Eduard Boyakov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, MCAt, Khudruk, Nationality, Children, Family, Wife 2021



In 2018, Edward Boyakov replaced the actress Tatyana Doronin as the artistic director of Mkat named after M. Gorky. Now the director, producer, teacher and founder of creative festivals, together with the team of professionals, updates the repertoire of a small and large scene and prepares new productions of classical and modern plays.

Childhood and youth

Edward Vladislavovich Balkakov was born in June 1964, his biography began in Kizilyurt - the southern city of the USSR. The family of the intellectuals watched the boy to feel comfortable among the representatives of Dagestan nationality, the Son was taken to the children's kindergarten, they were taught to communicate with other children.

The future director grew up in the atmosphere of love and mutual understanding until parents are tired of each other and did not divorce. Mother who worked as an engineer remained alone with a minor child. Sorry to her, Edik did not communicate with the biological father who occupied the position of economist.

At the young age of Boyakov showed the ability to sing and game tools. Pupil of junior classes combined classes in an secondary school with lessons in the city music school.

Having received a certificate, a graduate served in the army and decided to acquire an interesting profession. The fascination of the history of the arts and literature was pushed to the thought of studying in a classic university. Eduard moved to Voronezh and entered the local university at the Faculty of Journalism.

After the diploma is protected, Dagestan joined the team of mentors as a teacher of textology. At the same time, the young specialist was asked to become responsible for the literary component in the theater of the young spectator, who staging under the leadership of the director Boris Naratsevich.

In the early 1990s, the income level stopped satisfying the artist and education officer, and he moved to the capital in search of highly paid posts.

Life has improved when Balikov became the head of the Office for Advertising and Public Relations in the Company providing banking services. The new job made a graduate of a prestigious university to continue their studies and graduate from the Moscow School of Business and the G. V. Plekhan Economic Academy.


In the mid-1990, the boys engaged in producer activities. The economist and businessman organized touring such world-class stars, like Boris Eifman, Valery Gergiev, John Neumayer and others.

Having gained experience in conducting large-scale events, Edward Vladislavovich headed the Directorate of the Golden Mask Festival, became the head of the Russian Academic Youth Theater of the Order of Lenin and established the project "New Drama".

Eduard Boyakov and Ksenia Rappoport

In the mid-2000th, a graduate of Voronezh University created a film company who participated in the filming of the "Dead Daughters" and "Dobrovolets" films, and also rose at the helm of the scenic troupe "Practice" as part of Alice Grebenshchikova, Ivan Makarevich, Andrei Smolyakov and other students of Moscow and St. Petersburg universities. Now the actors raised by the boyakov play the play of Igor Simonov, Herman Grekova, Ivan Vyrypayev and Paul Rysko.

Among other projects, Edward Vladislavovich should be noted by the documentary series "Man.doc", where there were places of cultural personnel and heroes of the IT industry; "Polyteater" in which professional actors, poets, musicians and creative personalities from the Moscow Polytechnic Museum gathered; editions of the New Writing cycle, where readers got acquainted with the works of Russian and foreign playwrights; As well as showing the canvases of Soviet painters called "Romantic Realism".

In 2018, the Boyakova had no time to hold creative events, because he became the artistic director of the famous Mkat. M. Gorky. The posts of deputies received the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Sergey Pupuspalis and the author of Zakhar Prilepin.

In the fall of the 2020th of the MCAT Trupper under the leadership of Boykova, premiere performances "Word about the regiment of Igor", "Peter and Fevronia" and "The Prime Minister of Little Friends". The main roles in Igor Larina, Alexander Dmitiriev and Valentina Klementieva played Alexander Karpenko, Eduard Flears, Semyon Shevelin and Elvira Zymbal.

In addition, Edward Vladislavovich became the leading radio program "opposite everyone" represented by the team of theater. M. Gorky and Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Public position

The public position of the Maschat was not always straight and unequivocal. In 2010, negative reviews about the actions of Vladimir Putin and other Russian politicians sounded in an interview.

