Victor Verzhbitsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Victor Verzhbitsky - the person recognizable. However, the actor prefers to excite creative interest and talk about roles, and not fall in the situation when they show the finger, because fans and admirers are two different concepts.

Theater and Cinema actor Victor Verzhbitsky

The first "perceive you an idol, associate with the character and worship." And the second positively belongs to the person, and not to the film hero, and do not bother the aura.

Childhood and youth

Victor Alexandrovich Verzhbitsky was born in hot Tashkent at the end of September 1959. Surname Verzhbitsky - heritage from the great-grandfather, the Pole by nationality, the indigenous resident of Krakow. The Victor family was not particularly close to the acting profession. Who is the father of the boy - a story is silent. Victor never speaks about him and does not remember. Mom worked as a medical sister, so it disappeared at work for days.

Vitya remained with his grandmother. Actually, she brought him up, since most of the time grandson spent with her, including - on grandmother's work. The woman worked in the costumes in the theater, so that the concept of "smell of Kulis" Viktor Verzhbitsky was familiar not to the first.

Viktor Verzhbitsky in youth

Therefore, at the end of the School Verzhbitsky without unnecessary thinking, the documents at the Theater Institute of the Native Tashkent. Chose among other faculties scenographic. In the same place, I met for my whole life with the future master of the director Timur Bekmambetov. In the youth, Verzhbitsky did not even realize that it was Timur who would give him a decisive influence on his life in the near future.

Theater and films

Graduating to learn in theatrical, Verzhbitsky gets to work at the local Drama Theater. Here, on the stage of the Tashkent theater, and the creative biography of Viktor Verzhbitsky began.

Viktor Verzhbitsky and Timur Bekmambetov

Several years of service helped the theoretical base received in the university, check in practice. Verzhbitsky with Eustice plays in the formulations of "Seagull" and "Caligula", Zoyikina Apartment and "Flying over the nest of cuckoo", "Sacred Monsters" and "Dear Elena Sergeevna". Artistic mastery is honed and shines with new faces and flowers.

1994 became a turning point for Viktor Verzhbitsky. During this period, Tashkent friend and classmate Timur Bekmambetov appear on the horizon of the artist. Now he is known and very popular. By using Verzhbitsky in the Peshavarian Waltz painting, Bekmambetov truly opens the artist for movies. At the same time, the actor played in the advertisement of the Bank "Imperial", where first appeared as Nicholas I. The embodiment of the actor was subsequently loved with the audience and directors.

Viktor Verzhbitsky as Nicholas I

In the theatrical sphere on a talented actor, the look of famous directors, including the metropolitan, began to stop at the talented act. Proposals received Viktor Verzhbitsky repeatedly. But he, as if justifying the sign of the zodiac - Virgo, who was born, calculated the risks and carefully watched, waiting for something. And waited. It turned out to be a proposal from which the artist could not refuse. Victor was invited to work to a new Drama Theater, who was led by Boris Lviv-Anokhin.

In the late 1996th, Tashkent actor finally moved to Moscow. In the Drama Theater, he is offered noticeable and complex roles, with whom Verzhbitsky copes brilliantly. "Revenge Queen", "Journey", "Assembly" - a list of productions in which Viktor Aleksandrovich appeared is great.

Viktor Verzhbitsky and Sergey Chonishvili in the play

After 2 years, the artist goes to another theater, who led the legendary Alexander Kalyagin. The aura of this theater, his wonderful team and the person of the head have long been interested in Verzhbitsky. Therefore, the transition took place without unnecessary thought.

At first in the Kalyaginsky "Et Cetera" artist really was very comfortable. Creative atmosphere, excellent director and interesting roles inspire Verzhbitsky. But what was his surprise, when in 2005 Kalyagin brought the actor from the troupe. Explanation and surprised, and puzzled Victor.

