Dmitry Gubin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist and TV Supply 2021



The name of the publicist, columnist, radio and TV presenter Dmitry Gynda recent years has been associated with scandals. Although the entire professional biography of the MSU graduate is a series of appointments and loud layoffs.

Childhood and youth

A future journalist was born on March 22, 1964 in Ivanovo. Although the early years of Dmitry Pavlovich took place in Algeria, he returned to his homeland at school age. From the small years, it was distinguished among the peers in peculiar thinking, writified the writings well and was distinguished by an acute tongue.

Teachers noticed in the student writing talent. In his youth, the lead began to engage in journalism - his articles were published in a local newspaper. At the same time, the parents of the boy were far from creativity. However, in the family of chemists just welcomed the love of the Son to Literature.

He was propheted a big future - it happened. At the age of 17 years, the native of the small town of Ivanovo went to conquer the capital. He entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism (the future politician Dmitry Rogozin became a subsidement on the desk). After graduating from a prestigious university, a former student on the distribution fell to work in the newspaper "Covenants Ilyich".

In the metropolitan edition worked for a short time. Freedomiff and negligence in statements led to a decrease in position. So the young correspondent was transferred to the proofreaders, explaining the decision of the "professional unsuitability".

In such an amplua, the young employee was not long - he wanted to develop, and not stand still and corpe over edits. Therefore, he quit and moved to the northern capital. In St. Petersburg, a specialist with a small experience in the journal "Aurora". From there, three years later, he moved to the editor of the "Sparkling", where he settled by a correspondent.

Personal life

Dmitry Pavlovich did not give the opportunity to explore the unpleasant facts about his personal life. And it's not even that he diligently protects the family from a public paragraph.

Gubin has long been happily married to a colleague - Tamara Ivanova-Isaeva. The journalist's spouse is a famous restaurant critic, also engaged in translations from French.

The presenter did not have its own children, however, the step-down - Dmitry Ganopolsky. The son of Tamara Mikhailovna, graduating from the Philology of St. Petersburg State University, professionally engaged in photography. Now cooperates with such popular publications as "snob" and "Russian Reporter".


In the city of Neve in 1995, Navenac Ivanovo took the editor of the Russian version of the magazine Pulse St. Petersburg. Soon began to try on the role of leading both on the radio and on television.

Until 2004 managed to work in the program "Mayor Hour", where he took an interview with the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak. Then his voice sounded on "Radio Russia" in the show Persona Grata. I happened to try yourself as a TV presenter on the federal channel - in the transfer of "Vesti" - about six months.

Then she went to London, where during the same time he led the New Day program. Upon returning to the Motherland, he became the editor of the FHM RUSSIA magazine.

Creative searches again led him to the "light". There, Gubin worked for 7 years, being an observer of the publication. However, afterwards the views of the journalist ceased to be consonant with the editorial policy.

Reducing, the native Ivanovo entered a new one for himself the position of chief editor in the Russian version of the magazine illuminating the Luxury-Industry, Robb Report. In 2010, the man returned to the radio again, now with a solo project - "Morning with Dmitry Rubin". Once on the air he made a comparison of Valentina Matvienko with Adolf Hitler. Loud dismissal did not make himself wait. Although the leadership of the radio station explained parting with the employee of the "sighty intonation in a voice."

A greater freedom of writing a publicist acquired "temporarily accessible", which led together with Dmitry Dibrov in the early 2010s. Famous personalities came to the show, and the discussion with guests often wore frivolous character. So, for example, from this show, the country learned about the extramarital son Mikhail Porechenkova.

The rating of the program grew up with each issue. The presenter recognized that, thanks to this work, he himself changed the opinion of Mikhail Boyarsky, Nikita Mikhalkov, Joseph Kobzon. And this useful experience - Gubin learned to look at the same situation from different sides.

A similar project - "Big Family" with Dmitry Kharatyan - Something reminded "temporarily accessible." But now the audience was acquainted not only with celebrities, but also their loved ones - wives, husbands, children. True, in this program, the publicist was not delayed. In 2011, the canal ripped with him without visible reasons. And even the captured series did not go on the air.

Using connections, the journalist found out - on the central channels the road is closed for him forever (explained this situation in more detail this situation on the "Echo of Moscow" and in LJ). The next dismissal was not the reason for despondency. Gubin then worked as leading in the "Our Time" project, concluding a contract with the company "Top Secret."

A political debate has often arose at the show and important economic issues were addressed. For example, once the guest of the program was Vladimir Pozner - colleagues discussed the situation in Ukraine, as well as the nature of the coverage of this problem in the Russian media.

From 2013 to 2015, Dmitry Pavlovich created video cats for the transfer of the "point of view" at the regional St. Petersburg Kalan 100TV.

In different years, Gubin collaborated with Internet magazines, as well as a column in prints - GQ, Geo, Rosbalt.

He did not bypass the publicist and teaching activities. Since 2010, television and radio hosts combined work on ether with reading lectures in Moscow State University. After a few years, he was called to the Higher School of Economics (HSE).

Journalist wrote books. For example, in co-authorship with Igor, the work of "Real Entitable Petersburg" published in collaboration with Igor. From under the pen of a native, Ivanovo came out "Notes of the Grounds", "Entertaining Political Science" "Entry & (not) Exit", "below the line".

Frequent dismissal, conflicts with editors - all this seems to have only disassembled a row. The apogem was a scandal when a man in Twitter made a comparison of the heroes of the Second World War with the fascists. The response of the public did not make long wait.

For insulting veterans in many gears on federal channels, a wave of criticism in the address of the publicist was rising. Loud epithets operated on Vladimir Solovyov in the Full Contact Program. The author of the post hurried to bring the official apology, referring to the incorrect wording of his statements. At the same time re-brought negative comments.

Dmitry Gubin now

Now the journalist lives in Germany, but often flies to Russia with lectures. He is also invited to various talk shows, where the former leading "of our time" is divided by the views on the political situation in Russia.

For example, he gave an interview with Tatiana Troyanskaya in the program "Special Opinion" October 2020. On the air discussed the situation with the murder of a teacher in France because of the cartoons on the Prophet Mohammed. And, of course, it was not without criticism of the Russian government, including the pension reform and actions of the country's leadership in the conditions of a pandemic of coronavirus infection.

Dmitry Pavlovich, even leaving Russia, does not get tired of evaluating the "Russian degradation". Rollers come out on his Youtyub-Channel and in "Instagram". The publicist also leads a page in Facebook, where political posts are replaced by sightseeing notes and photos of the landscapes of Germany.

Gubin continues to cooperate with Russian publications, which, according to him, "managed to remain independent of the state."


  • 1999 - "Real Entitable Petersburg"
  • 2008 - "Entertaining Political Science"
  • 2011 - "Tax on the Motherland. Essays of fat times
  • 2011 - "Scrapbooks of grinding, or what we will" (not) "
  • 2013 - "Paper Radio"
  • 2013 - "below the line"
  • 2014 - "Entrance and (not) exit"
  • 2014 - "10 lectures on television and radio journalistic"
  • 2016 - "Gubin on Air: Internal Kitchen Radio and Television"
  • 2016 - "Interview as" Cherry Garden ""

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