In 2014, the situation has changed, and Boyakov began openly supporting the program of the Minister of Culture Vladimir Rostislavovich Medina, based on traditional national values. The transformation of views was influenced by events in Ukraine and a long-standing commitment to such concepts as Slavophilism, compassion and conservatism.

Eduard Boyakov and Ksenia Sobchak

In 2018, Eduard Vladislavovich entered into a conflict with former colleagues in the Golden Mask. He accused the organizers of the festival in a politicism due to the award of the director Kirill Serebrennikov under the investigation.

In public speeches, Boyakov talked about the need to change the situation with national theaters. The scolding of directors and people like Xenia Sobchak and Mikhail Efremov, which are included in the near circle of leadership of many creative objects, he used such definitions as "the tusovka of evil, single representatives of Bohemia and winds, dissident, not matured intellectuals."

In 2020, Eduard Vladislavovich almost lost the posts of Khruk Mkhat after the integrated audit initiated by the Ministry of Culture. Serious violations were discovered, including they concerned salaries, as well as the production of public procurement.

Personal life

In the youth of Eduard, full of career hopes and ambitions, underestimated the charms of personal life. Despite this, two daughters remained from the first marriage, which suffered a divorce.

In an interview, the director admitted the mistakes of the past and said that he tried to maintain warm relations with senior girls with all their might. After moving to the capital, he managed to establish communication with the first wife, alone brought up the younger generation.

In Moscow, the Boykova, who communicated with the representatives of Bohemia, was twisted with Roman with Russian actresses of Ksenia Rappoport and Catherine Volkova. Communication with the latter was interrupted when the director who learned about the pregnancy beloved was insisted on abortion.

Create a family and gain happiness to native Kizilyurt managed in a mature age after a meeting with a young woman Lyudmila who took the proposal of the arms and hearts and gave birth to three healthy children. By the time of the wedding, a man who did not know how to build relationships found a mental balance and decided that the residue of life would spend with a new family.

The director, together with the family traveling through the picturesque expanses of Russia, often publishes photographs on the page in Facebook and Instagram. They confirm the words that the wife and children must be in one spiritual space with the head of the family. According to Eduard Vladislavovich, trust and sincere affection for each other are the key to real love.

Lyudmila Bogakova supports his spouse in everything and ensures that communication between generations are not interrupted. Senior Son Zakhar takes care of parents and younger sister ane.

In the possession of the couple there is a spacious country house.

Eduard Boyakov now

In 2021, the name of the artistic director turned out to be in the center of the cultural scandal. His decision was to invite Olga Buzov to the performance of "Wonderful Georgian". Many perceived this information unfairly. In his justification, Boyakov said: Olga practically played himself, as he needed to use a media personality.

Later, the media appeared in the media that President Mkhat Tatiana Doronin appealed to the head of state with a request to dismiss the leadership of the theater, including Edward Vladislavovich. The people's artist reproached the artist in non-professionalism, the destruction of the qualitative repertoire and in the set of actors who are incompatible with the "Gorky".

Meanwhile, the press service of the MCATA did not confirm the fact of sending a letter to Doronina President. In the official comment, they suggested that Tatiana Vasilievna manipulates.


  • 2001 - Alcest
  • 2004 - "Wedding Travel"
  • 2005 - "Dad, I must definitely tell you something"
  • 2006 - "65 years in Sergey Dovlatov"
  • 2006 - "Piece about Money"
  • 2007 - "Capital"
  • 2009 - "Agatha returns home"
  • 2009 - "Elena Fanailov. Poems about love"
  • 2009 - "Life succeeded"
  • 2009 - "Black costumes"
  • 2010 - "Woe from Wit"
  • 2010 - "Dyadushkin Son"
  • 2010 - "From You, Moscow, Lomits the whole body"
  • 2010 - "Rules"
  • 2010 - "Man.doc. Alexander Gelman. Last Future »
  • 2011 - "Rubinstein"
  • 2011 - "Jewelka"
  • 2012 - "Vera Pavlova
  • 2012 - "Waves"
  • 2012 - "Demarsh enthusiasts"
  • 2016 - "Our"
  • 2021 - "Wonderful Georgian"

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