Tanya Tereshina - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Tanya Tereshina is a popular Russian singer, fashion model. The general public became known when he advocated the Hi-Fi Group. Next, a solo career followed in the Tereshina biographies.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana Viktorovna Tereshina was born in May 1979 in Budapest in the family of the Russian military. On the sign of the zodiac Taurus. Father's service assumed permanent moving. Family lived for some time in Poland and Ukraine.

Singer Tanya Tereshina

In 1992, Tereshina moved to Smolensk, where he stopped for a long time. There, Tatyana graduated from a secondary school. In addition to school, Tanya visited musical, ballet and artistic circles. The girl sang well and became a soloist in the ensemble.

In 1996, the girl entered the Smolensk Institute of Art by choosing the Faculty of Painting. But did not work by profession, I decided to move to Moscow, where Casting was held in the model agency "Modeus Vivendis". Soon she became the main model "POINT" and "FASHION".

Tanya Tereshina in a swimsuit

While working in these Agencies, Terreshina participated in shows, which were held in European countries. According to Tanya, she really liked walking on the podium.

Music and creativity

Tatiana Terrashina's life has changed dramatically at the end of 2002, after Togokak, the soloist of the Hi-Fi group Oksana Olesko left the team, deciding to end the show business. The participation in the selection of the vacancy took Tereshoshin. She did not really believe in the victory and doubted their strength, but from a large number of those who wanted to choose it. So began the musical biography of Tanya Terreshina.

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The first performance of the novice singer with the Hi-Fi team occurred in February 2003. But the girl was already guessed that she would not be able to self-realize in Hi-Fi. Together with the Milda Fomin and Timophone, Provekin, the performer was almost in all cities of Russia. The group gave about 500 concerts during this period. But as soon as Tana Terrashina received a proposal to try himself in a solo career, the singer immediately left the team.

During the participation of Tatiana, the group did not release musical albums and removed only one clip with the singer on the composition "Bed", but he received the Golden Gramophone Prize.

In June 2005, Hi-Fi became the Muz-TV 2005 Prize laureate in the "Best Dance Group" nomination. This success and allowed Tanya Terrashina to get further work. At the same time, according to Tatiana, after care, she retained a good relationship with colleagues in the team, despite the fact that the desire of the singer to start solo speeches caused some conflicts and scandals with colleagues and producers.

The Debut Clip of the singer "will be hot" came out in 2007. Single noticed musical giants: MTV and "Russian Radio". In the same year, the singer managed to record 7 new compositions for the first album. In the same period, Tereshina actively performed at various prefabricated concerts.

A noticeable breakthrough of this time was the song "Sleevers", written specifically for her with a popular Noize MC Rapper in 2008. The single was presented on the popular radio station "Europe Plus" and remained a hit for several months.

In another year, Tanya Tereshshina sang a duet composition "Western" with Zhanne Friske.

For all living speeches and clips Tanya, herself invents outfits. Art education allowed the girl to create wonderful costumes, in the future she wonders to release their own clothing line based on these sketches. Estonian film director Maasik Hindrere, who worked with a disco accident group and Noize MC is engaged in the shootings of the singer's clips.

In 2010, Terreshina recorded the video of Radio Ga-Ga-ha, which guesses the similarity with the shockful American singer Lady Gagoy. The video received different estimates: from defeat criticism for the unsuccessful attempt of parody and imitating the world star to the recognition of a good PR-stroke.

With the composition of Radio Ga-Ga-ha, the performer was nominated for the Award RU.TV 2011 "Creative Year", but lost to the victory of the Quest Pistols group. In the same 2011, the first was the only one in the discographic album in the discographic - "Discover I my heart", which brought 20 songs in the R & B and Pop genre.

Tanya Tereshshina has repeatedly participated in frank photo sessions for men (for example, XXL). In his interview, the performer stated that her body was not subjected to plastic operations, and it was one hundred percent present.

In October 2013, the artist presented a new composition created jointly with the Johnyboy rapper, "and in love, as in war." Then the musicians presented a video clip.

In the same year, the rap-remake of the song "Wanders of the Fellowship", filled with a trick. The melodic line and chorus remained the same, but the text of the Rapper completely changed.

Personal life

According to some reports, the actress had a short romance with the pet of the audience of the 90s Andrei Rubin. The girl starred in the punch clip.

Mitya Fomin and Tanya Tereshina

In those years, when Tanya Trenhina sang in the Hi-Fi group, she had warm relationships with the Mitya Fomin. He somehow said Tatiana that he was not against a serious relationship and made her an offer to marry him. But then Tanya met with a millionaire arsening ball, so I did not respond to the offer of Fomin. They remained good friends. Later, he even became the godfather of her child.

Tanya Tereshina and Arseniy Sharov

See you with a civil husband, TV presenter Nikitin, Tanya Tanyshina had novels with wealthy ukhagers. The singer herself argued earlier that the girl is interested only in men with a big wallet. Beginner 25-year-old TV presenter Vyacheslav Nikitin to such not treated. But the couple, having met in February 2011, lived together for a long time. Tatiana older than glory for 7 years.

Tanya Tereshina and Slava Nikitin

In December 2013, a couple had a daughter Aris, which Tanya paid all his free time. Music briefly went to the background, because in the first months after the birth of the baby and speech could not go about the nurse. During pregnancy, Tatiana watched his and daughter health and did not limit himself in a meal, which led to the fact that the singer, according to rumors, scored 15 kg.

