Magomed Abdusalamov - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Boxer 2021



Magomed Abdusalamov is a Russian heavyweight boxer, which has become disabled due to the mistakes of doctors. The only defeat put the end of his sports biography and almost deprived of life.

Childhood and youth

Magomedgadzhievich Abdusalamov was born in Makhachkala on March 25, 1981. Darginets by nationality.

In his youth, he was engaged in kickboxing and Thai boxing. At 22, he was injured knee, left for a while. One day she accidentally went into the boxing hall and decided to work out a little. A month later, the familiar coach invited him to train professionally.

Abdusalamov participated in the Championship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on boxing, but soon it was disqualified for a fight. Magomed then did not own the technique, did not think about the defense and did a bid for the force of impact.

In 2005 he became the champion of Russia. In 2006, she repeated success and tried to get to the Olympics, but he was not taken due to lack of experience. The boxer himself believed that he needed not experience, but money and communications.


Professional career Magomed began in 2008, setting a kind of record: won 8 knots knockout in the first round. His debut battle took place on Red Square and broadcast on NTV live. Having made a name in Russia, the boxer is interested in promoters in America.

In November 2013, Abdusalamov came out for the US Champion belt against Cuban Mike Perez. The fee was $ 40 thousand. At that time, the athlete's statistics looked impressive: 18 wins and not a single defeat. But it happened. In addition, that fight was the last for Magomed.

In the first round, he received a fracture of the left cheekbone, but lasted to the end. A few hours later, he was hospitalized in a medical center with a diagnosis of hemorrhage into the brain. To avoid a deadly outcome, the boxer had to introduce into an artificial one.

A few days later, Abdusalamova had a stroke. Doctors conducted trepanation, removed blood clot and part of the skull from the brain to reduce the pressure. Treatment lasted 10 months. The right side of the body paralyzed.

The athlete was chained to a wheelchair. The family of Abdusalasov accused American physicians in negligence, because immediately after the battle, Magomed complained about strong headaches, but he was refused to hospitalize. The courts stretched for several years, and in September 2017, the New York state authorities agreed to pay $ 22 million the victim. Half of this money went to pay for lawyers, treatment and rehabilitation.

Former Boxer Promoter Yuri Fedorov said that even before the battle with Perez, Abdusallas found heart arrhythmia. But he refused to pass a serious examination that would help avoid tragedy. During runs in the park he had fainting. The American side had no right to produce Magomed to Ring. It would be better to remove him from sports.

Personal life

Before the tragedy, a man was very happy in his personal life. His wife is called Bakanai, three daughters grow.

I got acquainted in Dagestan, through parents. Both were engaged to others, but because of the disagreements between the families of the wedding did not take place. Fathers staged a young people with a meeting, Magomed appeared to the girl cute. Bakanay studied on an economist, but the future husband said that a woman should not work. And she threw the university.

In the early years, Marriage Abdusalam did not even allow his wife to walk alone for bread, was so jealous. If friends-bachelor came to him, Bakanay was forbidden to leave the kitchen so that no one watched her.

At the peak of the shape of the boxer weighed 120 kg with an increase in 190 cm. He did not comply with any diets, he ate what he wanted. Not smoked and did not use alcohol.

In 2011, Bakanai with children moved to her husband in Los Angeles, and then in Miami. The spouse of Magomeda regretted, who had to work hard for three hours a day, was afraid for his health. As it turned out, not in vain.

In the hospital, she struggled every day for the life of his beloved, made a charging and massage with him. Soon Magomed partially restored the motility and speech, stood on his feet, although not without assistance. American doctors were surprised, because according to their data, this could not be.

At the request of Journalists, Bakanai made an affordable family page in "Instagram", where the photo and video about the husband laid out so that fans and not indifferent to write words of support.

Now the state of the health of Magomed is stable, but he no longer became the former person. The athlete can not have himself, the disease made it nervous, so you have to sit on sedatives.

Magomed Abdusalam Now

In May 2020, a friend of Boxer Surhi Sungurov received an offer from Hollywood producers to rent a film about Magomed Abdusalamova. Initially, it was planned to publish a book, but the athlete's family was not against if in addition they would remove the picture.

The book began to write the wife of the boxer in June 2020. Bakanai is going to talk about the ill-fated fight and events that happened after. The funds reversed from the sale will go to the aid of athletes in a similar situation.


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