Damen (Konstantin Krasilich) - Photo, biography, personal life, news, show "Dances" on TNT 2021



Damen, or rather, hiding under this pseudonym Konstantin Krasilich is a popular dancer of the direction of hip-hop. Large achievements in the career of the artist became the title of world champion in Hip-Hop, conquered in 2014, and the status of the champion of Russia, received in 2016. Behind the shoulders Dam'en many performances, participation in festivals and author's master classes.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin was born in Mordovia on October 1, 1991. The boy was brought up in an incomplete family, since his parents divorced. This fact made a serious impression on a beautiful impression, so in adulthood he put himself a goal to remain a faithful husband and a loving father.

Early years Kostya spent in his homeland, and later moved to Khimki. Creative deposits gave themselves to know already in his youth. At first, Konstantin studied to play on a three-shoe pipe, but the conflict that arose due to the rudeness of the teacher did not make it realized in this direction. Then he got carried away by athletics, and after 3 years, he drew attention to mini-football. The game fell in the soul, and a novice athlete even became part of FC Khimki. True, because of the injury gained for a long time there was no longer delayed.

Konstantin continued his search for a hobby and began dancing at the age of 16. The first time it happened on the Nativity, but in 2008 it happened a turning point. Krasilich began to perform at competitions and in Battlah.

The first to be the event "other format", which a young man visited in order to get acquainted with the culture of such competitions. Professional implementation on the dance floor prevented a call to the army. Having gave the debt to the Motherland, Damien entered the Russian State University of Physical Culture and graduated from his specialty "Manager of the Organization".

Personal life

Konstantin Krasilich is married, his wife is called Valery Sokolova-Krasilic. Wedding pair took place in the summer of 2017. Young people were in prolonged romantic relations, which were made to understand that the next step should be the construction of a family. Krasilich calls a wife a muse and assures that Valeria is a support and support in any situation, as well as a person who is ready to give an objective assessment of his work.

Constantine has profiles in Vkontakte and Instagram. He often publishes photos and videos in social networks, sharing with fans with his thoughts and emotions regarding creative everyday life, prospects and plans. Here appear pictures telling about the personal life of the dancer. True, the details like the growth and weight of the artist remain secret.


Konstantin Krasili was realized as an independent performer, won the honorary title of world champion and champion in Hip-Hop, and helped to achieve the success of novice dancers. Lamyen has been teaching for a long time. Among his students, children, adolescents and young young people. Konstantin led classes in the youth center "Sunrise", and in parallel participated in a variety of festivals and competitions, including Just Debout and others.

Krasilich collaborated with the Sarcellite Collective, and also played by the Dancing Dancing Team District 13, organized by him in 2011. The team became the champion of Russia, Europe and the world in the profile direction of the dance. Konstantin Krasich was repeatedly turned out to be a participant in the competition and acted as a judge. At the same time, the artist gives pleasure to the contest both with stronger rivals and with its own wards that have already reached the vertices of skill.

In 2020, Damien passed Casting, who began the beginning of a new stage in the biography of the dancer. They turned out to be a competitive selection for participation in the show "Dance" on TNT. On the first speech in front of the jury, Krasilich performed freestyle and conquered the public. The performer managed to get into the team to Migel and enter the top 37 of the 7th season of the project.

According to Constantine, he was difficult for him to participate in the program, since he was accustomed to freestyle, and not working with teachers, repeating other people's movements. A kind of outstanding for him was a joint performance with Artem Sidorov, which artists put without the participation of choreographers.

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The participant also managed to cause disagreements between Mighel and Egor Druzhinin. The last one from the moment of dating was not sure if Damien could perform borrowed choreography.

In one of the numbers, the artist stopped during the dance and refused to continue working, which caused criticism from the jury and spectators. Constantine was going to drive out of the show, but the judges went on a compromise, closing the eyes on the peculiarity of the contestant. He was given the opportunity to continue participation in the project, despite the violation of the rules.

Damien now

During the quarantine, introduced during the pandemic period of coronavirus infection in 2020, Krasilija organized an online battle for its wards and broadcasting their numbers in social networks under the # Stagger Tag.

Now Dam'en continues to develop in the dance direction as an independent performer, and also acts as a mentor. He is often invited to the judiciary a variety of contests and specialized competitions. Konstantin continues to work with District 13 and makes exit master classes.

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