Natalia Maksimova - biography, personal life, photo, news, transgender, before surgery, "Instagram", History 2021



One of the most striking events of the Russian show business was the appearance on the cover of the magazine Tatler Transgender Natalia Maximova. And even before that, she was known in Russia and France in the role of a secular lady, the official camining-out caused interest in this person. And the model itself decided to tell his story in detail, because it considered that "no right to be silent."

Childhood and youth

Natasha Maksimova was born in Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan). Her mother Alla Nikolaevna worked in kindergarten. And about the father of the heroine of the article "Tatler" simply said:

"The best thing that he did for me is dead."

From an early age, a girl, contrary to his own feeling, did not feel like a boy. School years The future model considers the most terrible period in the biography. She was especially tormented by physical education lessons, ranging from male dressing room and ending with the need to pass standards on a par with a strong half of humanity.

Surprisingly, the schoolgirl was lucky as a child with his friends. Those perceived it with a regular girl, were friends and were not surprised that Natasha on the metric wears a male name. Found an understanding of the future secular diva and the mother. Alla Nikolaevna not only took the choice of her daughter, but also significantly supported her in the desire to change the floor.

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Much later, the blogger said in an interview: if she had to restore his biography by photo, no one would have doubted her belonging to the female sex. Many pictures in dresses and wigs - merit, again, mother.

But with the father of the relationship with a native of the Republic of Kazakhstan did not work out. In his instagram-Account, Maksimova shared memories of how it was difficult for her in 5 years to understand the causes of aggression and the hands of a loved one. "Soul of the Company" and the pet's favorite did not accept the feature of the child.

In the 10th grade Natasha decided to enter the Experimental School "Archimed". But they did not take it there: in his youth, the school girl painted her hair in bright colors and seemed to the teachers of the educational institution too "experimental." Mother confessed in the failure of the student could not. Alla Nikolaevna learned about this later and made her daughter return to the usual school.

At the same time, the parent recorded a girl on English courses. This was the main investment in the life of the future secular lady. At the age of 16, she began to work. Knowledge of a foreign language was in demand because of the Zasili in the republic of migrants employed in the oil refining and paper production sector.

The first place of work was the American audit company Arthur Andersen. And then the student got an incredible salary for that time - $ 1.2 thousand together with his mother managed to spend only $ 30.

Then Natalia realized that it was time for her to develop. Together with her sister and her bride groom went to Austria, but six months later returned to his homeland and recovered at the Institute of Foreign Languages. However, immediately felt the negative attitude of classmates to himself and, not wanting to be "someone else's among their", adopted a fateful decision.

In his youth (21 years), a native of the Republic of Kazakhstan went to the unknown - flew to Paris. And subsequently did not want anything that he gave themselves the chance to start life from scratch.


Natalia's professional biography told Ksenia Sobchak in the program "Carefully, Sobchak!".

Occover, the heroine of the project opened one of the most unpleasant pages in his life - work in the Boulogne forest. By the way, this park in France is famous not only by magnificent landscapes, but also the fact that there are trans-prostitutes.

Maximov early became independent. She needed to quickly grow up and find sources of income to achieve a dream. Floor change operation, which accounted for the end of 1999, then it was then € 15 thousand. Naturally, this amount could cause for refusal of ambitious plans.

But the model did not give up. In Paris, began working in the specialty, translator. At the same time, often appeared in fashion magazines, speaking a muse for stylists and designers. Soon she began to rotate in high circles, visited secular events in Russia and France.

From 2014 to 2019, Natalia worked as a companion Renat Litvinova. The transgender woman itself prefers the definition of Freilin. Her salary as an assistant to € 2 thousand.

The creative union, which lasted 5 years ended on the eve of 2020. As for Maximova, she preserved the most pleasant memories about Renate, even though colleagues were not very good.

Now Natalia is a sought-after model, many fashionable houses are trying to get it for advertising. But she reluctantly responds to suggestions and prefers to appreciate those brands that were with her before Maximov made a caumbling out in his profile in "Instagram".

After this event, the model received thousands of messages to Direct and decided to turn a personal page into a blog. It began to share experiences from youth, as well as support those for whom the road acceptance has been present only.

In many respects, the recognition of the former man on the network was caused by the desire to help others: to tell that the seplace of the floor is not scary, not ashamed and does not go beyond the "normality". With this mission, the blogger without sticks offers peace and gets grateful feedback from subscribers.

In addition, she decided to try himself in a new role - began to work as a columnist magazine "Tatler" with his own column "Notes on Cuffs". By the way, this proposal voiced to Ksenia Solovyov - the chief editor of the publisher, who took an interview with a woman in March.

Personal life

Natalia was officially married to a man much younger than six years. Now the Transgender woman remembers Nicolas with gratitude. He became the man who accompanied it to the final transformation in Belgium - there was a floor change surgery there. And kept her hand after anesthesia.

And after they got married. By the way, there were no intimate contacts between the in love until the "transfiguration", because Nicolas adheres to the traditional orientation.

Relations ended suddenly. Blogger dreamed of going to the Caribbean Islands with her mother without her husband, so it was specially quarreled with him and did not speak 2 weeks. And returning from the rest, I understood how my spouse loves much. But on her question about the feelings, he answered concisely: "no more."

After the divorce, Natalia did not support the relationship with the ex-husband. Once they met, and Nicolas tried not even look at her. Yes, and Maksimova preferred all his life to "tear", without knowing how to be friends after.

Details of personal life Now the model does not reveal. But she has a close friend Vitaly Cossacks (DJ Kozak), which is in the family. They met in 2010 and since then it is invariably present in fate of each other, supporting and helping in difficult moments.

If aspects of romantic relationships, she prefers to keep secret, then in all the rest of Maximov is frank with fans. And in this she sees his mission - not to lure about problems and help people who experience complexes about their appearance, orientation, etc.

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So, for example, Natalia said that at a certain point in time suffered from anorexia and weighed only 46 kg with a height of 180 cm. And before that, the model could boast of much more magnificent forms when its weight reached 110 kg.

Natalia Maksimova now

Almost any event associated with a secular lioness is invariably discussed in the network. I did not exception information about the transfer of a transgender woman on theatrical layouts. In the summer of 2021, the news tape was filled with headlines that Natalia Maksimova will play in the production of the Moscow Dramatic Theater on a small Bronnaya.

Various sources wrote: She received an invitation from Konstantin Bogomolov. She had to play one of the key roles in the play "Cherry Garden". About what is preparing to fulfill the image of Lyubov Andreyevna Ranevskaya, Natalia confirmed on his page in "Instagram".

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