Blue Bird - Photo, History of Creation, News, Music Show, Competition, Jury, Participants 2021



In November 2015, the first edition of the All-Russian competition of young talents "Blue Bird" was published on the Russia-1 channel. Participants submitted to the court of audience with solo performances, playing musical instruments, choreography and circus productions.

History of creation and rules

The desire of the creators of the show was to restore the tradition of Soviet children's competitions. In those days, the guys were published on the scene, which were engaged in creativity from an early age, their level was invariably high. In this case, initially organizers of the "blue bird" was imposed a veto on the collision of protruding on the stage in the competitive struggle. That is why children are not exhibited by estimates, they do not compare with each other and, of course, do not drive.

Under the conditions, the age of the contestants should be in the framework of the up to 16 years inclusive. Performers of one room can be one or a team, the official request for casting is sent to parents or other legal representatives.

Competitive selection is large and very strict. In the final, 40 applicants are issued, which are divided by 4 teams. Each of them lead teachers and famous artists. The nomination during the existence of the transfer was revised several times. Now it is vocals, music (game on instruments), choreography and performance in the original genre (for example, readers showing acting skills).

A journalist Daria Zlatopolskaya, the author of the idea of ​​the competition, telling about the history of its creation, admitted that the release of such a transfer on television was risky. After all, the massive mass of the audience does not apply to connoisseurs of classical music or ballet.

Nevertheless, Teediva expressed the hope that the show will win the recognition of a wide audience. The reason for this is the phenomenal skill and the passion of the children who they invest in their creativity. And, of course, protruding is a certain reference point for peers.

Leading and jury

The jury of the "Blue Bird" includes professionals: teachers and folk artists. Among the permanent members of the Commission, the conductor and the violinist Svetlana Rady, the artist of the ballet, the rector of the choreographic school named after A. Ya. Vaganova Nikolai Tsiskaridze, performer of Russian romances Oleg Pisin and Pianist-virtuoso Denis Matsuev.

Additionally, Alexander Nikolaevna Pakmutova and Oleg Konstantinovich Popov, in 2017 and 2019 - Sergey Bezrukov and Elena Yakovlev, were included in the judicial board in 2015.

The constant leading contest - Daria Zlatopolskaya, and outside the scene, the relay of communication with the participants in 2016 was accepted by Alexander Gurevich. For some time, Denis Matsuev helped.

In 2016, Daria and Denis became the nominees for receiving the Thafi award, and the contest itself received a statuette in 2017 as the "best entertainment program of Russian television." In September 2020, Zlatopolskaya was awarded the 2019 Government Prize in the field of culture.

Each of the judges in its own way coming to the speakers. For example, Svetlana Zadlana is primarily looking at the brightness and emotionality of the number, how much the contestant understands what he does. And only after that, the People's Artist draws attention to the degree of possession of the talent.

Seasons and participants

Since 2015, the show has shone 5 times. Winners and nominees received cash prizes, the opportunity to make professionals at other events, to get to their studies for leading teachers and to play in the cinema.

For example, Yaroslava Simonova, Giorgi Dzhishkariani and Alexander Dobugan in 2018 got a prize of 1 million rubles. Lisa Bugulov was invited to play a large theater, Gleb Bogdanovich starred in the film "The Last Bogatyr: Evil Root."

Jury and viewers for all seasons of transmission had to be not easy: all the children who came talented. Someone immediately allocated for himself the winner of 2015 Polina Chirkin and together with her and Vyacheslav Butusov sang "Walking through Water". Someone else was remembered by Timur Slanov with the composition "Tenderness", Julia Malinova with the song "It happened, the men left" and Ekaterina Prokofiev, who performed the "burglars".

Opera connoisseurs were pleasantly surprised by Victoria Ogannisyan with Aria Diva Plazalaguna and Valery Makarov, who performed the "Troubadour song" from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians". They did not leave indifferent audience and judges and musicians. The speeches of the domrists of the Lazarev brothers (Waltz from the movie "Love and Pigeons") and Balalatechik Vladislav Sedov ("Turkish Rondo" V. A. Mozart) are still revised.

Watching the "blue bird" can be infinitely remembered as Polina Rudenko read poems with Gerard Depardieu, Sofia Valiulina danced the number from the Nutcracker ballet, and the artist of the circus Ivan Slipchenko presented to Music from the movie "Gentlemen of Good luck".

Now the audiences are already known that the musical transmission is rightfully leading in the ratings, and the program exit is easily waiting.

"Blue Bird" is now

Despite the complexity of the 2020th, the "Blue Bird" was broadcast at the end of the year. The selection of applicants passed in September and October, and then the audience was waiting for another fellow of talents.

Shooting took place in a new format and scenery. The program has changed the logo made by children's drawings. The singer Dima Bilan sat down in the judiciary - for the new member of the jury, a survey was conducted among the guys.

The rules for participation were also supplemented: the time speaking at the discretion of the judges in order to show everything he can. The more jury members will speak out for, the longer the contestant is on stage.

In addition to the ethers, you can follow the events of the competition on the official website and in social networks of the program. In instagram account, for example, photos and numbers of previous participants are published, talks about their lives after the transfer.

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