Andrei Malakhov - biography, personal life, photos, news, TV presenter, "Instagram", wife, age, "direct ether" 2021



Lovers of ordinary television viewers, a tireless truth seeker, a person trying to achieve a compromise and mutual understanding, which is able to positively influence the fate of people. This is how many viewers characterize the Russian TV host Andrei Malakhov. Energetic and purposeful journalist, who has an attractive appearance, does not like to disclose the details of his personal life, but with pleasure reveals other secrets.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Malakhov was born under the sign of Zodiac Capricorn in January 1972, in an intelligent family. The mother of the future television star is the best teacher of kindergarten in the city of Apatity (Murmansk region), subsequently his head.

Father is a geophysicist who specialized in finding fossils on the Kola Peninsula. According to Malakhov, both parents differed in communication with softness and delicacy. These qualities, Andrei inherited from them to the fullest.

The TV host itself does not reveal the TV list, but it is known that his distant relatives along the Father's line live in Sudan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the North Caucasus, and on the maternal - in North and South America.

In a music school, which the boy visited in the class of violin, he did not shine talent, so teachers quickly found Andrei occupation - the student has always been leading at concerts. As a schoolboy, he studied in the same class with Evgeny Rudin, who gained fame as DJ Grub.

Friendship of crazy guys did not affect the performance of Malakhov - the young man graduated from the Silver Medal.

Higher education medalist went to receive in Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. Student Andrei visited the internship at Michigan University. In the US, the guy lived in the house of the Dean of the Faculty, he worked in his free time by the seller of the newspapers. Soon, Malakhov came to the TV studio of Detroit, which was a representative of Paramount Pictures.

Journalism and television

The creative biography of Andrei Malakhov began to develop after returning to Russia. The young man tried his strength in different directions: wrote articles for "Moscow news", led by the program "Style", collaborated with Maximum radio station, later settled by the correspondent for the first channel.

In 2001, the "Big Wash" was released, where Malakhov managed to attract a large audience to Malakhov. Already in the youth, Andrei Nikolayevich was awarded the unlawful title of the most stylish TV presenter.

In the career of Andrei Malakhov many loud projects. In 2009, he became Eurovision. The opening ceremony was working with the singer Alsu, and the semi-finals with the fashion model Natalia Vodyanova. From subsequent projects, the Saturday show "Tonight" is celebrated on the first channel, which started on September 1, 2012.

The principal position of the next project is the program "Let them say", became scandalous themes from the life stories of people who tried to help, to get into the rest of the problem, find a compromise and resolve the conflict. After a series of such programs, which could not pass by the viewer, Andrei Malakhova began to magnify not otherwise as the face of the first channel.

In 2017, the TV presenter left the project, taking a small pause in his career - they rumored that at this time Malakhov paid all his attention to the spouse that was waiting for a child.

More Andrei on the air of the first channel did not appear. His place in the popular talk show took Dmitry Borisov, and Malakhov himself moved to Russia-1 TV channel, where Boris Korchevnikova replaced in the "Light Air". Later, the broadcast of the new show "Hi, Andrei!" Began with the participation of the TV host. Stars of film and show business appeared in the television journalist studio. The creative evenings of Russian singers - Nikolai Baskova, Irina Krug, Gasy May and Yuri Shatunov, as well as issues dedicated to the drinking song and chanson are greatly popular.

Hogenes of the Solders became the constant hero of the studio of Showman. He first called all-Russian interest among the public, combined with a marriage with Ekaterina Tereshkovich. Subsequently, the Family Peripetics of the Star Couple was covered in the "Direct Ether" program.

In the summer of 2019, Andrei Nikolayevich, the first interview gave the Bari Alibasov's artificial coma. True, despite the fact that the producer warmly greeted the TV presenter, he later could not recognize Malakhov.

For several years in a row in their programs, the television journalist highlighted the topic of the relationship of Love Assumption with her daughter. In 2018, Malakhov released the transfer of Dr. Andrei Pavlenko. Medic dedicated his life to help people suffering from cancer, but he himself failed to defeat the disease.

The television journalist leads a personal page in "Instagram", where the most interesting issues of their programs announce. In addition, since 2011, the Yutiub Channel "Direct Ether" operates, which is also popular with the public.

Andrei Nikolayevich himself rarely becomes a guest of his colleagues, but in the spring of 2019 he visited the studio Boris Korchevnikov project "The Fate of Man".


Themes raised on Malakhov's transmissions often become the cause of scandals. Such were the issues of "direct ether" and the show "Hello, Andrei!", Dedicated to life and the untimely end of Julia.

Then, in March 2019, Malakhov tried to blame that he was satisfied with the "dances on the bones", but many viewers and fans of the singers supported the TV presenter.

Malakhov himself became the hero of gay scandal. At the unconventional orientation of the leader hinted the singer Ksenia Merz, who previously "lit up" on the broadcast of the television journalist dedicated to Dane Borisova.

