Evgeny Morgunov - biography, personal life, photos, movies, rumors and latest news



Evgenia Morgunova in the face knows every amateur of Soviet comedies, although few of the current youth are interested in the name of the stern from the inseparable Gaidaev Trinity. Unfortunately, due to the ridiculous quarrel with the director Evgeny, Alexandrovich put his career under the blow and therefore did not become known in other images, in addition to the criminal in the famous comedies about the adventures of Shurik. Morgunov was a person a straight, fan of jokes and draws. In particular, the actor periodically used his talent, issuing himself for an official, as a result of which he went for the events for free, dined in restaurants, etc.

Full Yevgeny Morgunov

Evgeny Morgunov was born in Moscow. The childhood of young Morgunova was calm. The boy played in an amateur amateur, was fond of courtyard football and spent a lot of time with friends. Teenage age fell at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, where almost immediately sent his father. Soon, Alexander Morgunov died. To help the mother, a teenager since the age of 14 worked at a military factory, where he was engaged in hard work. The artist for 12 hours in a row was punished with blanks for shells. For such selfless labor, the young man soon received a diploma, however, before the end of his days, Evgeny Alexandrovich believed that he did not do anything special.

Evgeny Morgunov in youth

At the same time, young Morgunov funked movies. The young man spent all his free money on the morning trips to the cinema, often sacrificing at the same time at school. Soon he caught fire the idea of ​​becoming an actor. In addition to participation in the amateur time, he managed to play in the Mosfilm film studio, and then wanted to turn his life into the actor. In the process of incarnation of this idea, an unexpected obstacle arose, since the director of the plant was opposed to the desire of his employee and did not agree to let him go. Then the bold young man came radically and, nor little, he wrote to Stalin himself. After two weeks, the director of the plant "Mill" came the answer, which was the order to send Morgunov to the chamber theater, where he became a student of the brilliant director Alexander Tairov.

Evgeny Morgunov in youth

For about a year, Morgunov worked in the theater, playing in secondary and episodic roles. Gradually, he realized that the lack of acting education was not even filled with even experience, and therefore applied to VGIK, where he did without much difficulty. The young man studied under the leadership of the famous director Sergei Gerasimov.

Morgunov became acquainted with many talented guys who later became famous by Soviet actors, in particular, with Sergey Bondarchuk and Nonaya Mordyukov.


In the youth of Evgeny, Alexandrovich was distinguished by a spectacular, attractive appearance, was very photogenic. Sergey Gerasimov began to pick up the actors among students in his film "Young Guard", where the student Morgunova was invited. Later, the famous actor recalled that in the heads of the audience, the traitor Stakhovich was so firmly associated with Morgunov himself, which one after the premiere of the actor even tried to delay the children on the street, accusing a young man in a war crime.

Evgeny Morgunov in the film

It was rumored that the role of Eugene Stakhovovich, the young man was supposed to get the Stalinist Prize, but in the end it was decided not to perpetuate the image of the traitor. A few years later, additional facts were revealed from the history of the "Young Guard" organization, and since the film was decided to lead in accordance with reality, very many episodes with Morgunov were cut out, and the traitor was renamed.

Oddly enough, the directors did not notice the charismatic young man. Morgunov did not be discouraged, but settled to work at the Theater-Studio of the film actor, where he served until 1953. It is noteworthy that the artist from the place of work was tried several times to dismiss, allegedly for the lack of acting talent. Perhaps the case was in the difficult character of the artist who loved to jerk, despite the status, and also differed straight and sharpness in words.

Evgeny Morgunov in the film

From 1951 to 1953, Morgunov combined the work at the studio-studio of film actors with the service in the Small Academic Theater, in parallel, he starred in episodic roles on Mosfilm's film studio, but did not trust serious images on the stage, or in front of the cameras to the young actor. In this mode, more than 10 years have passed before the random meeting at the studio turned the life of Morgunov.

At that time, Leonid Gaidai had a not the brightest strip in the director's career. The new film has just fallen at the box office, and the sorry director went to the village. There he decided to shield a small humorous poem Stepan Oleinik in the form of short films. For the trio of Alcoholics, Gaidai quickly found the actors of Vicin and Nikulina, but the third place remained vacant.

Yuri Nikulin, Evgeny Morgunov, George Vicin

The director tried many actors, and none of them the director did not impress. The situation was saved by Ivan Pyriev, director of "Mosfilm", in a telephone call the Hydaaya that found a suitable candidacy. By that time, the handsome Morgunov managed to slightly bald and blow out that, in combination with the physique and the character, made it ideal candidates for the role of experienced.

The short film "Pins Barbos and an unusual cross" instantly glorified the Trinity. The picture was so successful that she was nominated for the Golden Palm Branch at the 1961 Cannes Film Festival. In cinemas there was an allchlag, the people immediately fell in love with comical antiheroes. The second short film "Moonshoes", released in the same year, strengthened the fame of the Trinity.

Actors and in life began to be among themselves, which could not not affect their teamwork positively. Once there was an unprecedented case at all: Eldar Ryazanov asked Gaidai to "borrow" to him actors and characters, and therefore in 1964 a coward, the ballobs and the existent appeared in the comedy "Give a plaintive book" in episodic roles.

Then followed by another 2 successful film with the trinity before conflicts arose in the team. At the end of the decade, the actors shared each other and since then practically did not communicate. Nevertheless, the image of the gang continued to inspire employees of cinematic art, in particular, the legendary trio appeared in the cartoon "Bremen Musicians".

The legendary trio in the cartoon

At the same time, Morgunov quickened with Leonid Guideham, which eventually put the cross on the career of the actor in the Big Cinema. It is not known that Leonid Ionovich contributed to the creative failures of the artist, or just colleagues did not want to quarrel with a quick-tempered director, however, since the seventies, Evgeny Alexandrovich almost ceased to appear in noticeable roles.

In 1980, the actor once again had the opportunity to appear before the public in the image of the experienced. Directed by Yuri Kushnerlyov, the film-crossover "comedy for the long-lasting days" was shot, where several cinematic realities were mixed - a coward and experienced, cooperating with the "Great Combinator" by Bender and his permanent assistant Vorobyaninov. But all attempts to return the glory turned out to be vain for Morgunov.

Evgeny Morgunov in the film

In the period from 1980 to 1990, the actor took off in less than dozen movies. After the restructuring of the case did not work, the crisis in the country struck the film industry. For Evgenia Alexandrovich, there was never found in the new reality.

Personal life

Evgeny Alexandrovich was married twice. The ballerina Varvara Ryabtseva became his first wife, who was older than the spouse for 13 years. Their family life was not charged.

Evgeny Morgunov with family

The second wife of the artist was the girl named Natalia. The couple played a wedding in 1965, in marriage they had two sons - Anton and Nikolai. Jr. Nikolai died as a result of an accident a year before the death of his father.


After the career sunset, the actor was very worried because of his abnormality. Despite diabetes, Evgeny Morgunov abused alcohol. The artist moved two heart attacks and stroke. Relateds said that the death of a younger son was very shaken by the already poor health of Morgunov.

The grave of Evgenia Morgunova

Evgeny Alexandrovich died on June 25, 1999 at the Moscow Hospital as a result of the second stroke. Father and son Morgunovy are buried in the Kuntsevsky cemetery.


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