Andrei Gubin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Singer 2021



The star of the 90s, the author of his hives, who danced millions, Andrei Gubin became a rejupse. The singer is not interested in a secular life, his appearance in the studio of the TV shows becomes an event. But the fans remember and hope if not on the return of the pet on the stage, then at least for new hits are the same crowns, in their own way naive and clean. Now there are many nostalgic publications in social networks in which Folloviers discusses the loved songs and urge the idol to surprise the audience.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Gubin was born on April 30, 1974 in Ufa. At that time, the mother of Svets Svetlana was married to Valery Clementev, but had an affair with Viktor Rubin, a talented cartoonist. Later in the family appeared daughter Anastasia, the biological father of which was also the artist. Children got the name of Clementeyev and were brought up by stepfather, until the spouses divorced.

In 1981, Svetlana Gubin and Victor got married and soon moved to Moscow. In the capital, the family lived in a small removable apartment. At a young age, the boy began to help the parent earning money: he also painted caricatures, which attributed to the Crocodile magazine.

At school, Andrei studied as well that his father decided to translate a child from the 2nd class immediately in the 4th. This step has a negative impact on the boy's performance, it was especially difficult for him to be given mathematics. Also, constant moving and shifts of schools were also affected, Gubin did not have time to get used to the team and acquire real friends.

In school years, the teenager was fascinated by sports. First, the hobby became chess, and a little later - football. They were engaged in professionally and even got into the Moscow national team, but because of the fracture, the legs had ever had to forget about sports.

However, rather soon Gubin switched to music. He dreamed about the career of the singer since childhood, but a very shy of a speech defect - a moldability, which is unacceptable for the artist. The mother supported his son in his desire and sent a guy to the speech therapists, thanks to which, by 15 years, the artist confidently ignored the letter "P". The first poem of Gubin composed at the same young age and dedicated him to Viktor Rubin.


Andrei's music career began thanks to the father - he bought the future musician to the future guitar. Fighting chords, the schoolboy began to compose the first works. In 1986, Andrei wrote a song "Brojaga" song, which was performed on the youth television program "up to sixteen and older." At the show, the teenager got quite randomly, his playing guitar heard the editor-in-chief of Tamara Pavlichenko and called the musician to the program.

In his youth, Andrei was seriously inspired by the Spirit of Freewinity and basically tried to write political songs. Because of his worldview and views, he often discussed with teachers, which further had a negative impact on estimates on some subjects.

Something after graduating from school with several twins in the certificate, including the behavior, Andrei entered the Gnesin school. The study turned out to be tedious and boring for a young artist, and soon he threw an education.

By that time, the father of the future singer Viktor Viktorovich established a business in Moscow, became the vice-president of the trade and raw material exchange and the owner of several recording studios. Such an improvement in the living conditions of the Rubin family allowed Andrei to start his career in music and focus on creativity.

The first album "I am homeless" Artist published in 1989 by a limited edition of 200 copies. The main theme of the record was the problem with housing, which was experienced Andrei in his youth due to the lack of Moscow registration from the mother. Two more unofficial disks were released - "Ave Maria" and "Prince and Princess". These plates are considered a rarity among the fans of Huin creativity.

The real fame and the popularity of Andrei brought a speech at the Slavutich-94 song contest. There, the talented artist noted the singer and composer Leonid Agutin, who offered help in recording album. This cooperation has become key in Andrei's music biography. Gubin and Agutin changed the arrangement and went to record in the Tver Studio.

In 1996, the first professional album of Gyuba was released under the same name "Brojaga" name. The popularity of the young singer took off to heaven, he became a cumier of young people and acquired a huge crowd of fans who literally followed the artist during the filming of clips and concerts.

After 2 years, Gubin was pleased with the new record fans called "only you". In 1998, he drove on tour in support of his new concert program, including not only the city of Russia, but also of Ukraine and Belarus. The success of the second album largely surpassed the popularity of the debut film of the artist. Almost all the songs became hits and for a long time held the leading positions of Russian hit parades. The name of Andrei Gubin was at all for hearing, at the concerts gathered the full halls.

Despite growing popularity, Andrei Gubin continued to worry because of his appearance, according to numerous articles. The young man shy low growth (166 cm), but the love of the public gradually helped him cope with the complexes. But the colleagues in the stage were not strongly supported by Andrei. Anton Zatresin even performed the song "Below only Gubin's height of Igor Nikolaev than caused a singer's outrage.

