Alexey Chekundkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Head of Minvostok Development of the Russian Federation 2021



Alexey Chekunkov calls himself an "economist for education and an investor by profession." In the work of politician, being a led from the family of hereditary diplomats, pays attention to the establishment of international relations with the countries of Asia.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Olegovich Chekunkov Rod from Belarus. He was born in Minsk on October 3, 1980 in the family of diplomat Oleg Fedorovich Chekunkova. When the young man was 18 years old, his father appointed the authorities of the republic in Vietnam, where parents left for several years.

In his youth, Alexey took the fateful for his biography. The decision to go in the footsteps of the parent and get diplomatic education. He entered the Russian University, which is preparing international professionals.


After graduating, the young economist-international was in Alrosa, where he headed several projects. The following 3 years, a man worked in an investment organization in the US Fund created for private capital investments.

Since 2006, he gradually gained weight in a direct investment and venture capital niche. During this period, the economist acted as the founder of several companies in this segment.

The next step in the career of Chekunkov was membership in the Board of the Russian Foundation for direct investment. In his jurisdiction there were cash investments in energy saving, health and the commodity sector. By the same period, the beginning of the cooperation of Alexey Olegovich with China.

When the problem of the state of the economy of such regions, like Baikal and the Far East, Vnesheconombank established the Joint-Stock Company Foundation for the Development Far East and Arctic. Its general director, despite the young age, became Checanes.

The priority direction of his work, at the insistence of the Deputy Prime Minister and Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far East, Yuri Trutnev, became the problem of digitalization. Also, the new CEO oveurraged the development of online services for investors and modernization of airports.

Since 2015, a political career of the managers started. He entered the Government Commission on the Socio-Economic Development of the Far East. Next Alexey Olegovich was elected to the Board of Directors of the Energy Company PJSC RusHydro.

Personal life

Chekuchkov sometimes tells about personal life in an interview, however, the photos of loved ones are not divided. He has long been married, he met his future wife even at school - studied in one class, together sat at the desk together. Two daughters grow up in the family. With children, politician is trying to spend time qualitatively, considering that this is the main thing in the upbringing.

Alexey Chekundov Now

In early November 2020, conducting the replacement of the heads of several ministries, Mikhail Mishustin offered the Lower Parliament Chamber with the candidacy of Alexey Olegovich's candidacy for the head of the Ministry of the Development of the Far East and the Arctic of the Russian Federation.

The proposal of the Head of Government considered the Committee of the State Duma on the Regional Policy and the problems of the North and the Far East. As a result of the voting, members of the Committee approved the candidacy of a new minister.

On November 10, 2020, President Vladimir Putin was announced by the official appointment of Alexey Chekunkova for the post of head of the Ministry of Foreign Development of the Russian Federation. The new minister planned to distribute the tasks according to the National District Development Program.

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