Maria Antonova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Previously, Maria Antonova complained that the actors are very vulnerable and dependent - from the proposals of directors, from the audience, from public opinion. However, the actress with honor stoke up this period of acting, when we had to agree on the passing works and the minute appearances in the frame. Maria finally began to play the main roles and receive a reward in the form of fame.

Childhood and youth

Maria was born on September 1, 1988 in the cultural capital of Russia - perhaps a love for the theater and ballet. Viewing performances - and now the favorite pastrance time is Antonova. However, she herself does not plan to become an actress and did not even attend a dramatic circle at school. Free time the girl preferred to devote dancing and music.

Masha was sure that the Masha was sure that he would become a doctor, however, over time, this confidence lay down. In the 10-11 grade, the girl stood on the crossroads and the theater university chose randomly. However, the first attempt to enroll in the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art failed, it did not work out to pass the competition and with the second. As a result, Antonov's third sunset was still a student of the theater university, addressed the course of Professor Sergey Dmitrievich Cherkassky.

Diploma on the higher education of Antonov received in 2012. By that time, she had already started to act in the episodes of films and TV shows and even played a major role in the short film "Pengelape". Maria moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow and returned to the native city only on workers and visit parents.

Theater and films

Antonova got into the educational theater "On Mokhovah", where he played in the "Bright Souls", "Dance Painting", "Man-Pillow". Another job of the work was the director's laboratory on. Taiter. In parallel, Maria replenished the filmography, filming in the scenes of the TV series "House of a Big River", "Farewell," Makarov "!", Squot.

Despite the fact that the first shooting was short-term and insignificant, the actress tried to spread out 100%. She is confident: any, even the smallest role, can be played professionally and with glitter. And if Antonova was not delighted with the incoming proposals, she still took a job, guided by the principle: "I don't like - love."

The first prominent role of Maria received in 2011, while playing a friend of the main character in the fantasy series "Split". The thriller about the confrontation of vampires and people loved to the viewer, which provided Masha popularity. The favorite work of the actress was shooting in the 12-serial drama "Black cats", where her character had not so much on-screen time, but the atmosphere, the acting, director, the locations of Odessa left the Antononian lightest memories in the soul.

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In the creative biography of Maria a lot of projects shot in historical scenery. This film Dmitry Meshieva "Battalion" dedicated to revolutionary realities, where the actress played a representative of the female "battalion of death." In the "Major Sokolov" heterhares, describing the period of the Second World War, Antonova embodied the image of Sovip Sony Cantor. In addition, Maria was filmed in the tapes "Burtsy", "Paradise knows everything!", "Dr. Richter", "New Year's flight".

The actress is happy that came to the profession and does not represent life without it. Most of all, it is afraid of farting interest in the chosen case, because boredom seems to her the most terrible punishment. Antonova seeks to become freer and bold, and also dreams of pulling out a foreign language to open new horizons in actor. However, it considers the inability to plan, with the result that a lot of time is wasting.

Maria loves to be filmed in the company of eminent and experienced colleagues who have something to learn. The experience of filming in the "battalion" she still recalls with gratitude to Andrei Panin, who was a duplication for the Dubl with her who was filmed and helped correct mistakes. She readily listens to the remarks of directors and is not yet ready to offer an amendments to images, considering themselves too timid for this.

Personal life

The light on personal life actresses sheds her profile in "Instagram". She gladly fills him with his own portraits and photographs of the Son of the Bone Born on April 28, 2015.

Maria calls a child wise and patient teacher, strict guard of tenderness, sincerity and faith, as well as a source and energy absorber. Parents and other members of the Antonova family remain behind the scenes.

Maria Antonova now

On November 13, 2020, the premiere of a two-sole film "Equation with unknowns was published on TVC television channel. Chemistry killing. " In a detective on the murder of Colleague Antonov played Kiru Asspenskaya - Mathematics teachers, which unexpectedly reveals the talent of the investigator. A couple of heroin Mary in the film was the character of Ivan Stebunov.


  • 2009 - Pengelape
  • 2010 - "House of a big river"
  • 2011 - "Split"
  • 2012 - "I cancel death"
  • 2013 - "Black Cats"
  • 2014 - "Cancel all restrictions"
  • 2014 - "Major Sokolov's heterlers"
  • 2014 - "Berbs"
  • 2015 - "Satellites"
  • 2017 - "About faith"
  • 2017 - "Dr. Richter"
  • 2018 - Season of Landing
  • 2018 - "Ahead day"
  • 2019 - "Paradise knows everything!"
  • 2020 - "Equation with unknowns. Chemistry killing

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