Maria Temryukovna - Photo, biography, personal life, the cause of death, the second wife of Ivan the Terrible



Maria Temryukovna - the second wife of Ivan the Terrible, whose story is set forth in the art film "Tsar" Pavel Lungin. The marriage of natives of the Kabarda allowed to increase the territory of the Russian state, and the identity of the greatest princess and its family relationships had a lot to the historical events of those times.

Childhood and youth

The real name of Maria Temryukovna - Kuchnya (Gueanis). The Gorskaya Princess was from the family of Circassian Murza Temryuk, and there is no reliable information about her mother. Researchers have established an approximate lifetime of the tsarist spouse: 1544-1569.

Maria Temryukovna - Photo, biography, personal life, the cause of death, the second wife of Ivan the Terrible 3683_1

At the time of birth, the girls whose nationality in the chronicles are denoted "from Kabardin Cherkasy," nothing foreshadowed fateful changes in her biography. However, the father of Princess referred to those rulers who saw the benefits in close cooperation with the neighbors.

For example, the sisters of the girl married the Eastern rulers: Altynchach - for the Astrakhan king Bekbulata, and Malurub - for Tinechmat, the heir of Nogai Khan.

Personal life

The approximate began to convince Ivan Vasilyevich to marry the second time already on the 8th day of the death of Anastasia Romanovna. The main challenger at that time was the sister of the Polish king Catherine, but the vanta brother of the potential bride asked too much redemption - the territory of Novgorod, Pskov and Smolensk, which for Russia was unacceptable.

Then the command was found suitable for the Terrible Girl received ambassadors. In 1560, the counters of the matchmakers went through the principles where the girls of the right age and the situation could be.

Separate attention was decided to pay the Caucasus, especially since the Kabarda, as soon as that, Murza, asked them to take them under her hand, and the boyars insisted on the establishment of relations with Caucasians.

People in the Cherkessian principality, from where the Voevoda Fedor Bournenlin, Ambassador Fyodor Vokcherin and the Council of Semyon Malkinin brought the 1561st Princess Gueanis in June - or Kutena, as she became known in the new homeland.

Cherkhenka came accompanied by the sister of Altynchah and her husband, as well as the brother Houseanuk. Under the royal yard, she served another relative, who was called Mikhail. He introduced a girl with the customs and traditions of the country.

Ivan Vasilyevich's Ivan Vasilyevich was liked on Lint's loaf, and he gave good to the wedding rite. Giving a handkerchief, embroidered with pearls, and a ring, the Grand Duke ordered to hold the baptism of the future wife and teach the Russian law.

After announcing the Metropolitan Makarius of the new name of the tsarist bride, the bride was presented by a narrowed ring-selection. The wedding of the Moscow Tsar with the Gorsa Beauty took place in a month, on August 21, 1561 in the Assumption Cathedral, and the marriage himself led to the accession of the current territory of Kabardino-Balkaria and the elevation of Circassian princes.

From the spouse, in the baptism of called Maria, in 1563, Ivan Grozny was born the son of Vasily, but the baby lived for a long time, just 2 months. According to some information, the death of the heir to his father used for the next persecution of unwanted. Other children, famous for historians, did not have time to appear.


The contemporaries accused Mary Temryukov in Potakania the dark side of Ivan the Terrible. Personal life of the crowned couple flowed in the first years together. According to some reports, the woman did not stay away from the husband's travels, whether it was working parties, hunting or execution.

There are other testimonies speaking in favor of the fact that burning was not at all such wild and depraved special, which they are trying to submit it in some works. On the contrary, the queen went with prayers on the monasteries, trying to argue for himself the gift of Chadorius. In travels, she was usually accompanied by Tsarevichi Ivan and Fedor.

Foreign observers stated that the Queen was owned by the idea of ​​organizing an oprichnin, which they also tried to introduce separate boyars. Russian scientists, however, doubt these fabrications, believing that the royal spouse could not be so possible in the basics of government management. However, during the years of marriage of the Grand Duke and Cherkhenyki in Russia, the repression and cruel violence.

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Ivan IV himself cooled to the spouse as soon as she realized that she was unable to give birth, but still in no hurry to send it or get rid of it. To live in Russia, the young queen was managed until 1569. In September, after arriving from Vologda, Maria Temryukovna died in the Alexander Sloboda.

The official cause of death recognized the hypothermia, because the stern northern climate did not germancu. The Grozny himself announced that his wife was poisoned by allowing himself new violence, and at the same time another marriage.

The coffin with the bodies from the chambers took place of ryrichniki, among them Fedor Basmanov, Brother Tsaritsa Mikhail Temryukovich and Boris Godunov. The grave of the second wife Ivan Vasilyevich was originally located on the territory of the Ascension Cathedral, next to Anastasia Romanovna.

Later, the burial was transferred to the ground floor of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral. At the same time, archaeologists with chagrin found that the woman would not be able to restore the sculptural portrait, since the skull was poorly preserved. The monument of the city's princess is installed in the city of Nalchik, in honor of the entry of Kabardino-Balkaria to Russia.

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