Victor Verzhbitsky in the series

The wording was like this: the artist pays too much time to cinema. Verzhbitsky really removes a lot and becomes more and more popular in the cinema. But in the sources close to theatrical, the sources are called a different reason: Kryuku does not like "stars" in his faith and zealously observes the glory of the troupe artists.

The director's claims had grounds. Proposals to play in films and TV shows came to Viktor Alexandrovich regularly. He played in the popular historical paintings "Poor Nastya" and "One Night of Love", appearing in both in his corporate role Nicholas first. Verzhbitsky found out on the street.

Victor Verzhbitsky in the film

Since then, Viktor Verzhbitsky plays in the performances of the Kalyagin theater only as an invited artist. As a permanent actor Verzhbitsky serves in the metropolitan dressetra named after Pushkin, where he is still popular and in demand, cooperates with the "School of Modern Plays", "Lenkom", MHT named after Chekhov. In an interview, Victor admitted that he disliked Antpurzz, because in Russia weak traditions in this direction. But the opinion was changed when he accepted an invitation of an "independent theater project" and was convinced that there were far from "light comedy things without art content."

Verzhbitsky played in the production of "Ladies Night. Only for women", first on the Russian scene of the striptease of the category 18+. The actor, fortunately, did not have to undress, otherwise Victor would definitely refuse the project.

Victor Verzhbitsky in the series

Fruitful cooperation with Bekmambetov continued for Verzhbitsky in the films "Gladiatrix", "Day" and "Night Dosor".

The last ribbons are a real breakthrough to glory. Immediately after the premiere of Victor Alexandrovich, an incredible increase in fame and audience love was waiting. The talented game of the artist highly appreciated the author of the first-source "Dosters" Sergey Lukyanenko, while noting that the screen image, although much different from the book, but the artist managed not to spoil him. In this picture, together with Verzhbitsky, recognized stars of cinema Vladimir Menshov, Konstantin Khabensky, Maria Poroshina, Zhanna Friske.

Victor Verzhbitsky as Zavulon in the film

The following paintings brought Viktor Verzhbitsky even more popularity and recognition. The most visible ones are "Admiral", "Primadonna", "Wolf". A separate line is mentioned by his work in the tape "Turkish Gambit". Another number of Victor's negative characters are a greedy businessman of merchants from "Black Lightning", a lawyer from Cyberpanka "on the game".

It so happened that the actor filmography advantageously make up the pictures in which his heroes do not cause sympathy. Even the comedy "Our Russia: Eggs of Fate" begins with the fact that the key character went to the relatives, so that they did not reveal him the mystery. Verzhbitsky joked that after the images of the villain, the frost will not get a good grandfather - the viewer will not believe. But if such is the choice of director, so be, although you want a variety.

Victor Verzhbitsky in the series

The dream of the diversity was performed by the creatures of the Comedy "Christmas", in which the hero of Verzhbitsky, Perm deputy Vorobyeva is offended by the Hero. In the continuation of the film "Yolki-2", the people's chosen one turns out almost in the wizard and highlights the helicopter to connect the hearts of the characters of Irina Alferova and Alexey Petrenko. Refuse "Christmas tree 1914" Victor, who has the theater still in the first place, could not:

"All that is associated with costume, time, epoch, make-up, I am very interested."

The ancestor from the deputy turned out to be worthy - the graph.

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The actor returned to an ominous role in a detective "Inquisitor" and fantastic tape "Mafia: Survival game." In the series Yuri, Moroz Victor played a serial maniac, painting with victims like the medieval executioner. In the militant Sarik Andreasyan, the artist appeared in the image of the author of ill-entertainment, during which people fall into the situation provoked by personal phobias, as a result of which they die.

In the piggy bank, the Merit of Artist Lepts made the work of the TV presenter of the fascinating program "Mystical Stories with Viktor Verzhbitsky" on the TV-3 channel and the Talk Show "people".

