Andrey Ryklin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Director, Cascadener 2021



On November 7, 2020, the long-awaited continuation of the mystical series "Anna-Detective" came to the TV Center. In the father and mother of the main heroine Anna Mironova reincarnated former classmates Irina Sidorov and Andrei Ryklin. Even before the premiere season, the actor admitted that he feels at the shooting of a detective as a fish in the water. After all, he was always attracted adventures, romance and fantasy, and such stories seem much more interesting than domestic ones.

Childhood and youth

On April 28, 1966, in the family of director Joseph Riklin and the actresses of Nina, the ripples occurred - the son of Andrei appeared on the world. Despite the fact that parents belonged to creative professions, since childhood the child dreamed of conquering the sky. It all started with how in 6 years the mother gave him a book "In battles for their homeland" three times the hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Kozhevab.

After reading the boy signed up in the aircraft model. Then the teenager got into a planer school, where he worked as an instructor and mastered the inspector aircraft at Tushini airfield. Having received secondary education, the young man decided to submit documents to the Chernigov Higher Military Aviation School.

The necessary exams were put on perfectly, health did not fail, but the implementation of the cherished desire prevented the fact that the guy did not in the Komsomol. The next year, Moskvich got into the Lipetsk Aviacenter DOSAAF, after 12 months, being in Vyazma. Here he received the title of younger Lieutenant with a testimony for the assignment of flight qualifications and actively participated in amateurant.

In the years of restructuring, the pilot was sent to the reserve. Returning to the "Cituit", the future artist changed several professions (a loader, driver on an autoombilt, an electrician on test locomotive), entered the tester engineer, but quickly lost interest in learning.

"The parent genes spoke here. I decided to go to all Moscow theatrical, but fate ordered that the exams handed over to Schepkinskaya school. He fell on the course of Professor Vladimir Alekseevich Safronova - a beautiful theater artist, who served in a small theater, "a celebrity of biographical data shared.

Already from the 1st year, a student with comrades Mikhail Shevchuk, Maxim Dakhnenko, Vitaly Bordachev carried away the fencing so much that the goal of identifying special principles of theatrical art of battle. At the end of the university, the graduate was awarded a red diploma, inviting Nichola Gogol in the Moscow Drama Theater and at the department of the scenic movement "Sliver".

A talented teacher has developed its own artist preparation program and made it so that the fence school of the Native University has taken the leading position in the capital.

Career and creativity

Ryklin was part of the troupe of Gogol MDT from 1993 to 2001, where he brightened in the "History of the Soldier", "Seagull", "arsenic and old lace", and for the role in the "comedy about Frol Schever" was nominated for the "Schetunovsky Prize" .

He was easily resistant to the director ("carcass", "on boarding!", "Tango with a woman in Frak"). The entrepreneurial "point of honor" produced a furor in the cultural life of the capital and placed the Creator at the number of applicants for the Moscow Debuts award. And the "Musketeers" created by him, which appeared in 2013 in the Rammit, got a "Star of Theater".

"In the" Musketeers ", as in life, the main thing is love: everything begins with it and ends it, nothing happens without love. This story is also about how terrible not to be able to manage your desires and be hostage, which it can lead. All the way that D'Artagnan passes is about it, "said Andrei Iosifovich.

The Russian Academic Youth Theater is obliged to master the battles and tricks in "And the dawns here are quiet ...", "Scarlet Sails", "Erasthe Fandorin", "Lorentzacho", "Don Quixote", "Red and Black". In the Bolshoi Theater, he put his hand to "Carmen", in Mkate - to the "fool", in the theater on a small armor - to the "Skapen Pluts", in the Comedy Theater - to the "Love Drink" and so on.

Since 2004, the first open school scenic fencing school created by them continues to be successful in the Russian Federation called Touché.

In cinema, Moskvich showed himself as an actor, and as a cascadener, and as director of tricks and fights. In a rich filmography of the artist of art - the third "Gardemarins", "Queen Margo", "Siberian Barber", "Satisfaction" (not the one with Evgenia Grishkovets), "servant of sovereigns", "Notes of the forwarder of the Secret Office" and other popular projects.

In 2016, the artist played one of the main characters in the series "Anna-Detective", and then starred in the "Mersers of Mrs. Kirsanova" and "Lawyer Ardashev. Masquerade with death. "

Personal life

The chief of the artist was the colleague at the rasm of Evgenia Beloborodov, also graduated from "Sliver" (the course of Nicholas Afonina). Blue-eyed beauty, born on August 19, 1982 in Novosibirsk, gave his wife a sole daughter Anna.

The man is convinced that the secret of a happy personal life lies in the ability to clearly distinguish work and the house, and the negative emotions received in the service should not be transferred to relatives and loved ones. Together with his wife, he tries to abide by the long tradition and celebrate the old new year, which is called acting, on Red Square.

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Celebrity's spouse not only plays in performances ("Musketeers", "Scarlet Sails", "Prince and Beggar") and film ("Era Sagittar", "Hounds", "Version"), but also does not forget about charity.

Andrei Ryklin now

Now the performer continues to actively film and serve in Rammit. In the 2020th, the "Three Love Stories" and the 2nd season of Anna-Detektivka were released with his participation, whose cluster photographs can be found in the fan accounts in "Instagram".

In addition, Ryklin is glad to train all those who wanted art fencing in his own school, on June 1, celebrating the 16th anniversary.


  • 1991 - "Gardemarins III"
  • 1994 - "Funeral rats"
  • 1994 - "300 years later"
  • 1995 - "Queen Margo"
  • 1998 - "Countess de Monsoro"
  • 1998 - "Siberian Barber"
  • 2006 - "Satisfaction"
  • 2006 - "Aleksandrovsky Garden"
  • 2007 - "servant of sores"
  • 2010-2011 - "Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Office"
  • 2016-2020 - "Anna detective"
  • 2018 - "The Secrets of Mrs. Kirsanova"
  • 2019 - "Lawyer Ardashev. Masquerade with death "
  • 2019 - "Three Stories of Love"

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