Andrei was going to submit to the court to the first channel and on the artist, but then decided that he would call on the hand-to-hand fight of Nikolaev, even rented the hall for these purposes. The author of the song The challenge rejected, than a very disappointed Gubin, confident that he would beat Igor. Later, Zatresin admitted that he was shame for mockerying the singer, who had without that mass of the problems, but wrote off this lunge on the misunderstanding of the appeal intrigues of show business.

In 1999, Andrei went to Canada to record an English-speaking album, the purpose of which was the conquest of the Western public. However, the record did not work with the record, distant Canada seemed to the artist too calm and boring for writing a new material.

So without creating a single English-language song, Gubin returned to Russia, where he immediately released the song "I dream about you." The composition, like all the works of the singer, instantly took off to the upper positions of the playlists, reminding the listeners about the talented artist.

In 2000, the third album of Andrei "was, but passed." Fans of extremely warmly took the new work of Gybin, which could not be said about musical critics. Several songs from the disk they called frankly weak and passing, which seriously threw the singer. Over the next album, the artist worked for 2 years, sometimes publishing new songs. Obsessed with ideality, the musician canceled the release of one of the songs and the clip to it, having considered that they are not entirely ready.

In 2002, the light saw the fourth studio album "Always with You", which became very successful and popular, as well as the previous works of the singer. Andrei continued to release clips and new songs, but after 2 years I did not publish a new album, but a collection of my best compositions called "Romantic Time".

Andrei recorded several songs in collaboration with other musicians. In 2003, the track "I am always with you" and a clip to Him, recorded with Olga Orlova. In 2004, the composition "those who love", which Gubin fulfilled together with the group "Paints" appeared.

Also since 2004, he began to write songs for other Russian performers and engaged in producer activities. Andrei is the author of the popular hit "La La La", which opened the road to solo creativity Zhanna Friske. Gubin also became the producer of a beginner singer Yulia Beretta and the team "Please note."

Problems in the personal life plunged the rush into the creative crisis. In 2008, the discography of the artist joined the collection of songs, where only one new composition "Lena" was present, which did not use much popular. The tracks have also been included in the disk long-known tracks: "Lisa", "Night", "Winter-Hod", "Mute My Far", "Brojaga Boy", "Dancing", "Girls, like stars" and other hits artist. In 2008, the Best DVD album was released, which also did not contain new compositions. In 2009, the neoconated song Andrei "Tenderness" came to the Internet.

In subsequent years, the musician moved away from creativity, referring to the disease. The singer began to complain about pain in the body and constant itching. In some publications, information appeared that the doctors discovered the disease of the nervous system from the vocalist - left-sided propalgia of the face. The reason for the illness was permanent overwork and stress. Andrei began to experience frequent attacks of migraine. He helped sports - the artist rode a bike, went to the gym, played chess to develop intelligence.

In the studio show "Straight Ether", Gubin said that problems began with hearing. To the unexpected news about the attempting committed on him, the audience treated skeptical. Andrei repeatedly stated that he feels "podlika in his address", so the accident in Sochi also applies. The artist asked to "not put pressure on Kamaz on the street", but to whom these words were addressed, did not specify.

In 2007, a tragedy occurred in the life of Guba - father died. The singer was seriously worried about the loss, which was delicately affected both on a creative career and in life in good. In 2010, the musician officially became unemployed, because Ekaterina Gordon, whose program Andrei produced, decided to close the project and make a musical career.

From the public could not hide the changed appearance of the cumira zero. In the current show, Andrei looked aged and loyaded. The fans scored alarm, believing that the nervous depletion of the artist and his protracted depression, failures in his personal life. However, the close and friends of the artist expressed distrust of the medical diagnosis of doctors. Most of them adhered to the opinions that external metamorphoses occurred with Rubin because of alcoholism.

Events really pushed the rush to the abuse of alcohol, after which he, according to rumors, was treated in clinics from addiction. In 2012, the singer became a guest of the gear "Tonight" and "Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov, where he told about his life after the scene.

The official website of the singer was not updated since 2015. The artist disappeared from the media space. In 2016, Andrei gave a rare interview with Starhit magazine. He spoke about his loneliness and creative crisis.

