Ivan Klein - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Tomsk Mayor 2021



On November 5, 2020, the show of the Tobol series was completed on the first channel, the central place in the plot of which was taken by the biography of the first governor of Siberia Matvey Gagarin - a successful official of Petrovsky times executed on charges of bribery and treasury. And on November 13, a scandal threatened not far from the tape site - the mayor of Tomsk Ivan Klein was held, which is incriminated to the excess of official authority.

Childhood and youth

The future head of the semi-million Siberian city was born on June 8, 1959 in the village of Romadanovka of the Semipalatinsk region of the Kazakh SSR. Now Small Malaya Klein is called Small Vladimirovka, although in Russian standards it is a very large village - there are more than a thousand people.

Ivan is the youngest of three sons in the Klynov family. Parents of the future city holder were workers: the father worked by the driver, and the mother was a cook.

At 17, Vanya with a gold medal graduated from school named after the hope of Krupskaya in the city of Panfilov Al-Ata region. In 1991, the city returned the historical name Zharkent.

No less successful was the study of a native of Kazakhstan at the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. Klein, who entered the university after the urgent service in the Soviet Army, graduated from the institute with a red diploma and 4 years of experience in the commander of the student building.

Ivan, who had time to work to the army to work as a mechanic at a factory in Panfilov, was sent by the distribution by the master to the instrument-making plant in the capital of Soviet Kyrgyzstan. But at the first opportunity, Klein returned to live and work in the city who loved in the student years on the Tom River.

At the age of 41, Ivan Grigorievich replenished the collection of red diplomas. A businessman, who has already been led by Tomsk Beer for 9 years, has become a certified specialist in the field of state and municipal administration, and after 4 years he defended his dissertation.


Klein's career at the brewer has developed rapidly. Having come to the enterprise in 1985 to the position of chief mechanics, after 2 years Ivan Grigorievich became the chief engineer, and in 1991 - director. In 1993, a young leader visited the brewing plant in Brussels and decided to make the production headed by them no less automated and tidy than in Belgium.

For 7 years, Tomsk beer was completely reconstructed. Outdated equipment Klein replaced German, Swedish and Italian. The product range was 60 items. After the incorporation of the plant, the native of Kazakhstan took the post of general director and was awarded the informal title "Beer King of Siberia".

On October 13, 2013, the residents of Tomsk elected the mayor of a businessman with the advertising slogan "to make pure and beautiful where dirt and launch". After 5 years, Klein was elected for a second term. In February 2019, the official gave an interview with the Yutiub-Channel "Life of the City". The Grador boasts that Tomsk completed the second time in a row ended the calendar year with a budget surplus. For the period of the Maritime of Ivan Grigorievich, the population of the city increased by 28 thousand people.

Personal life

In the youth, Klein married a native of the village of Vinokurovovo Tobolsky district of the Tyumen region named Galina. The wife, who took after registration of the marriage of her husband, just a year and a half younger than Ivan Grigorievich. Already in the student years, the spouses had the first daughter of Maria. Later in the family was born Natalia and Svetlana.

After the election of Ivan Grigorievich, the Mayor Galina Ivanovna was headed by Open Joint-Stock Company Tomsk Beer. On March 2, 2020, Klein awarded his wife the "Macenacy of the Year". The mixing of the Siberian Garde of State Activities with a Personal Life was the topic of the Evening Urgant program. Similar award, the woman was honored in 2015.

For 8 years (from 2012 to 2019 inclusive), the declared income of Ivan Grigorievich amounted to 1.1 billion rubles. Together with the published earnings of Galina Ivanovna, the total arrivals in the family budget of Klynov were equal to 2 billion rubles. The members of one of the richest families of Siberia includes a controlling stake (90% of securities) of Tomsk beer.

Ivan Klein now

The detention of the city holder in November 2020 happened directly during the morning meeting in the mayor's office. The process was led by a fragile girl with an oblique in the form of the FSB, on the person of which there was a medical antiviral mask. The arrest occurred on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the spouse of Ivan Grigorievich.

Klein is already the third in the newest history of the mayor of Tomsk, on which the special services found a compromising. Alexander Makarov, led by the city for a decade, was detained in the last year of his stay in power and in 2010 was sentenced to almost 12 years in colony, but in 2015 released on par. The predecessor of Ivan Grigorievich Nikolai Nikolaichuk was detained in the Crimea a year after the resignation and sentenced to 4 years.

Klein was incriminated to the excess of official powers in the interests of the "Tomsk beer". Ivan Grigorievich allegedly unreasonably expanded the sanitary zone around the plant than the damage to urban developers was damaged. For such a crime in the Russian Federation, a wide range of punishment is envisaged - from fine 300 thousand rubles. before the prison term of 7 years. The court held on November 14 extended the official of the official until January 13, 2021.

The plot of economic violations of Klein added its spouses. Galina Ivanovna thrown into the window of the elite house at the pillowcase, which the driver of Ivan Grigorievich was picked up at the bottom. In the subject of bed linen, the crushing chairs have discovered bank cards for a total of 1.3 billion rubles.

In February 2021, Klein from the SIZO was sent to the Research Institute of Oncology, where they conducted an operation to remove the tumor. Protection insisted on home arrest for a period of rehabilitation after surgery. March 2, the court satisfied the petition.

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