Anna Delttsova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Dance on TNT 2021



Anna Delttsova danced, how much he remembers, and spent years to self-improvement. She managed to acquire authority in the dance environment and became famous for the whole of Russia - all thanks to the shooting in the Dance project on TNT.

Childhood and youth

Anna Delttsova was born on April 1, 1988 in Moscow. The future star from childhood loved to dance and already at 9 years old created the first productions, but the girl began to engage in choreography only in adolescence - for the reason that the studio was located close to the house.

For some time, Anya mastered the pop direction, but belonged to classes irresponsible, because it was not going to associate life with dancing. She could easily skip the lesson to get into bed, and came to the studio just because she liked to dance.

Soon the star fascinated Break Dance, and during the year she trained with a little-known B-People team. Although the actress still perceived the dances only as a hobby, the Street-Jazz studio was the next study. But after the Anna teacher decided to go to the execution, the choice arose before her - to continue to dance in another school or devote himself to something else.

In this difficult period, the dancer offered to try himself as a teacher, and despite doubts, she agreed. This allowed Delta to acquire valuable experience and get rid of fear of experiments. Later, she entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture, where he learned to the director of plastic choreographic programs and continued the dance career.


Anna decided to devote himself to the street, independently mastered such styles like hip-hop and house. She received his first experience in the group when she became a member of the female Team "Cheba-Steak". During this period, the star continued to teach, gave the lessons in the Studio Model-357 and was self-improvement.

2008 was a turning point in the biography of Delta, because then her team Jack's Garret appeared ("The Church of Jack"). The idea of ​​the project arose from the dancers long before, and she even managed to come up with a name, and then gathered like-minded people around him.

Together with the team Anya actively participated in Battles and Competitions. Participants became winners of Moving Star festivals in Yaroslavl and Nordic Moves in Finland, were recognized as the best team on Russian Dancing Awards in 2009. Over time, Delta has gained popularity in the dance environment, master classes led and gave lessons in Europe.

The dancer showed himself not only as a talented performer, but also a skillful choreographer, and more and more went deep into the experimental style. Already in 2015, Jack's Garret was presented with the first plastic play "Exchange", and a year later went to the tour of Russia.

Personal life

Personal life of the star has developed successfully, she is happily married to Alexander Tronov. Spouse Ani is also a dancer, he was a member of the 1st season of "Dance" on TNT and supported her decision to go to the project.

Anna Delttsova now

In 2020, Deltzova had to face difficulties due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, but this did not prevent it from developing as a dancer and director. The artist took part in the creation of the Internet series "I am at home, the day of the 10th", the shooting of which was held without a violation of the self-insulation regime. As part of the project, experienced dancers told stories about quarantine weekdays using the body language.

In September, the performer presented the public "The delivery service" of the Being Tardler ", and in October, the 8th grade of the 7th season of" Dance "was published on TNT with its participation. Although Anya knew about the existence of the show and earlier, it took her years to decide try strength on casting.

Before the performance of the dancer was very nervous, but eventually fascinated judges and viewers with her number in the experimental style and easily passed the next stage. There, Deltsov was waiting for the tests with which she successfully coped.

During this time, the star managed to work with Anastasia and Victoria Mikhailets (sisters of Mikhailets), Vitaly Savchenko and Alexey Volatim, to express himself as a director. It helped Ana to go into the top 37, but she dropped out at the next concert.

Now the performer continues to dance. She leads a page in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and reports about the news.

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