of the construction organization during the period of the crisis situation and the economic strategy in these conditions. In the future, Faizullin was a few more years was the head of the company that was engaged in project surveys.


Staying the positions of the head of the project firm, Faizullin assumed the obligations of the chief architect of Tatarstan and became part of the Government of the Republic as the Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services (Housing and Communal Services). During this period, he had to work tightly with the head of the department Marat Shakirzynovich Husnullin.

When the minister of construction and housing and communal services of Tatarstan was invited to the Moscow government, Irek Envarovich changed him as a post, while remaining the main architect. According to the reviews of the Heads of Construction Organizations, the Faisulline has managed to solve the main problems - situation situations and housing rates. According to statistics, compared with other regions in the republic there are no problems in the field of equity construction.

Personal life

Irek Envarovich is an unemployed person, in an interview, speaks only on working topics and, being in a mature age, does not have profiles in social networks. Photo Fayzullina can be found in instagram accounts of its more open colleagues. With personal life, politics is the same situation - only personal data are known: there is a wife and two children, the Son and Daughter.

In other data about family and parents, the policy of the press does not have. By nationality he is Tatar.

Irech Faizullin now

By the beginning of 2020, the Minister was invited to move to Moscow 7 times and head the corresponding All-Russian direction. Each time Irek Envarovich invariably refused. He was going to insist on this desire and in January, but Marat Husnullin, who occupies the post of deputy chairman of the government and oversees the construction industry, was able to convince the colleague to accept the offer.

So in January 2020 Fayzullin became the first deputy Vladimir Yakushev, who headed the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation at that time. At the end of the year, the head of government proposed the State Duma to consider the candidacy of the first deputy Yakushev to the post of head of the construction department. Before the decision of the deputies, Irek Envarovich held the position of temporarily acting structure.

By a majority of votes, Dumsev's consent was received, and on November 10, 2020, Irek Fierzullin received a new appointment by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Now the new headset is engaged in the formation of the Development Strategy of the Office.

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