Alexey Basmanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Boyar and Voivod Ivan IV Grozny



Alexey Basmanov is a historical personality that has contradictory assessments. With the impeccable service of the king and the indisputable military merits in many sources, such expressive epithets as "maniac" and the "landing of the Svyatourus Land" were used.

Childhood and youth

The exact date of the birth of Alexei Danilovich is unknown, tentatively at the end of the XV - early XVI centuries. His father Danil Andreevich Plescheev belonged to the ancient boyars. Ivan III served and died in Lithuanian captivity, when his only son was still a young man.

Alexey Basmanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Boyar and Voivod Ivan IV Grozny 3676_1

This fact belongs to a notable family causes confusion from historians. The first information that reflects the biography of the contemporary of Ivan Grozny, belongs to 1543. Then he was listed by the third governor in the city center called Elhatma. By that time, it was no longer Yun, therefore it was rather strange that there was no honors or merit to the Fatherland.

But then Alexei Danilovich showed himself ambiguously. Sources indicate - Basmanov took direct participation in conspiracy against the Favorite of Grozny, Advisor Fyodor Vorontsov.

The reaction of the king followed immediately. But the repressions did not touch the future boyar. And in 1550 his military career started, which was noted by the events such as the capture of Kazan, the confrontation of the excellence in the number of Horde Devlet-Hire in 1555 and the brilliant battle in Narva during the Livonian war.

Serving sovereign

Alexey Danilovich participated in Kazan campaigns. In 1552, he already received a twum rank of Ocolnich, together with Peter Ivanovich Shuisky carried out the order of the king, circling the shelves around the city at night.

The siege of Kazan was difficult - not only the excellent preparation of the enemy, but also to strengthen the Kremlin. Moscow governors decided to storm the city from the Agian field. At the same time, the complexity was a 6.5-meter member of 15 meters in depth.

The difficult situation arose in the fall of 1552, when part of the Russian troops moved away from the advanced position and did not expect a sudden attack of Tatars. Then the prince Mikhail Vorotynsky, Peter Morozov and Yuri Kashin received heavy wounds.

But the squad of Basmanov arrived on time. He managed to defend the conquered positions and reflect the attack, thanks to which the siege of Kazan continued. September 30, the first attempts of the Kremlin's assault were taken. The fierce battle turned out to be successful for Russian troops - it was possible to capture part of the wall. Vorotynsky hurriedly sent the messengers to the king, so that they reported to the situation, and asked to give permission to the overall attack.

However, the remaining shelves were not ready for a decisive battle. She took place on October 2 - the city surrendered. And Alexey Danilovich became in the defeated Kazan to the third governor.

In 1555, Basmanov answered again. Then the Moscow army led by Ivan Vasilyevich Sheremetyev collided with the Gerllet Gurya superior. Kazan Voivod managed in the shortest possible time to collect an army of 7 thousand warriors and came to revenue without fear, reflecting the strikes of the enemy (the Crimean Hana had 60 thousand people) for one and a half days. The next invasion of the Tatar was broken, and Alexey Danilovich for such merits granted Chin Boyarin. In addition, he moved to Novgorod, where he took the post of the second governor.

But I did not have to rest on the laurels for a long time. Strengthening positions in the south and east of the country made it possible to draw a look at the west. The Livonian War began, Ivan IV sought to Baltic and the development of trade relations with Europe.

Reason for reversal of the military campaign was abound. And in January 1558, Russian troops reached the fortress of Narva. Livonian Order requested a truce and even voluntarily passed the city of Russia. But in the spring, I broke the contract, starting the shelling than the response actions provoked.

Alexey Basmanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Boyar and Voivod Ivan IV Grozny 3676_2

Basmanov, together with Danil Adshev and Ivan Burilin moved to Narva. On May 11, a stubborn bombardment began, which resulted in huge fires. They did not stew them, and Alexey Danilovich showed the initiative and rushed to the attack with the army. As soon as the city was taken, the governor of Novgorod ordered the deployment of the gun towards the castle and began shelling. The Order soldiers surrendered and even scored the right to leave the fortress freely.

The major success of Boyarin and the governors of Ivan IV of Grozny was that he quickly appreciated the situation and took responsibility to the "Likhim Rock" and without additional preparation to continue the storming of the castle. Some historians suggest that in Kazan, when Vorotynsky requested permission to continue the battle, in fact the initiator of such decisive steps was also bass.

The last military achievements of Boyarin belong to 1564. During the next invasion, Devlet-Hires, along with his son rested in the estate under Ryazan. And as soon as I learned about the invasion of the enemy, immediately attacked the advanced Tatar detachments. He managed to capture the "languages" and send them to Moscow.

And then Alexei Danilovich had to hide in the city where there was not even a garrison. A simple sewner began to defend - the assault began on October 2 and lasted for 4 days. Defense of Ryazan walked with varying success, but soon the attacks of the enemy managed to repel. Moreover, Basmanov even got into pursuit and defeated one enemy detachment.

The reputation of Boyarin by the end of life was worse rapidly. Historians call it one of the initiators of the administration of Okrichnin. In addition, he, despite the old age, and performed atrocities. For example, on behalf of Ivan Grozny, he drove the Metropolitan Philip from the Temple.

Personal life

The fact that Alexei Danilovich had a wife, became known thanks to the detection of her grave in the Suzdal Pokrovsky Monastery. Most likely, the woman was exacted there after the execution of her husband. Other details of the personal life of the governor exist only at the level of assumptions.

Alexey Basmanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Boyar and Voivod Ivan IV Grozny 3676_3

The boyar had two children - Peter and Fyodor Basmanov. Both heirs also noted during the Official period.


In 1569, Prince of Athanasius Vyazemsky accused the voyage in state treason - attempts to transfer Pskov and Novgorod Poland. So it is or not - unknown. It is the opinion that the elimination of Basmanov was planned by Vasily Dirty and Maluta Skurats.

The exact reason and circumstances of the death of this historical person are unknown. Although the majority of sources insist that he was executed, and his native son Fedor, who stuck a knife in his parent's chest instead of a promise of the king himself.

Other researchers put forward the theory by which the traitor with the heir was exiled to the monastery prison on Beloozer. Death Date Boyarina - 1570.

In art


  • 1862 - "Prince Silver" (author A. K. Tolstoy)
  • 2002 - "Basmans: Honor of Governor" (author A. I. Antonov)
  • 2014 - "Corsairs Ivan Grozny" (author K. S. Badigin)


  • 1944 - Ivan Grozny (Actor Ambrose Buchma)
  • 1991 - "Tsar Ivan Grozny" (Actor Valentin Kulik)
  • 1992 - "Thunderstorm over Rus" (Actor Viktor Scheglov)
  • 2009 - "Tsar" (Actor Alexander Domocharo)
  • 2009 - Ivan Grozny (actor Victor Zaporizhzhya)
  • 2020 - "Grozny" (Actor Vitaly Khaev)

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