At the end of 2016, the fans photographed Ginin at the airport. He changed almost unrecognizable and, according to the recognition of fans, began to look much better than before. In 2017, a certain young man Maxim Khasnyuk appeared, called Andrei's extramarital son. The guy tried to build a musical career under the pseudonym Maxi, which served as a reason for accusations in Piara on behalf of the famous "Father". Kwasnyuk in response said that he did not need anything from the river.

The representative of the novice artist found the installation of the Star Program, "where both singers met, incorrect and distorting interviews of Maxim. Andrei himself doubted his fatherhood and suggested solving problems in court. At that time, the star of the 90s refused to undergo a DNA test and agreed only after 4 months, at the show Lera Kudryavtsevaya "Secret per million". The results of the examination confirmed the doubts of Gubin - there are no related links between men.

In 2019, the producer of the Laskoy May group, Andrei Razin, made a statement that "mysterious" vocalist disease is mental. At the same time, the refinence stressed that the singer did not use drugs, did not make plastic operations. According to the producer, the performer has lived on copyright. It was enough, since the songs of Gyuba are still rotating on the radio. The producer offered the artist to record several new works and even booked a studio, but Andrei unexpectedly left for Asia.

Personal life

The press attributed Rubin numerous novels - both with his wards, and just with colleagues on show business. However, the singer himself repeatedly stated that it was not possible to build a long relationship.

"For me, the main thing - in a woman I should see the mother of my children, and after - a sexual partner. I saw my children in three girls. One of them left me. The second possessed so volitional character that I understood - she will break me out. In the third girl in which I saw the mother of my children, I have not seen a sexual partner. "

The first true love of the singer, whom he wanted to be under the crown and call his wife, became Lisa Soutin. Andrei with her accidentally met the subway. A novel rose between young people, the lovers began to live together, but because of the permanent tour and the tense schedule of work, the china couple was forced to part.

A year and a half existed by the civil marriage of Andrei and Lucy Kobevko. The girl performed on the dance and in the duet "Caramel", which the musician produced and for which he wrote songs.

In the cycle of the Ninetie programs, which came out on TVC channel, Gubin told about one love, which remained forever in the heart, - about Anastasia an old, daughter Igor Starygin and a consolidated sister of Anna Ardova, filmed in the Lisa clip. Nastya, according to Andrei, seemed so intelligent that the artist gradually claim her attention.

Subsequently, Gubin admitted what was disappointed in women. They either lied (according to artist), or "merged" as soon as they found out that the musician was forced to leave the stage due to health problems.

Andrei Gubin is now

Back in December 2019, the SoundProducer Taras Vashchin reported in an interview that Gubin plans to return to the stage and even prepares a new musical material. He also told that the artist managed to cope with permanent facial pains - the state improved significantly. The man replied to questions about concerts and tour tours that these events should be implemented, but their exact time is unknown.

In January 2020, Andrei denied this information, saying that he was not going to continue the musical career, to cooperate with producers and concert directories. In the summer of the same year, the singer Ilya Bardo, who participated in the 5th season of the popular show "Voice", posted a photo and video in "Instagram". In the video, the public saw Gyuba, performing in the karaoke club on Kuznetsky Bridge Hit Leonid Agutina "On the Lilana Moon".

Ilya expressed admiration for the singing of the artist, calling that modest, kind and decent. The post Bardo scored a lot of likes and comments in which the audience marked the wonderful, who did not change the voice of vocalist. In the fall, the public turned out to be alarmed by the news that the singer was missing.

Taras Vashchin stated in the press that since September Gubin stopped contacting. The producer himself could not reach the artist. At the same time, a man stressed that no one from his native vocalist is tennishes and does not turn to the police - in the biography of Andrei, there were already moments when he disappeared for a while.

Soon after such a statement, the media published information that "the missing" was found. The data came from a friend singer, a businessman Vladimir Bummakov. The latter said that the performer is resting in Egypt and does not plan to return in the near future. According to the entrepreneur, the artist flew to the resort immediately after the borders opened, before that closed due to coronavirus.


  • 1995 - Brojaga Boy
  • 1998 - "Only you"
  • 2000 - "It was, but passed"
  • 2002 - "Always with You"
  • 2002 - "V.I.P"
  • 2003 - "Platinum Collection"
  • 2004 - "The Best - Romantic Time"
  • 2005 - "Open Door"
  • 2008 - "The Best + DVD"
  • 2013 - "With you nearby"
  • 2014 - "Andrei Gubin, Vlad Stashevsky - Golden Hits Collection"

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