But soon after the birth of Tereshina published a photo with an adjacent figure in "Instagram". Singer weighed 54 kg with growth 169 cm. She shared with fans of the secret of their harmony. The woman was not sitting on fashionable diets, her recipe is simple: it's not fat, get enough sleep and walk a lot.

Tanya Tereshina with daughter

For a long time, Tatiana's family life seemed to fans perfect. The singer regularly postponed in "Instagram" happy and romantic photos with her husband, child and pets. But in the fall of 2015, Tereshshina left the civilian spouse. For fans, a sudden gap has become a surprise and a mystery. They assumed that the wines of the entire betrayal, but in the one of the couple found a new love, the opinions were dismissed.

Tanya Terreshina without makeup

Later, Tatyana sama spoke about the reasons for the end of the relationship. The case was not in new feelings. The singer admitted that her externally wonderful husband could not cope with anger. Tanya called the former "psychopathic" and unbalanced. According to the girl, she just began to be afraid of her life and the life of a child, which pushed her to finish these relationships.

Tanya Tereshina and Slava Nikitin

At first, after the gap between the former civilian spouses, conflicts broke out. Tame did not like that glory had given a little daughter. But today their relationship has improved, because, according to the artist, the Aris should have two parents. The singer is not going to prevent the glory to take part in the education of the child.

In May 2016, Tatyana shouted the novel with the producer of music clips Ruslana. The couple together visited the RU.TV award party at the Moscow restaurant Nobu, on which the paparazzi was found kissing.

Tanya Terreshina and Ruslan Goy

However, in the same year, Tatyana presented the public of the new beloved Vadim Bukharov. The young man turned out to be 13 years old singer, which gave rise to Tatiana's fans a lot of ambiguous comments. Some suggested that the young fan just uses the money of a woman.

However, Tatiana was not at all embarrassed neither the difference in age, nor angry signatures to her photo like "mother and son". She hurried to inform what was happy, and shared with the press reflections about the ambulance and joint children. Many believed that relations with Vadim is just a resort novel, because for the first time they were noticed together on the Cote d'Azur. Especially since upon arrival, lovers did not live together. Bukharov lived in Sochi, and Tatiana and her daughter in Moscow.

Tanya Tereshina and Vadim Bukharov

However, the guy appeared in her "instagram" with an enviable frequency. But as a result, the pair broke up and without declaring the reasons. Latest joint photos dated October 2017. By the way, neither Tanya nor Vadim chose not to delete common photos from their accounts.

Artist loves to travel and has already visited many countries. But Tanya has a dream - to visit South Africa. In one interview, the performer shared that there was a place with a strong energy - Victoria Waterfall on the Zambezi River. It was there that the girl would like to play a wedding and exchange rings with a chosen one.

On January 15, 2019, Terreshina became the mother for the second time. She gave her son to her husband Oleg Kurbatov. The happy event of the singer shared in "Instagram".

Tanya Tereshina now

In July 2018, it became known that Tanya Tereshin was pregnant. She used to talk about what always wanted two children, and this happened. His "interesting position" she did not hide, laying out a frank photo session in "Instagram".

Tanya Terreshina pregnant

The father of her future child was the businessman Oleg Kurbatov. About a man little is known. According to some sites, he is 23 years old. That is, this time the difference at the age of beloved is 16 years. But, as before, the performer is little worried about this moment.

On her birthday, Oleg made his favorite offer to which she gave their consent. The wedding was scheduled for September 16. The subscribers of the singers noted that her future husband looked like Christian Gray - the hero of the film "50 shades of gray." Earlier, everything in the same "instagram", the singer said that this time the Son is waiting.

Tanya Tereshina and Oleg Kurbatov

Her bacheloremnie passed in the style of Barbie, the closest girlfriend gathered on the holiday: Anfisa Chekhov, Masha Cigal, Anastasia Grebenkina, Ksyusha Olezko, Irina Nelson and others. Everything went grayly and decent, "traditional" stripters on the bachelorette party were absent.

But the "bachelor party" ended less successfully. Tereshina received communications in social networks with evidence of the infidelity of her groom. The "well-wishers" provided her snapshots and video recordings on which Oleg hugs on the other.

Despite this, Tanya stood on the defense of his future husband. According to her, she seen she does not consider treason. Woman sees that the guy "got drunk" and touched to the legs of the blonde. According to the singer, she even knows the seductive, who decided to disrupt her wedding with the help of a "stupid scam." This is a dentist from the Moscow region. No reasons for the excitement of Tatiana does not see. Moreover, Tereshina stated that she learned about the meeting and a hot party from his own beloved.

Tanya also noted that they had not quite a standard relationship with Oleg. What exactly the woman understands under "non-standardity", is not clear. There was no speech on the cancellation of the wedding, despite the fact that the personal life of the singer is widely discussed by tabloids.

In September 2018, Tereshin and Kurbatov got married.

Now Tatiana continues to engage in creativity. In February 2018, a presentation of the new composition was held - "whiskey". In honor of this event, the girl posted a post with the words of gratitude to Mita Fomin, whom the singer called the ideological inspiration. And in August she released a new track "Hunter".


  • 2004 - "Bed"
  • 2007 - "Will be hot"
  • 2009 - "Western"
  • 2010 - "Radio GA-GA"
  • 2011 - "Understand"
  • 2012 - "This morning"
  • 2012 - "Life for one night"
  • 2013 - "War"
  • 2013 - "Meeting"
  • 2014 - "Sorry"
  • 2017 - "Cannon"
  • 2018 - "Whiskey"
  • 2018 - "Hunter"

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