In the studio of the program "Let them say", guests often satisfied fights. The big scandal occurred during the filming of the release dedicated to the sisters of Khachaturian. Human rights activist Pavel Pyatnitsky attacked his opponent with fists. The entry was shown on the air of the Channel One.

Periodically, the program of Andrei Malakhov becomes the cause of conflicts of the TV presenter with the celebrities of the Russian show business. So, the release dedicated to the anniversary of Ilya Reznik, where the birthday name himself could not go, caused his heart attack.

And the transfer of "live broadcast" about the Escalog of the "market skins" caused a perturbation from Natalia Oreva, which was compromised by interviewing its director. Later, Nastasya Sambursk and Anastasia Rtyttov joined the angry post of actress in "Instagram". And Maria Shukshin and made a proposal to sign the petition about the closure of Malakhov's projects.

The public is not the first year over the conflict between the two Mastodons of Russian television - Maxim Galkin and Andrey Malakhov. The humorist in his social networks called the Colleague "the main television heded of the country." It happened after the Starhit published an article about the construction of the spouse of Primateonna at home in Cyprus. Showman himself denies this information.

In 2020, Natalia Koroleva made a message that he was ready to submit to a TV journalist after reaching a talk show with her husband Sergei Glushko's mistress (Tarzan).

Personal life

The personal life of the TV presenter has always been interested in fans. Attractive Showman (height 183 cm, weight 88 kg) were relations with the Marina Kuzmin businesswoman, actress by Elena Cinnik. Malakhov with trepidation referred to his chosenses, Elena was even ready to make an offer to give him the "Teffi 2005" award, but the actress did not come to the ceremony. Even before marriage, the journalist released the book "My Favorite Blondes."

Addiction to blonde beauties predetermined the current marriage. The wife's wife became Natalia Shkuleva - the publisher of Elle magazine, daughter director of the publishing house Hachette Filipacchi Shkulev. Now Andrei Malakhov is the editor-in-chief of the Starhit magazine at the publishing house testing.

It is known that Andrei and Natalia got acquainted at work and for the first time together were published in September 2009, where they posed for the photo as an official pair. Initially, young people lived in civil marriage, and in 2011 Andrei Malakhov and Natalia Shkuleva played a wedding in Paris. The solemn event passed in the Versailles Palace.

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The TV journalist for the first time became a father at the age of 45. On November 15, 2017, Natalia Shkuleva gave birth to Sasha's son in the Lapino clinic clinic. The weight of the boy was 4 kg, height - 54 cm.

Alexander Malakhov was born at 23:30, while the TV host himself was waiting for his appearance in the ward. In addition to the heir, the journalist has godfather children - this is the daughter and son of Philip Kirkorov.

After a time, the network spoke about the divorce of spouses. Andrei Malakhov attributed a novel with Nick Belotserkovskaya, the girlfriend Ksenia Sobchak. Couple to rest together in the French coast in 2019. The blogger itself and the writer with humor reacted to such rumors.

Andrei Malakhov now

In April 2020, the journalist was invited to the project "Dancing with the Stars", where he took the TV presenter. The issues of Andrei Malakhov programs still cause great resonance in society. High ratings earned a program about a pregnant schoolgirl. Later, the release of "direct ether", dedicated to the tragedy in the family of Alice Freindlich, was killed by the godmother of the Mr. Folk Artist, Psychiatrist and psychiatrist Anna Ambartsumyan.

On the eve of 2021, Malakhov visited the studio of the Internet show "Alena, Damn!", Where he talked with his colleague Alena Zhigalova. The TVURDER noted that he would continue his career on television, despite the fact that the tempting prospects for him exist on the Internet.

At the same time, Malakhov is actively interested in the theme of the Internet blooting. So, in the fall, he submitted to the court of viewers, the heroine of which was Alena Efremova. Instagram-blogger declared that he was going to submit to the court to the Melllstroy (Andrei Burima) who beat it during the direct broadcast. The girl immediately dubbed the "new Diana shurgina".

He also affected Andrei Nikolayevich in his programs and the most popular the theme - Tictock stars. In "Direct Ether", the TV journalist invited Denya Milokhin, which, thanks to his rollers on a social network, earn up to 2 million rubles. Now the guy collaborates with the team Dream Team House.


  • "Good morning"
  • "Big washing"
  • "Major League"
  • "Five evenings"
  • "Let them talk"
  • "Malakhov +"
  • "Lie detector"
  • "Tonight with Andrei Malakhov"
  • "Live"
  • "Hi Andrew!"
  • "Dancing with the Stars"


  • 2005 - "Young and happy"
  • 2007 - "Zero kilometer"
  • 2007 - "Happy together"
  • 2009 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2015 - "Voronins"
  • 2015 - "The Best Day"
  • 2016 - "Day to"
  • 2017 - "Kitchen: Last Battle"
  • 2018 - "Cinderella"
  • 2019 - "Hop"

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