Viktor Verzhbitsky in teleigre

In the TV game "Fort Boyard" actor performed in the form of an elder who lives in the tower and distributing tips to the show players for the correct answer to the riddle. The French film crew of Antenne 2, who invented the game, considered the Russian artist as the most outstanding character in the entire transfer story.

Personal life

Victor Verzhbitsky's personal life is mysterious, like the artist himself. In any case, he himself is extremely little talking on this topic, and therefore a halo of some closedness gives an actor even more charm. There were rumors about the relationship of Victor with actress by Tatiana Orlova. In the photo of colleagues, it is possible, and some similarity is visible, but there is no confirmation of related links in official sources.

Viktor Verzhbitsky and Tatyana Orlova

The first spouse of Verzhbitsky with a child live in Israel. The artist although they divorced, but supports relatives with the former wife and son and even the guests from them.

Now, according to a number of sites, Verzhbitsky married a second marriage, but no one knows the name of the wife of the artist. It is known that it is a former artist, but has long gone to the business. According to the actor, the spouse is not the adviser in choosing roles, but there are no equal in matters of money and fees. It is also unknown, if Victor has more children.

Victor Verzhbitsky with his wife

Grown in Central Asia, Verzhbitsky - fan of oriental cuisine. If not engaged in shooting or in the theater, prefers passive, home leisure in front of the TV or reading Russian classics. The unwillingness to participate in Victor's secular parties considers a personal disadvantage. The actor understands that the profession is public, and scolds itself if refuses to appear on presentations or festivals.

"Maybe this is lazy, maybe this is a presence in humans, it is some kind of work. I can't stay myself and turn off. This again has to work, and sometimes communicate with hypocrisy. Therefore, I don't really want it. "

Viktor Verzhbitsky now

In 2018, Viktor Verzhbitsky starred in the debut director's picture of Danils Kozlovsky "Coach". The actor fulfilled the role of the mayor of the provincial town, where he arrives the hero of Kozlovsky, a football player, after disqualification. Yesterday's member of the national team dreams to bring the local football team leader. But the head of the city does not want to spend money on unpromising, from his point of view, players.

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In the fall of the same year, a project "Ministry" is presented at the first Russian festival of television serials, in which Verzhbitsky received the role of a gray cardinal, a protrusion. The film, half a satirical, half-drama, talks about two friends - Deputy Minister of Construction in the performance of Ivan Oganesyan and Cyril Safonov, about their personal problems and official relations, in which corruption was found.

The theatrical statement of "Ivanov" was rocked in the form of a television film on the classical play of Anton Chekhov, implemented on the stage of the "Theater of Nations". The performance received 7 nominations for the Golden Mask, the main roles were played by Chulpan Hamatov, Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Yevgeny Mironov. Victor appeared in the image of the uncle of the main character, tormented from the longing of the former Count Shabelsky.

Chulpan Hamatova, Victor Verzhbitsky and Evgeny Mironov in the play

In 2019, the adaptation of the novel Victor Pelevine "Ampire V" is expected. The main role in the fantasy picture was Paul Tabakov. In the center of the plot is a young man who has become a vampire and studying the wisdom of the laws that manage this society. Facilities for shooting producers are collected on Cryptobier Exmo, spreading Bablos tokens. Viktor Verzhbitsky, along with faith of Alert, Raper Oximiron and Vladimir Dolinsky, performs the role of an experienced blood test.


  • 1998 - "Siberian Barber"
  • 2000 - "Stop on demand"
  • 2003 - "The secrets of palace coups. Russia, century XVIII "
  • 2004 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2004 - "Night Watch"
  • 2005 - "death of the empire"
  • 2005 - "Day Watch"
  • 2007 - "12"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2009 - "On the game"
  • 2009 - "Black Lightning"
  • 2010 - "Yaroslav. Thousand years ago "
  • 2012 - "Spy"
  • 2014 - "Inquisitor"
  • 2015 - "Mafia: Survival game"
  • 2018 - "Trainer"
  • 2019 - "Ampire V"

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